Ispod sunca zlatnoga blista riva najlipša
Na planeti malena, al' u srcu najveća
Puna duša radosti kad ti šapnem ime
Grade moj

Dok te maze oblaci, i kad ti bura zazviždi
Isto takaješ mi sve niti s tobom spletene
Puna duša jubavi kad ti šapnem ime
Splite moj.

Zauvik si tu u mojim mislima i grudima
Dok kroz plač i smij
Lipotu poklanjaš svim ljudima

Kad bi svako jubi te samo pola od mene
Tvoja lipost kamena još bi jače zasjala

Puna usta jubavi kad ti šapnem ime
Splite moj

Zauvik si tu u mojim mislima i grudima
Dok kroz plač i smij
Lipotu poklanjaš svim ljudima

Dok te truju sile zla
Znaj da čuvat ću te ja i slični meni

Moja ljubav bit ćeš ti, naša ljubav bit će štit
Samo kreni, rasti i cvitaj

Zauvik si tu u mojim mislima i grudima
Dok kroz plač i smij
Lipotu poklanjaš svim ljudima

Splite moj...


I'm not afraid of anything
I just need to know that I can breath

And I don't need much of anything
But suddenly suddenly

I am small and the world is big
All around me is fast moving

Surrounded by so many things
Suddenly suddenly

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same

How does it feel
To be different from me
Are we the same
How does it feel

I am young
And I am free

But I get tired and I get weak
I get lost and I can't sleep

But suddenly suddenly

How does it feel…

Would you comfort me
Would you cry with me

I am small
And the world is big
But I'm not afraid of anything

How does it feel
How does it feel
You're different from me

How does it feel
How does it feel
You're different from me


22.07.2004., četvrtak


Come one and dance with me...
Come dance with me…Come on and dance into the light…

Trenutno sve sto zelim je da sam na moru, da je on samnom, neka svitla tamo i valjda… da plesemo. Neki tulum na plazi bio bi savrsen. Tako volim plesati. I sve bih dala sad da smo negdje na moru. Vruca tijela, muzika… necu reci alkohol, valjda to nije zdravo ali… isto je dobro u zmernim kolicinama. :) Tako bih zeljela da se izludim ono totalno… A ne ovako, sutra idemo vani, ono nista pametnog, u Sloveniji nikad nije nista pametnog, sve je poznato pa je dosadno… A i nema mora kod mene. A ubrzo cu biti opet na moru, tijesim se time :)

Dance into the light

It's there in the eyes of the children
In the faces smiling in the windows
You can come on out, come on open the doors
Brush away the tears of freedom

Now we're here, there's no turning back
We have each other
We have one voice

Hand in hand we will lay the tracks
Because the train is coming to carry you home

Come dance with me
Come on and dance into the light
Everybody dance into the light

There'll be no more hiding in shadows of fear
There'll be no more chains to hold you

The future is yours - you hold the key
And there are no walls with freedom

Now we're here, we won't go back
We are one world
We have one voice

Side by side we are not afraid
Because the train is coming to carry you home

Come dance with me
Come on and dance into the light
Everybody dance into the light

Do you see the sun - it's a brand new day
Oh, the world's in your hands, now use it
What's past is past, don't turn around

Brush away the cobwebs of freedom

Now we're here, there's no turning back
You have each other
You have one voice

Hand in hand you can lay the tracks
Because the train is coming to carry you home

Come dance with me
Come on and dance into the light
Everybody dance into the light

- 23:24 - Zelis li komentirati? (4) - Isprintaj ovaj post! - #

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Kupi mi kartu u jednom smeru
ali uvek imaj u ljubav veru

Ne zatvaraj za mnom ni srce ni vrata
pozeli mi srecu, i nista drugo
ne placi za mnom, ne idi
necu dugo.

Ako me vetar zivota odnese
gde nesrecni stoje, jedno uz drugo
cekaj me i pati
samo ne, nemoj dugo.

U kofer stavi par svojih stvari
da ih sa mojim sudbina spari.

Ne zatvaraj za mnom, ni srce ni vrata...

A, kada te vrati trenutak krivice
a, hladan ti vetar siba u lice

grli me I ljubi moja tugo
nisi dugo.

tad spustices glavu
na ranjene grudi, I pitaces srce
da li prasta ili sudi

i plakacu kao kisa moja tugo
nisam dugo

Pre nego za milost zamolim
svuci me,
po svakoj suzi tuci me.
K'o dete kazni me
K'o ženu spasi me.
Tako mi malo treba da te prezirem,
još mnogo manje da ti se ne opirem.

Sav bol u meni ostavi
odeš li, to mi je gore od ljubavi.

Hiljadu razloga je dovoljno dobrih
da bih mrzela te.
U ovim noćima bez duše koja plače za nama.
Hiljadu razloga je,
a, ja tražim jedan da bih volela te
makar bila anđeo sama na stubu srama.