opis bljoga...

ovde ću ja olakšavati svoju grešnu štrumfastu dushu...

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hm... ja?

jedno pomalo komplicirano biće koje ima neodoljive porive za čokoladom i alkoholom. sve ostalo je manje važno!

Now I've realized
I fight with a truth against your lies
Illusion and confusion make mystery
But I write the history
See, many were called but I was chosen
To melt you down and leave you frozen, yeah.

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Traži me po zvijezdama

Kad ti odem ja,
Kad se svijetla pogase
Kad ti druga zapjeva
Pravi se da ne čuješ
Kad ti odem ja
Kad se spuste zavjese
Kad nemiri dođu
Budi hrabar ne daj se

Traži me po zvijezdama
Hodnicima nebeskim
Traži me u pjesmama
Netko će ih pjevati
Traži me u snovima
Onim čistim dječijim
Samo nemoj poć u raj
Tamo me ne čekaj..

hrabra kao prije

Riječ po riječ
Stigli smo do šutnje
U tišini leć
Postalo je
najlakše od sveg

Noć po noć
Zaklinje se jutro
Da će sutra doć
Čisto, umiveno, nedužno

Nisam više hrabra kao prije
Ljubim te u obraze
Dok me tvoje
usne zaobilaze
Nisam više
pametna ko prije
Oči tvoje duboke
Sada šute, i ne smiju se
Tako ljubav prestaje

Kap po kap
Gledam kako curi
iz tvog pogleda
Sreća nekoć

Dah po dah
Udišemo miris
zadnjeg poljupca
I prestajemo biti ti i ja...

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za ljubav hvala ti

Nestvarno je znam,
ponovno smo sami
Tiho kao san
dišemo u tami
I svaki pogled tvoj
daje mi nadu da si moj
Ako ne zauvijek, bar za tren

Ne gledaj me,
tvoje oči bole me
U njima tuge usnule bude se

Za ljubav hvala ti
Kad bi znali svi voljeti ko' mi
Znam da ne, ne bi prestali
I zato vrati se,
svojom zovi me
Znam da ne mogu to svi
Al' možeš ti

Nestvarno je znam,
u tami jutro budi se
Da pođem bilo gdje
miris tebe ostaje...


images for blogs


...It's hard to remember
how it felt before
Now I found the
love of my life...
Passes things
get more comfortable
Everything is going right

And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you
now with someone else
And it's such a miracle
that you and me
are still good friends
After all that we've
been through
I know we're cool...

We used to think
it was impossible
Now you call me
by my new last name
Memories seem
like so long ago
Time always kills the pain

Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days
where the mess was made
Look how all the kids
have grown
We have changed
but we're still the same
After all that we've
been through
I know we're cool

And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles,
and now we're hangin' out
with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool


...No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you

It's so sad that
you're leaving
It takes time
to believe it
But after all is
said and done
You're gonna be
the lonely one, oh

Do you believe in
life after love?
I can feel something
inside me say
I really don't think
you're strong enough, no
Do you believe in
life after love?
I can feel something
inside me say
I really don't think
you're strong enough, no

What am I supposed to do
Sit around and wait for you
Well I can't do that
And there's no turning back

I need time to move on
I need love to feel strong
'Cause I've got time to
think it through
And maybe I'm
too good for you, oh

Do you believe in
life after love?
I can feel something
inside me say
I really don't think
you're strong enough, no
Do you believe in
life after love?
I can feel something
inside me say
I really don't think
you're strong enough, no

Well I know that
I'll get through this
'Cause I know that I am strong
I don't need you anymore
I don't need you anymore
I don't need you anymore
No, I don't need you anymore...

...tu noć kad si se udavala
nitko ne zna zašto si plakala
da li radi tamjana
ili starih uspomena...

...tu noć kad si se udavala
mene pijanog su odnijeli
moji prijatelji, vjerni psi
do jutra me tješili
da ima milijon takvih
kao što si ti
i da ću te preboljeti...

adopt your own virtual pet!


...stvari se polako vraćaju na mjesto
Ovako nešto se ne događa često
Premda, priznajem
ponekad pretjeram i
nekud otplovim sam...
I tad slike izbljede sve
i tad zatvaram se u sebe
i tad nisi mi potrebna ...

Kazaljke i dalje krugove crtaju
umjesto zvijezda kišne kapi na grad padaju ...
prazno mjesto u mom krevetu
sjeća da bila si tu...

Tko zna kuda si otišla
Tko zna zbog čega se ne vraćaš
Tko zna... sve piše u zvjezdama...

još jučer poljupcima mi smo se borili
i dodirom smo jedno drugom tajne otkrivali
što se dogodilo
gdje je ta kap što je prelila čašu
što te natjerala da odneseš sve što sam volio
a tebe sam volio
Sve što sam sanjao, a tebe sam sanjao...
ma zar sam pogriješio što sam se smijao
kad su mi govorili da sve su žene kurve...

kad bi zauvijek zaspao ovaj grad
kao u bajci prekriven trnjem i travama...
sve dok se ti ne vratš,
a vratit ćeš se znam
I sve dok tvoja ruka ne dotakne moj vrat...
Dok me ne zagrliš,
dok me ne poljubiš,
dok me ne zagrije tvoj dah...

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ako nekoga zanima kako je nastala kultura štrumfova...

10.12.2006., nedjelja

they call me the wild rose...

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
She stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped at the tears that ran down my face

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow
So sweet and scarlet and free?"

On the second day he came with a single red rose
He said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow"
I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed
"If I show you the roses, will you follow?"

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he knelt above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said "All beauty must die"
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth...

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