the dark side of the moon

03.10.2006., utorak


Dal osjecanja govore vise od rijeci.
Govor duse je nijem i necujan tok
preliva sarenih boja,
obavijen oko blijedih
mekanih grudi,
drhtavog upalsenog
tjela dodira.
Sareni se osmjeh
na licu njenom ,
sareni se plav pogled
iz oka nejnog sanjivog
pomalo pospanog.
Osjecanja plove po
povrsini u toploj
noci sarenih boja.
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Ponekad al samo ponekad rijeci budu vazne onima koji nas nisu postivali.
Ali onda bude kasno.

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Od samog pocetka kad zivimo mi umiremo...

Cekaju da na sodvedu u prosjecni vrt.
Znas kako blijedo i cudno uzbudljiva dode smrt...
U cudan cas.
Nenajavljena neplanirana.
Kao strasan gost kojeg si doveo u postelju.
Smrt od svih nas cini andele i daje nam krila gdje ramena budu.
Glatka poput gavranovih kandza.
Nema vise novaca ni ljepih odjela.
Ovo drugo kraljevstvomajbolje s eipak cini.
Dok druga celjust ne otkrije incest.
U slobodnu poslusanost vegetirajucem zakonu necu otici.
Vise volim casicu prijatelja od velike porodice.


Hey,I`m your life,
I`m the one who
takes you there.
Hey,I`m your life
I`m the one who

They ,they.betray.
I`m your only frend`s
They ,they,betray,
I`mforever there.

I`m your dream,make you real,
I`m your eye when you must real,
I`m your pain when you,can`t feel
Sad but True
I`m your dream,mis a staray
I`m your eye`s while your away
I`m your pain when you repay,
You know it`s bad but true,
Sad but True

You ,you`re my mask,
you`re my cover, my shelter,
You ,you, `re my mask,
you`re the one who bihaned,
Do, do my whork,
do my dirty whork,
spale a goat
do, do my deads,
for you`re the one
who`s shamed

I`m your dream,I`m your eyes,
I`m your pain,
I`m your dream,I`m your eyes
I`m your pain,
I`m your dream,i`m your eyes,
I`m your pain
Sad but True

Hate I`m tour hate,
I`m your hate when you
wan love,
pay, pay,the price,
pay, for nothing fair
Hey , I`m your life,I`m the one
who took you there
Hey, I`m your life,
and I no over care,

I`m your truth telling ley,
I`m your resan alibe
I`m inside open eyes
I`m you
Sad but Trure..

Nothing Else Matters

So close no amtter how far
coludn`t be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matter.

Never opened my self this way
life is ours, we like I tour way,
All these words i don`t just say
an nothing else matters

Never cared for what tehy do,
never cared for what they know,
oh but I now.

So, close no matter how far
coluldn`t be much more from the heart
forever trusting else matters.

N ever cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
oh, but I now.

Never opened, mu self this way
life iz ours, we like I tour way
All this words I don`t just say
an nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find`n you

Never cared for wha`t tehy do
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
oh ,and I know
Yeah, yeah.....

I can`t remeberd anything
can`t tell this is true or dream
deep insideI feel silince stop`s me.
Now that the waris thouoh with me
I`m waking up I cannot see
That there`s not much leaft of me
nothing is real but pain now.

Hold my breadth as I wish for dead
on pleas god,wake me!
Break in the nomb it`s much too real
in the ump`s life that I must feel
but can`t look forward to reval,
look to the time when`Ill be
fed thrugh the tube that sticks
in me just I like a mar time
novelty tied to malitnes that
make me be cut this life off from me!

Hold me breathes I whis for death
oh please god, wake me...
Now the world is gone I`m just one
oh god, help me,hold my breath
as i whis for deadth
oh god please help me!

Darkknes imprisoming me all
that I see apsolute hororr
I can not live I cannot die
trapped in my self body
my holding call.
Zandiming has taken my sigiht
taken my speach,
taken my hearing,
taken my arm`s
taken my legs,
taken my soul,
left me whit life in hell.


What`s left inside him?
Don`t he remeber us?
Can`t he belive me ?
We semmed like brother
talked for hour last month,
about we wanna be
Isit now whit his hand in mine
but I know he can`t feel.

What`s done is done
I`m clos ewhit his mother
and she cries endlessly
Lord how we miss him
At last what`s remebered
It`s so important to make
best friend`s in life
But it`s hard when my friend
sit`s whit black expressions.

No one knows
What`s done is done
It`s as if he where dead
He as hollow as I alone now
He as hollow as I alone
A shell of my friend
Just flesh and bone
There`s no soul
He sees no love
I shake my fits as skies above
mad at god mad.

H eas hollow as I converse
I whis he`d waken from this corse
Hear my words before
it`s through
I wan`t to come in after you.
My best frend.

Black Sabbath
What is this that
stand`s before me?
Figure in black
taht point`s at me?
Turn oraund quick
and start to run.
Find out you`re
the chosen one.
Oh, no.
Big bolack shape
whit eyes of fire!
Telling people
their desire.
Satan`s sitting
there he`s smilling
Watch those mlams
get higher, and higher.
Oh no, no, no, no!
Please god help me!
This is the endmy friend
Satan`s coming around
the bend.
People running `cos
they`re scared.
yes people better go
and be ware.
No, no, Please no!!!!

Sweat Life

Alright now!
Won`t to listen!
When I frist met you
diden`t realise?
I can`t forge`t you
or you suprise?
You intruducet me
to my mind.
And leaft me wanting
you and you`re kid.
I love you
I love you
Oh you now it.
My life was empty
forever on a down
Until you took me
showed me around
My life is free know
My life is steal
I love you sweet leaf
though you can`t hear
Come on now-rty it out
Straight people don`t
know what you`re about?
They put you down
and shot you out.
And gave to me
a new belive ,
and soon the world
will love you
Sweet leaf...

Kazu da je ljubav slijepa .
U stvarnosti nista na ovom svijetu ne vidi tako ostro kao ljubav.
Nije ljubav ta koja je slijepa ve c veza,zavisnost, kacenje.
kacenje je ono sto zelimo po svaku cijenu kad grncevito grabimo predmetili osobu koju zelimo po svaku cjenu misleci da je to ona prava sreca za nas.

Zivot je zanosna arija za onoga ko ima usi,
ali rijetka su veoma rijeta bica koja uopste
mogu da je cuju i osjete.

Dok stojim za sankom
delimicno pijan
mrzeci pomalo i sebe i druge
ubijam lagano konjak,cigarete,
prijatelje dobre moje vjerne sluge
Nisam od onih koji cvile
vise te neam i sta tu mogu
ja cu se posle odvuci kuci
samo da popijem jos jednu s nogu.

Nisi valjda luda
da se stidis
sto si em prognala
istocno od raja
pa se nasmesi kada
me vidis ostani dubre
do kraja .
Ostani dubre do kraja.

Znam necu moci jos dugo
da zaspim
Beskrajne duge prolete noci
kako su pogresni dani bez tebe
tu mi ni pice ne moze pomoci.

Nisi valjda luda
da se stidis
sto si me prognala
istocno od raja
pa se nasmesi
kada me vidis ostani
dubre do kraja.

Dvoje Neverne bebe

Pozovi me da me nema
u svakom casu samo mirno sutim
govori nesto kako znas
jer volim svet u kom je zivot kad ga gubim.

Nek ti je sreca
ma gde postojis
ljubavi moja
sto te ne volim

I mozda nekad koga znam
da naucim da sve u mnei sve je prazno
i tako mi je svaki dan
odlutam u snove gde to nije vazno.

nek ti e sreca
ma gde postojis
ljubavi moja
sto te ne volim


The Doors L.A Woman
Jimi Hedrix The Best of
Led Zeppelin 3
Pink Floyd mp3
Metallica mp3
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Block Out
KUD Idijoti
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