Self Possessed

20.07.2006., četvrtak

X-men 3: The Last Stand (Posljednja fronta, uporište kako vam drago)

Here's a little movie review: I thought it would be better, I mean it's puno buke ni zašto, and the point of the movie: be yourself? Well they didn't really show it like that, I mean one of the main characters takes that goddamned cure, it's just not good, what kind of an example are they giving, that if your'e a Jew or Black or gay that you should just change that so you can fit in, that's just something only a coward would do. They've taken one of world's najpoučnijih comic books što se tiče rasizma and turned it into a high budget movie and have taken away all of its value. Stupid, sure the cure isn't permanent but still you just don't do that, out of principle, what kind of a person would do such a thing, I mean I get it the girl had a rough time but that's all the more reason for her not to tkae the damn cure, to set a role model for others, I'm very very disappointed...


17.07.2006., ponedjeljak

Pedofili imaju stranku (Let's f*ck children political party)

Dosad nisam imala ništa protiv Nizozemske, ustvari jesam ali nema veze citiram: "It's fucking utopia overthere" kraj citata. Yeah and now it's utopia for pedophiles. They fucking want to change the age of consent from 16 to 12!!! I mean that's just sick, it's gonna be the same like it was with homosexuals, they're gonna become a minority and have 'rights', well gay is ok to some extent I mean it's mostly grown people having sex with other grown people but pedophiles... soon it's gonna be like this: if I start writing crap about them it's gonna become insultive, and I'll be charged with a crime from hatred... sick, I mean I understand about minorities and them being suppressed every day I mean look at the rasism in the world but pedophiles are an entirely different group of people, I mean people come on, would you let your 12 YEAR OLD daughter to have sex with a 30 something year old? ok 16-17 that can still go, but 12?! for Christ's sake are they insane?

08.07.2006., subota


evo Rogue evo slika, nije baš nešto al meni se viđa

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