What happened to us,you know?I don't know who I am anymore,or how I got here.I miss who I used to be.


But the lies they start to show
tell me how it feels to know right now
that I wont be around
so baby before I put you out
Take a bow

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Evo jako dugo nisam napisala post. No to ne znači
da odustajem od bloga, nego sam više vremena i pažnje
posvećivala svom novom fan blogu o Sophiji Bush.
Ewo naišla sam na jednu zanimljivu štafetu na
OB-ovom blogu pa eto da i ja odgovorim.

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Besplatan upload slika i fotografija
01. Ever kissed a brown eyed and brown haired person?

02. Can you see a phone right now?
Da,ispred mene je.

03. What are you listening to right now?
Michelle Branch-Are you happy now.

04. Where is it coming from?
Iz zvučnika na kompu.

05. Last thing you ate?
Upravo sam ručala,salatu i šnicle.

06. What was the last thing you saw on TV?
Ajme, sinoć oko pola dva, Kill Bill 2.Glupost živa.

07. Who was the last person other than family you saw?
Lana Čop. Išle smo trčati sinoć.

08. Are labels/stereotypes good?
Ovisi na šta se odnosi.

09. Favorite flavor of lip gloss:
Pa...Volim sve okuse,trenutno imam maybellineovo sjajilo od žvakaće gume.

10. Song stuck in your head?
Are you happy now definitivno.

11. Acoustic or electric guitars?
Akustična gitara.

12. Do you dance while getting ready for whatever?

13. What are you wearing right now?
Hladno mi je,mislim da ću dobiti temperaturu,
imam crvenu majicu na bretele i kratke crvene hlačice
i preko toga dugačku ljubičastu pidžamu i prsluk.

14. What is the greatest number of people you've preformed in front of?
Ajme nisam brojala, vjerojatno kad sam pjevala u gimnaziji.. rekla bih 200.
Ne ček, možda na karaoke natjecanju. A ne znam, sve je tu negdje,200,300.

15. Have you gone skinny dipping?
Da.Ovo ljeto.

16. Have you ever taken a shower while you were drunk?

17. Do you believe in magic?
Da vjerujem.Vjerujem da pokreće svijet i da nema ničega bez magije.

18. Favorite city?
U Hrvatskoj Zagreb,voljela bih tamo živjeti.A u svijetu
definitivno New York ili Los Angeles.

19. Have you ever made out on a plane?
Ne nisam nikad putovala avionom pa nisam imala prilike.

20. Would you eat human flesh for money?

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21. Do you have leadership skills?
Da,inače ne bih željela postati profesorica.

22. Can you play an instrument?
Da,klavir i gitaru.

23. Have you ever sat on a roof and looked at stars?
Ne, krov mi je previsok.Ali mnogo puta sam ležala nasred
dvorišta i gledala gore.

24. Ever done that while talking on the phone to a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Ovaj, ne.

25. Favorite type of sock?
Oh Gosh...ne znam,roza

26. Have you ever shoplifted?
Ne i ne namjeravam.Sramota.

27. Do you like tongue twisters?
Ovaj, ne znam.Nisam nikad razmišljala o tome.

28. Have you recently gotten someone pregnant?
Haha, oh my gosh,ne, nemam s čim.

29. Do you have a girlfriend?
Ne,nisam gay.

30. What scent are you wearing right now?
Britney Spears,Fantasy.

31. Are there any animals around you at the moment?
Ne.Nemam ljubimca.

32. Drinking anything at the moment?
Imam veliku bocu Studene u sobi ali ne pijem trenutno.

33. Ever thought you were going to get married?
Pa nisam još udana ali naravno da bih željela jednog
dana pronaći osobu s kojom ću provesti cijeli život.

34. Would you ever go rock climbing?
Ne.Ne volim te adrenalinske izazove.

35. Last person who told you they loved you besides family?
Hm.Vjerojatno Ivan ili Lucas.

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36. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Da.Nedavno na maturalnoj od frendice,došla sam kući u 9 ujutro.

37. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Da.Ali kad budem starija.

38. Favorite food?

39. Favorite comic strip?
Lucky Luke.

40. Cat person or dog person?

41. Got a job?

42. Is there something else you should be doing at the moment?
Vjerojatno ići na wc jer mi je sila.Prelijena sam da se ustanem.

43. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
Vratila Tošu u život.

44. How is your hair right now?
Onak u rezancima i svezana u rep.Polufrčkava.Ok je.

45. What type of phone do you have?
Samsung.Onaj crveni,girly.

46. Biggest regret?
To što nisam nastavila u srednju glazbenu školu.

47. Favorite girls name?
Nikita,Gabriela,Ariana... Ima ih.

48. What do you want the most?
Odseliti se u stranu zemlju i postati pjevačica.

49. Do you want children?
Da,Volim djecu.

50. Are you a lover or a fighter?
Fighter.Ako se misli na unutrašnje stanje a ne udaranje.
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Besplatan upload slika i fotografija

Currently I am
Listening : Michelle Branch
Watching : One Tree Hill,season 5
Wishing : For clothes xx
Missing : Dad and best friend

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Ovaj blog je ustupljen pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima.

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Name Josipa
Sex Female
Age 16
HS Pisces
Town Požega
School Gymnasium
Codename Josephine
Family Mother,Grandmother
Love status Single
Weaknesses Compassion and sympathy for the innocent,chocolate,make up,clothes,sunglasses
Smoking No
Alcohol No
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“I'd always loved him, ... But I had to walk off from him like that -- one of us had to sacrifice.
"If you're going to be sexy in a photo, you'd better be thinking about sex rather than about being sexy."
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Besplatan upload slika i fotografija

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Hotmail toxicly_stronger@hotmail.com
My Forum

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Image Hosted by ImageShack.usPeople I hang out with

Besplatan upload slika i fotografija
~Monika Ester
Besplatan upload slika i fotografijaBesplatan upload slika i fotografija
~Lovro Ivanković
Besplatan upload slika i fotografijaBesplatan upload slika i fotografija
~Ivan Proroković
Besplatan upload slika i fotografija
~Mirta Oblak
~Evelina Cerovac
~Anja Sliško
~Monika Radoš
~Katarina Dumančić
Besplatan upload slika i fotografija
~Ivana Rajič
~Izabela Justament
~Kristina Jelić
~Stephanie Ruth Hump
~Igor Bumba
~Krešimir Mazanik
~Lana Čop
~Danijela Rajič
~Margareta Šakota
~Ivona Mihaljević
~Ivana Biljanić
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Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMy online friends
~Daddy's Little Defect
Orange Boy
~Lost Little Girl

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThanks to
Patka dizajn
Photoshop cs2
Britney Spears Croatian forum
Orange Boy
users online


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