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Although the 2017 law criminalising clients was designed to reduce the demand for prostitution, the law has had little effect. Consequently, organized prostitution , prostitution rings or other forms of is prohibited. Often, the prostitution laws are not clear-cut, and are subject to interpretation, leading to many legal. STAR-STAR Association for support of marginalised workers is a sex worker led support group.

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Prostitution is present in various forms in the country and a 2007 US State Department report stated that many women who worked as prostitutes were employed in massage parlors and escort services that functioned as brothels, although technically illegal. Retrieved 2 February 2018.

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Bosnian Videos - It is estimated that on average some 2,000 prostitutes are engaged daily in this form of prostitution.

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Legality varies with local laws The legality of prostitution in Europe varies by country. In eight European countries The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, and Latvia , prostitution is. The degree of enforcement of the anti-prostitution laws vary by country, by region and by city. In many places, there is a big discrepancy between the laws which exist on the books and what happens in practice. Depending on the country, various prostitution related activities may be prohibited where a specific law forbids such activity , decriminalized where there is no specific law either forbidding or allowing and regulating the activity , or regulated where a specific law explicitly allows and regulates the activity if certain conditions are met. Activities which are subject to the prostitution laws include: selling and buying sexual services, soliciting in public places, running brothels, deriving financial gain from the prostitution of another, offering premises to be used for prostitution etc. Often, the prostitution laws are not clear-cut, and are subject to interpretation, leading to many legal. While the policy regarding adult prostitution differs by country, is illegal throughout Europe. Similarly, , forced prostitution, and other abusive activities are also prohibited. The monument to prostitutes in Amsterdam The legal and social treatment of prostitution differs widely by country. Very prostitution policies exist in the Netherlands and Germany, and these countries are major destinations for international. In Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Northern Ireland, France, and the Republic of Ireland, it is illegal to pay for sex, but not to be a prostitute the client commits a crime, but not the prostitute. In parts of , the anti-prostitution laws target the prostitutes, because in these countries, prostitution is condemned from a moral or conservative viewpoint. Other countries which have restrictive prostitution policies and officially affirm an anti-prostitution stance are Great Britain, Ireland, and Italy. In countries such as Spain, Belgium, and the Czech Republic, attitudes are more and tolerant, but prostitution is not officially recognized as a job, and not officially and legally regulated, and pimping is forbidden. Main article: Prostitution in is illegal under Article 179. Related activities such as running a brothel and pimping are prohibited by the Criminal Code, although there are known to be brothels in the capital, , and in. According to , since the collapse of the in 1991, prostitution in the country has grown. There are about 5,600 women involved in prostitution in Armenia, roughly 1,500 of them are in Yerevan. However, official police figures are far lower, for example 240 in 2012. Police and other safety forces reportedly tolerate prostitution. Many women turn to prostitution due to unemployment. Main article: Prostitution in is illegal but common. Prostitution is an administrative offence and punishable by a fine. Keeping a brothel is a criminal offence and punishable by up to 6 years imprisonment. In 2017 a draft law proposing to add heavy fines to the punishment for keeping a brothel was before the. It has been estimated that there are 25 054 prostitutes in Azerbaijan, some of which are aged 15 — 18. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal, but organised prostitution brothels, prostitution rings, or other forms of procuring is prohibited. Because of poor socioeconomic conditions, a high number of women are involved in prostitution. Bulgaria originally gained a reputation as a transit country for human trafficking, but subsequently, it has become known as a destination where the sex trade takes place. The Bulgarian government has stepped up its efforts to eradicate human trafficking. The sex trade is a major source of income for Bulgarian criminals. In 2013 there were 20,000 Bulgarian prostitutes working abroad and this was a source of foreign exchange earnings for Bulgaria. In the past, the Bulgarian government considered fully legalizing and regulating prostitution. Main article: In the , prostitution is legal, but brothels and other forms of procuring are prohibited. The enforcement of these laws is lax, and prostitution and other activities which surround it are very common in the country. Ever since the in in 1989 led to the creation of the two independent states and , prostitution has been flourishing, and has contributed its share to the region's booming tourist economy. It is widespread in and areas near the Republic's borders with Germany and Austria. Main article: In , prostitution is illegal but widespread, particularly in the capital,. Many 's attribute this to the harsh economic conditions according to the. Prostitution occurs on the streets, in bars, nightclubs, hotels and brothels. UNAIDS estimate there are 6,525 prostitutes in Georgia. The resorts, especially Gonio, become a sex tourism destination in the summer months. Due to the close proximity of the Turkey border, and no vista requirements for Turks, many men from Turkey come to the area to find prostitutes. Main article: Prostitution is legal and regulated in Hungary. It has been legalized and regulated by the government since 1999. Under the law, prostitutes are professionals who engage in sexual activities in exchange for money. The government allows this activity as long as they pay taxes and keep legal documents. Main article: In prostitution itself is legal, but acts facilitating prostitution, such as operating a or prostitution ring, are illegal. Forced prostitution and prostitution connected to organized crime are prohibited. NGOs reported that criminal prostitution rings often included local law enforcement officials. Estimates of the number of prostitutes in Kazakhstan vary from 4,000 and 25. Sex workers often face harassment, extortion, arbitrary arrest, rape and violence from the police. Main article: Prostitution in is an illegal activity but is widespread and socially acceptable. Nailing down prostitutes and pimps is easier. Prostitution is present in various forms in the country and a 2007 US State Department report stated that many women who worked as prostitutes were employed in massage parlors and escort services that functioned as brothels, although technically illegal. Prostitution is the only profession in Poland that is not taxed, but sex workers may be asked by authorities to prove that is what they do, since prostitution is not recognized as legitimate work, and therefore receive no social benefits. Main article: Prostitution was decriminalized in on 1 February 2014. Prior to that date, it was considered a criminal offense infracţiune punishable by up to a year imprisonment. The government had considered legalizing and regulating Prostitution in 2007. The also opposed the legalisation. In 2008 an EU-funded survey by found Romania was top country of origin of migrant sex workers in the EU. Main article: Prostitution is illegal in , but is nevertheless widespread and largely ignored by the government. Laws criminalizing organised prostitution and penalties for human trafficking have had little effect because many convicted traffickers often do not end up serving prison time. The economic decline in Ukraine made the nation vulnerable and forced many to depend on prostitution and trafficking as a source of income. Sex tourism rose as the country attracted greater numbers of foreign tourists. Main article: In , prostitution was partly decriminalized in 1999, based partly on the premise that it was easier to police a legal trade than an illegal one. Third-party activities, such as profiting from brothel administration and other forms of procuring, remain illegal activities in Denmark, as do pimping and prostitution of minors. Faroe Islands Under , the legal status of prostitution remains lawful. However, there is no evidence of organised prostitution within the self-governing territory. Main article: Prostitution in is legal in itself, but organized prostitution is illegal. Since prostitution is a sensitive indicator that develops with changes in the social environment and the state, it is useful to divide the history of this phenomenon from Estonia's first independence according to the different historical stages of the country. Firstly, the period of 1918-1940, when the prostitution in Estonia was legalized. Secondly, the period of the when prostitution was criminalized. Thirdly, since when prostitution is neither criminalized nor legalized that is, the selling of and buying of a sexual service is not a crime but prostitution is not considered a profession either. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal in Finland soliciting in a public place is illegal , but organised prostitution, operating a brothel or a prostitution ring, and other forms of is illegal. In June 2006, voted by 158 to 15 with four abstentions to approve a bill which outlaws the buying of sexual services from prostitutes if it is linked to human trafficking. According to a recent study, 69% of prostitutes are foreigners. Main article: Paying for sex is illegal in the client commits a crime, but the prostitute does not. The police have stated that they do not have the resources to enforce the law. The vast majority of prostitutes in the country are foreign. Police believe prostitution in Iceland is partially tied to and human trafficking. The country has become a sex tourism destination. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal in the Republic of Ireland, however since March 2017, it has been an offence to buy sex. Although the 2017 law criminalising clients was designed to reduce the demand for prostitution, the law has had little effect. Most prostitution in occurs indoors and is advertised via the internet. Street prostitution has declined considerably. Main article: Prostitution is legal and regulated in. Prostitutes must register, must undergo monthly health checks, and must carry a health card; if they fail to do so, they can be penalized. Although prostitution is regulated in Latvia, brothels and other forms of procuring are illegal. Main article: Paying for sex is illegal the client commits a crime, but the prostitute does not. This law prohibiting the buying of sexual services sexkjřpsloven came into effect on January 1, 2009, following the passing of new legislation by the in November 2008. In 2013, it was estimated there were 3,000 sex workers working in Norway 5 million. Main article: Paying for sex is illegal the client commits a crime, but not the prostitute. The Sex Purchase Act Sexköpslagen , which makes it illegal to pay for sex, but not to be a prostitute, was adopted in 1999, and was then unique. Since then, similar laws have been passed in and. The rationale underpinning the law was the view that prostitution was a form of so the crime consists in the customer paying for sex, not in the prostitute selling sexual services. This 'rationale' sees the seller of sex as the exploited partner in the exchange. Main article: In , prostitution itself is legal, but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, , keeping a brothel, , and , are outlawed. In , which previously had similar laws to the rest of the United Kingdom, paying for sex became a crime when the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Criminal Justice and Support for Victims Act Northern Ireland 2015 was enacted in January 2015. Guernsey Main article: Prostitution is legal in the Isle of Man but related activities such as soliciting, and brothel keeping are prohibited by the Sexual Offences Act 1992. A man and a woman were arrested on suspicion of committing prostitution offences in in 2013. Following a consultation period from 1 September 2017 and the 13 October 2017, the Home Affairs Minister approved a new draft Sexual Offences Jersey Law to be debated in the. The draft law does not criminalise prostitution, but consolidates previous legislation on related activities. In 2015 it was estimated there were 35—40 prostitutes in. Most visit the island for short periods and work from hotels. Main article: Prostitution in is illegal but widespread. Prior to the in the early 1990s, prostitution in Albania was virtually unknown. The migration from rural areas to the cities, and economic problems that followed the collapse caused some women to turn to prostitution. Street prostitution occurs near the centre of the capital, , mainly by men and women. Some students work as prostitutes from hotels or motels in Tirana and other big cities. Brothels also found in the cities. Main article: Prostitution in is illegal, but common. Forcible prostitution, any kind of brothels, or procuring are treated as felony, while voluntary prostitution is considered to be infraction against public order for prostitutes only; clients are not in violation of law. Like in many other Southeast European countries, the problem of human trafficking for the purposes of sex is big in Croatia. However, according to the U. State Department, Croatia is a tier 1 country, actively working to prevent the sex trade. Main article: The law does not prohibit prostitution itself, but operating , organizing prostitution rings, living off the profits of prostitution, encouraging prostitution or forcing a person to engage in prostitution are illegal activities. Cyprus has been criticised by the US State Department for failing to control the flow of illegal immigrants and legal to be involved in forced prostitution. Cyprus has gained a reputation for being a major transit point for people smugglers to transport women for the purposes of prostitution. International observers have criticized the government for its lack of action to prevent forced prostitution. The law of Cyprus forbids forced but not voluntary prostitution. However, it is believed that many immigrants are hired as bar maids and coerced into prostitution by this method. Northern Cyprus Northern Cyprus Prostitution illegal Buying sex legal The is only recognised as a separate state by. Konsomatrices are not allowed to have sex with customers, but this restriction is frequently flouted. Enforcement is generally lax, but in July 2006 the Nicosia District Court ordered the first prostitution-related imprisonment. After pleading no contest to the charges, the manager of Mexico nightclub, Mesut Kilicarslan, was sentenced to 15 days in prison for encouraging and profiting from prostitution. By the year's end three more suspects were sentenced to imprisonment for encouraging and profiting from prostitution. Northern Cyprus has become a destination for. Gibraltar Gibraltar Prostitution illegal Buying sex legal Main article: Prostitution is legal at the age of 18. Persons engaged in prostitution must register at the local prefecture and carry a medical card that is updated every two weeks. Greek authorities decided to implement a 1999 law which stipulates that all brothels must have permits. It is estimated that fewer than 1,000 women are legally employed as prostitutes and approximately 20,000 women, most of foreign origin, are engaged in illegal prostitution. According to NGO estimates, there are 13,000-14,000 trafficking victims in the country at any given time. Major countries of origin for trafficking victims include Nigeria, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Belarus. A street prostitute talking to a potential customer in , Italy, 2005 In , prostitution, defined as the exchange of sexual acts for money, is legal, although organized prostitution, whether indoors in brothels or controlled by third parties, is prohibited. Brothels were banned in 1958. Migrants with work or residence permits may work in sex work, and police cannot revoke residence permits and begin deportation procedures, as they tried failing by the Italian laws. A 2008 report stated that were some 100,000 prostitutes in Italy. In 2007 it was stated that the total number of workers was 70,000. The Italian Statistics Institute stated the number of street workers in 1998 was 50,000. A often used to refer to prostitutes in Italy is Lucciole lit. Main article: Prostitution in is illegal, and can incur a prison sentence of up to sixty days. Many women turn to through poverty. There are report that prostitution has become a new in Kosovo. Prior to the following the , prostitution was limited to serving the needs of locals. Following the ceasefire and presence in the country of the and other international organisations, the demand for prostitution soared. As well as women turning to prostitution voluntarily, some were trafficked from Moldova, Bulgaria and the Ukraine. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal, but certain activities connected with it, such as running a brothel and loitering, are not. Certain offences are punishable by sentences of up to two years in prison. In March 2008, police and the Ministry for Social Policy signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize a screening process for all arrested persons engaged in prostitution to determine whether they were victims of trafficking or other abuses. The law provides punishments of up to 6 years for involving minors in prostitution. Montenegro Montenegro Prostitution illegal Buying sex legal Prostitution in is illegal. Montenegro is a source, transit, and destination country for women and children subjected to sex trafficking. Victims of sex trafficking identified in Montenegro are primarily women and girls from Montenegro, neighbouring Balkan countries, and, to a lesser extent, other countries in Eastern Europe. Sex trafficking victims are exploited in hospitality facilities, bars, restaurants, night clubs, and cafes. Main article: In Portugal, prostitution itself is legal, but it is illegal for a third party to profit from, promote, encourage or facilitate the prostitution of another. Consequently, organized prostitution , prostitution rings or other forms of is prohibited. Forced prostitution and human trafficking are also illegal. In the mid-2000s, the number of female prostitutes was estimated at 28,000, of which at least 50% were foreigners. Main article: Prostitution in the is legal, though with various restrictions and common. The Macedonian government is trying to clamp down on prostitution. STAR-STAR Association for support of marginalised workers is a sex worker led support group. It's Executive Board is exclusively made up of sex workers. STAR-STAR was the first sex workers collective in the. The country is a major transit point for prostitution to the west. The trafficking of women for sex is worth billions in Macedonia and is considered to be run primarily by Albanian gangsters. Serbia Serbia Prostitution illegal Buying sex legal Prostitution in is illegal, and can incur a prison sentence of up to 30 days, and up to 60 days for minors. Pimping is illegal and can incur a prison sentence of between 6 months and 5 years, and between 1 and 10 years for pimping minors. Following a large police action against prostitution in Belgrade's major hotels in late September 2017, voiced support for legalizing and regulating prostitution. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal in Spain, but is not. Owning an establishment where prostitution takes place is legal if the owner neither derives financial gain from prostitution nor hires any person for the purposes of selling sex, because prostitution is not considered a job, and has no legal recognition. These licenses are used by brothel owners to open 'clubs', where prostitution takes place the women are theoretically only 'gathered' to work on the premises not employed by the owner. Some places have implemented for street prostitution. Main article: In Turkey, prostitution is legal and regulated. Prostitutes must register and acquire an ID card stating the dates of their health checks. Also, it is mandatory for registered prostitutes to have regular health checks for sexually transmitted diseases. The police are allowed to check the authenticity of registered prostitutes to determine whether they have been examined properly and to ensure they see the health authorities if they don't. Men cannot register under this regulation. Most sex workers, however, are unregistered, as local governments have made it policy not to issue new registrations. As a result, most sex workers in Turkey are not registered sex workers, working in violation of the law. Turkey is listed by the as a top destination for victims of human trafficking. Brothel in Prostituttion in is under the Strafgesetzbuch. Most sex workers are , mainly from the former countries. According to a 2010 study, 78% of sex workers in Austria are. Although sex work itself is not forbidden, Section 207b Sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen Sexual abuse of juveniles allows for prosecution of clients of workers younger than 18. Additional restrictions are specified in § 214 to 217. Medical examinations are required by the AIDS and STD laws. The laws of the federal place further restrictions on the times and places where prostitution may occur. The most restrictive law is that of , where prostitution is legal only in licensed brothels and to date no such licenses have been issued. Prostitution itself is legal in Belgium, but the law prohibits operating brothels and other forms of or assisting immigration for the purpose of prostitution. Human trafficking or exploiting individuals for financial gain is punishable for a maximum prison sentence of 30 years. A recent report by RiskMonitor foundation states that 80% of the prostitutes who work as windows prostitutes in Belgium are from. Belgium is listed by the as a top destination for victims of human trafficking. Many sex workers organisations feel that the present grey area in which prostitution operates leaves sex workers vulnerable to exploitation. A report commissioned by the National Bank of Belgium, estimated a turnover of 840 million Euro in 2015. The most important segments of the market seem to be escort and private prostitution, rather than the more visible forms of window or street prostitution. Main article: Prostitution in the exchange of sexual acts for money was legal until April 2016, but several surrounding activities were illegal, like operating a brothel, living off the avails pimping , and paying for sex with someone under the age of 18 the for sex is 15. The law has been evaluated as a failure, putting sex workers in danger, reducing prices, and decreasing condom use among their clients. In the , France became the model for the regulatory approach to prostitution. In the 20th century, however, a policy shift became apparent. Brothels became illegal in 1946, and France signed the in 1960. France thus became a major supporter of the international abolitionist movement for the eradication of prostitution. Main article: Prostitution in is legal, as are all aspects of the sex industry, including brothels, advertisement, and job offers through HR companies. Full service sex work is widespread and by the , which levies taxes on it. In 2002, the government changed the law in an effort to improve the legal situation of sex workers. However, the social stigmatization of sex work persists and many workers continue to lead a. Human rights organizations consider the resulting common exploitation of women from and to be the main problem associated with the profession. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal in , but activities associated with organised prostitution, such as profiting from operating brothels and prostitution rings or aiding prostitution, are illegal. Human trafficking incurs severe penalties. There are estimated to be 300 in , most of whom are immigrants. Street prostitution is only permitted in two streets near 's , and only between 20:00 and 03:00. The area is regulated by the city authorities, and patrolled regularly by the police. Because of the number of prostitutes and limited area to work in, some work from other streets near the legalised area and risk being arrested. Main article: Prostitution itself is legal in Monaco, but organized prostitution brothels, prostitution rings and other forms of is prohibited. Solicitation is also illegal. Forcing another person into prostitution is illegal, with penalties from six months to three years of imprisonment, plus a fine. A husband who forces his wife to engage in prostitution can be sentenced to one to five years of imprisonment plus a fine. Prostitution takes place most commonly in hotels, bars and nightclubs. Scene from 's red light district. Prostitution is legal and regulated in the Netherlands. Operating a brothel is also legal. Prostitution is concentrated in and around the big cities and in the border towns in the regions of , , , and. Prostitution occurs in various forms: 'window' and street prostitution, clubs, escort agencies and home-based prostitution. It is estimated that on average some 2,000 prostitutes are engaged daily in this form of prostitution. Street prostitution exists in 10 Dutch cities and involves on average some 320 prostitutes daily. Between 3,500 and 4,000 prostitutes are employed daily in 600—700 clubs and private brothels. The extent of other forms of prostitution such as escort agencies and home-based prostitution is much more difficult to estimate. Home-based prostitution occurs in at least 17 municipalities and escort agencies exist in at least 28 municipalities. Main article: Full service sex work in is legal and regulated; it has been legal since 1942. Trafficking, forcing people into prostitution and most forms of pimping are illegal. Licensed , typically with a reception and leading to several , are available. One estimate puts the number of street sex workers in Zurich at 5000. The majority of sex workers are foreigners from the Americas, or the. In recent years the number of full service sex workers has increased. Many workers operate using newspaper advertisements, and secondary rented apartments, some accept. Retrieved 14 April 2018. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Encyclopedia of prostitution and sex work. Retrieved 19 January 2018. Retrieved 27 November 2017. National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Retrieved 19 January 2018. When things fall apart : qualitative studies of poverty in the former Soviet Union. Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved 19 January 2018. Retrieved 19 January 2018. Retrieved 19 January 2018. Retrieved 24 December 2016. National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Retrieved 15 February 2018. Retrieved 15 February 2018. National Assembly of the Azerbaijan Republic. Retrieved 15 February 2018. Retrieved 15 February 2018. Retrieved 15 February 2018. Retrieved 15 February 2018. Retrieved 1 February 2018. Retrieved 1 February 2018. Retrieved 1 February 2018. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2015 — via Deutsche Welle. Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter. Retrieved 28 November 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Georgia Today on the Web. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 18 February 2018. Retrieved 17 December 2017. US Department of State. Retrieved 12 January 2017. Retrieved 19 November 2017. Retrieved 20 November 2017. Sexuality, Poverty and Law. Retrieved 21 February 2018. Retrieved 2 December 2017. Retrieved 1 December 2017. Retrieved 14 March 2014. Retrieved 24 February 2018. Retrieved 24 February 2018. Asociatia pentru Promovarea Femeii din Romania Association For The Promotion Of Women In Romania APFR. Archived from on 12 August 2014. Retrieved 2 November 2015. APFR considera prostitutia o alta forma de violenta impotriva femeii, de aceea a luat pozitie ferma impotriva legalizarii acesteia. Atitutdinea organizatiei este sustinuta si de rezultatele unei cercetari efectuate in cadrul organizatie care arata situatia prostitutiei in diferite tari, atat in cele care au legalizat-o cat si in cele care au legi impotriva ei. Retrieved 24 February 2018. Retrieved 4 April 2010. Retrieved 22 November 2016. Archived from PDF on September 30, 2011. Retrieved 2 February 2018. Retrieved 2 February 2018. Retrieved 14 April 2018. Retrieved 14 April 2018. Retrieved 14 April 2018. Retrieved 14 April 2018. Retrieved on 10 October 2017. Retrieved 21 February 2018. Retrieved 21 February 2018. Retrieved 27 January 2015. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Isle of Man Legislation. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Select An Escort Directory. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Retrieved 19 February 2018. Retrieved 19 February 2018. 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ŠEŠELJ IS FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF PROSTITUTION! SRS leader supports the initiative of Minister Branko Ružić! Democratic Transition in Slovenia: Value Transformation, Education, and Media. Retrieved 17 April 2018. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Smith 27 June 2005. Archived from on 4 June 2008. Retrieved 18 September 2014. Archived from on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 18 September 2014. Retrieved 18 September 2014. Retrieved 18 September 2014. Retrieved 18 September 2014. Retrieved 11 November 2017. Retrieved 3 December 2015. Retrieved 10 June 2018. Social Research Institute of Applied Sciences Freiburg. Retrieved 4 October 2009. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Archived from PDF on 14 July 2007. Retrieved 13 September 2015. Luxembourg: Procuring is prohibited, and the keeping of brothels. Buying sex from children under 18 is illegal, but prostitution in itself is not criminal. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Retrieved 10 February 2018. Retrieved 21 February 2018. Retrieved 3 May 2012.

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Owning an establishment where prostitution takes place is legal if the owner neither derives financial gain from prostitution nor hires any person for the purposes of selling sex, because prostitution is not considered a job, and has no legal recognition. Firstly, the period of 1918-1940, when the prostitution in Estonia was legalized. Retrieved 25 February 2018. Solicitation is also illegal. Retrieved 19 January 2018. Vous ne verrez jamais de publicités.!

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