Sročenice Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992) b. Petrovichi, Russia.
At two-tenths the speed of light, dust and atoms might not do significant damage even in a voyage of 40 years, but the faster you go, the worse it is--space begins to become abrasive. When you begin to approach the speed of light, hydrogen atoms become cosmic-ray particles, and they will fry the crew. ...So 60,000 kilometers per second may be the practical speed limit for space travel.
Isaac Asimov, Sail On! Sail On! In The Relativity of Wrong, Kensington Books, New York, 1996, p 220.
Churchill, Winston S. will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on.
Quoted in: Irving Klotz, Bending perception, a book review, Nature, 1996, Volume 379, p 412 (1).
Phoenix II.
Danas sam zavukao ruku u srce i izvukao jedan strah i bacio ga u smeće, par snova i spremio ih džep jer nikad ne znaš kad će ti
zatrebati, malo nade i vratio je nazad, šaku oktarinske osobnosti i bacio je u vjetar, hrpu gluposti i samo se nasmijao., utorak, 27.05.2008.
E. A. Poe
When music affects us to tears, seemingly causeless, we weep not, as Gravina* supposes, from 'excess of pleasure'; but through excess of an impatient, petulant sorrow that, as mere mortals, we are as yet in no condition to banquet upon those supernal ecstasies of which the music affords us merely a suggestive and indefinite glimpse.
"Nešto iz mudrih glava" (courtesy of V.K.):
Ne znam koliko imam godina, to se stalno mjenja.