Naravno da nije. U jutarnjem magnovenju, na dan kada sam sve do sada zarađene, ali ne i naplaćene fuševe bacila u vjetar (čitaj: državni proračun) zbog svog niskofrekventnog mozga i nedavno ustanovljene dioptrije (cvilje još uvijek ne nosim za po doma), sjetih se svojih misli o Čiku, Susan B. i novokloniranom svjetlećem psu, u kojeg je ugrađen gen fluorescentne morske amebe, vlasulje, čega li već... Eh, Čiko. U filmu je rekao da se u jednom trenutku odlučio boriti za slabe i bespomoćne. Pomoći onima koji ne mogu sami. A Glavaš veli da je avanturist. Biti na svijetu avanturist ili turist... rasporediti se po vrsti i razini rizika ili zvjezdica. I dok je tako jedna zvijezda ugasla, rodila se nova. Gotovo sinhrono. Prvo me rastužuje, drugo veseli. Ipak je riječ o avanturistu i turistkinji, dvjema krajnostima koje često volimo ignorirati. Dolje oružje, gore pjesma, a sve to začinit će svjetleći pas. Pa tako više, ako nas još bude kao prirodnih križanaca, nećemo morati uopće brinuti za energetsku učinkovitost i održivost. Moći ćemo u sve, u sebe i oko sebe ugraditi svjetlo. I tako u konačnici ukinuti mrak. "Dušo, daj se zgasi", će konačno postati vidljiva i dokaziva istina. A iz pozadine se čuje "Susan takes you down to her place near the river..." Zavodljiva sirena, "Pjevaj kad ti ide loše...." Tko zna koliko duša će iznjedriti ova recesija, onih kojima je bilo loše, ali zapravo i nije, gospel, karma, kritična masa.... A kao kratak rez, pojavljuje se V. Gruden, koji iznimno ozbiljnim izrazom lica, gotovo kao da je zatrubio anđeo na sudnji dan, pred kamerom izjavljuje da je u današnje vrijeme izuzetno važno održati humor. Kad već ne možeš držati psa. I to svjetlećeg. Zamislite samo ulicu punu napuštenih pasa i mačaka koji svijetle u mraku.... "....You can hear the boats go by You can spend the night beside her And you know that she’s half crazy But that’s why you want to be there And she feeds you tea and oranges That come all the way from China And just when you mean to tell her That you have no love to give her Then she gets you on her wavelength And she lets the river answer That you’ve always been her lover. And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that she will trust you For you've touched her perfect body with your mind. And Jesus was a sailor When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching From his lonely wooden tower And when he knew for certain Only drowning men could see him He said "All men will be sailors then Until the sea shall free them" But he himself was broken Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him For he's touched your perfect body with his mind. Now Suzanne takes your hand And she leads you to the river She is wearing rags and feathers From Salvation Army counters And the sun pours down like honey On our lady of the harbour And she shows you where to look Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed There are children in the morning They are leaning out for love And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that you can trust her For she's touched your perfect body with her mind. -- Leonard Cohen... Zamislite samo Susan B. kako vodi Čika do rijeke... neke tamo slavonske... |