...Clawing up my eyes I'm feeling your arms around me...

...ona je plakala...On se smijao...ona je molila...On je odbijao...
ona je cekala...On nije došao...ona je otišla,On se nije vratio...
nekad sam i ja bila sretna...nekad sam imala sve...
imala sam Njega...cesto sam bila naivno dijete...koje povjeruje
u svako obecanje....danas...ja sam izgubila taj sjaj u oku...
jer Njega nema...pogledam se u ogledalo...vidim
lice bez osmijeha,oci bez onog posebnog sjaja...bljeda sam...
nemam vise nista...ostao mi je samo mrak i stihovi nekih pjesama...
...samo zelim da me volis...znam da je tesko...
al ne ako je ljubav obostrana...znas to...trazim ljubav
u ovom hladnom i okrutnom svijetu...ja glupaca cekam Njega,cekam
da On dode...da me spasi...
po prvi put shvacam sto zapravo znaci rijec ljubav...po prvi put osjecam
ljubav,mozda zato i je tako teska...
prvi put idem spavat a da cijelo vrijeme mislilm na nekog...
prvi put se budim s nekim u mislima...joj da...snovi...
da se bar ne probudim...
...shvatila sam da ovaj put nije greska...
uz Tebe sam upoznala one prave osjecaje...
znas li sto sam ja htjela?..htjela sam ti pokazati koliko te volim..
jer to nikad nisam pokazivala...i sad mi je prokleto zao...prokleto mi je zao jer
se nisam mogla ponasat normalno...prokleto mi je zao jer
ti nisam mogla bit dobra...prokleto mi je zao jer sam onaj dan samo
sutila i jer mi je mozda ta vecer Tebe uzela...prokleto mi je zao
sto sam tolko naporna bila i ostala...
...kad god sam pogledala u Tvoje oci
htjela sam reci da te volim...više od bilo cega...iako Ti to znas...
nekad i na trenutak pomislim da me Ti mozda sada volis barem mrvicu...
da se bar nekad znas nasmijat kad me se sjetis...
a onda vratim film u glavi unazad i shvatim neke stvari...
pitam se šta je taj prsten znacio...oke...bzvz...al meni znaci...sta cu...
...zasto vise nije kao prije...onako njezno i pocetnicko...
sto se to dogodilo da se nasi putevi vise ne dodiruju...?
...zasto te vise ne mogu naci...?
...iako Te volim iz svega srca,iako si Ti jedini s kojim zelim biti...
iako si mi samo Ti potreban da budem sretna...samo mi reci...
budi bar jednom iskren...preklinjem te...necu te vise pogledati,
skrit cu svoje suze,nasmijat cu se ako treba...radit cu sve protiv osjecaja
..al...cuj,sve sto sam ja zeljela je da me samo zagrlis,da pricamo...
sve sto zelim nemoguce je...mozda...al neke stvari nisam zaboravila
iako su bile ruzne...iako su me tolko boljele...
al preklinjem te da nebudes onakav...
preklinjem te da me se sjetis i da mi se javis...
i preklinjem te da vise shvatis da imas osobu koja te voli jer se
cini da ne znas to...
...i samo da znas da kod mene Tvoje ime jos uvijek stoji...
u ocima je samo Tvoje lice...nemoj NIKAD zaboravit da Tebe volim...

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petak, 13.04.2007. u 11:58 ][ 38 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

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komentari da/ne

...darling I love you but I hate you too...

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† ...snovi su odobreni,
odobrena dimenzija,
odobrena zona...†

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†..Cross my heart and hope to die...
may my end come tonight...
across the dark,into the light...
may death again us unite...†

†nikad ne provjeravaj
dubinu vode s obje noge†

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†..The secret belong to a part of me
And it's my anger and my pain
Just close my eyes and live your life
Your tears are so sweet for me..†

-love like blood
-the 69 eyes
-dry kill logic
-lacuna coil
-evergreen terrace
-arch enemy
-rotting christ
-type o negative
-bella morte
-drowning pool
-swallow the sun
-static x
-theatres des vampires
-three days grace
-the old dead three
-london after midnight
-dir en grey

...o meni...

-svoj zivot

...ne volim...
-emo frikove

...naj film/knjiga...
-klan vampira,kletva
-neizgovorena prica,vjestice

...ljubavno stanje...

...na svijet/zivot gledam...
-dosta pozitivno...jer zivot ti se
pretvara u ono sto mislis...

msn: saishuu_ressha@hotmail.com
mail: saishuuressha5@gmail.com

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†..Clawing up my eyes
I'm feeling your arms around me
On the other side
It's time to go
I'm hearing your voice
without words
On the other side..†

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†..Come stand by me, laughter
calls and drives the wind
It binds us close alone but for
The sparks of heaven's smile
Knowing you're here I will carry on with you
To walk the world, through heavens gate
We'll shine and light the sky..†

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†..he's my redemption,
the one...
the one I hate and adore...
He's my mistress of pain...†

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†..Your name is desire..loins of fire..
the lust incarnate,an angel,a liar
break down my will,a kiss for the kill
bury me deep between death and the thrill..†

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†..kad suze teku teško
je bit ravnodušan..†

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†..Your cruel device
Your blood..like ice
one look could kill...
my pain,Your thrill
I want to love you but I better not
I want to hold You but my senses
tell me to stop
I want to kiss You but I want it too
I want to taste You but your lips
are venomous poison..†

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†..I want to hurt You just to
hear you
screaming my name
dont want to touch You but
Youre under my skin..†

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†..I will break into Your thoughts
with what's written on my heart...
You sink into my clothes...
this invasion makes me feel

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†..vidim kako odlaziš
molim te,zovi me

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†..Escape from you to stay alive
Escape from you...the liar
Yet I crawl to you to feel alive
I crawl for same desire..†

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†..one last kiss is all I need from you
ride salvation goin' under
they say they say I wont survive you
I wish I never knew you..†

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†..time has no meaning for me...
He is gone and the void speaks
to me..†

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†..the darkwave came again last night...
I want it all to end, I want the world to end..†

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†..my perfect reflection swims
through the drowning pool...the sky is gone...
my world is in deconstruction..†

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†..why is this happening to me..?why have
I been forsaken..?nothing numbs the pain
any longer...please...I'm slipping away..†

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†..meet me in the dreamtime water,drown
shifting shaping currents flow in memory
swim through me...
meet me in the drowning pool of tears,
and wash away my innocence and fear..†

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† ..sometimes I wonder where you are,
can you feel my tears?
I never knew what changed you...
did they paint your dreams in pale shades..?
I wait for you,you know you cannot hide
division from within invalidates suffering..†

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...nevermore to feel the pain...and I won't be feeling hollow for so long...