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dizajn : patka dizajn


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...tvoj broj....
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,.won't you be my bad boy, be my man,
be my week-end lover
buT don't be my friend,.
..you can be my bad boy
buT understand,.
tHat I don'T need you again,.
,.-no, I don't need you again!
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,.everytime we toucH , I get tHis feeLing.
And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly,.
can't you feeL my hearT beat fast, I want tHis to last,.
,.-need you by my side...
Everytime we toucH, I feeL tHis static
,.and everytime we kiss, I reacH for tHe sky
Can't you feeL my hearT beat so fast,.
,.-I can't let you go
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,.day anD nigHt
I'm always by your siDe..
cause I know for sure
my love is reaL my feeLings pure,.
,.-so take a try
no need to ask me why..
cause I know iT's true
,.-i'm stiLL in love wiTh YOU !
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,.and I want to know that you beLieve in love again,.
Please teLL me now it's noT the end,
'Cause this I promise you so true,
The summer beLongs to you,..
,.could you believe in love again?
How can I make you unDerstand?
But this I promise you so true,.
,.tHe summer belongs to you..
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,.would you caTch me if I faLL???
Crash and burn and lose iT all,
,.Tell me wHat to do,
'Cause I need you nigHt and day,,.!
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Don’t say I love you.,
Don’t say you need me,.
Don’t say I trust you,,.
My hearT canT take it!!
Don’t say you want me,
Don’t say you miss me,
Don’t hurT me!
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,.I never feLt before your toucH
I never needed anyone to maKe me feel alive
But tHen again I wasn'T reaLLy living
I never lived beFore your love!

nedjelja, 04.11.2007.

ma znate kai ?!?! prcam vas sve v zdrav mozak !!!! đubrad poremečena grda!

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