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desing by: dark sword dancer


My little Deviant


Mala Ramona =)
Vrag s licem Anđela*


Voli glazbu,
voli knjige,
voli anime,
voli mangu,
voli prijatelje,
voli život (ali samo ponekad)
Očekuje malo, dobije puno
Izvlači se, ali uvijek =)
Premalo spava, previše čita

Hoće na exit
Hoće na faks
Hoće nove starke (dobit će ih, kad digne guzicu i ode ih kupi)
Ne zna se još koje će boje biti, to ju živcira
Hoće pirs al profesor joj neda grrr

"I put u pakao popločen je dobrim namjerama."

Trentna opsesija The Clash /should i stay or should i go =D

"In 24 hours they'll be
Laying flowers
On my life, it's over tonight
I'm not messing no I
Need your blessing
And your promise to live free
Please do it for me" Jem

"Shell smashed, juices flowing
Wings twitch, legs are going,
Dont get sentimental,
It always ends up drivel.
One day, Im gonna grow wings,
A chemical reaction,
Hysterical and useless
Hysterical and"Radiohead

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."
Jane Austen- Pride and prejudice

"Depend upon it, you see but half. You see the evil, but you do not see the consolation. There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere— and those evil-minded observers, dearest Mary, who make much of a little, are more taken in and deceived than the parties themselves."
Jane Austen- Mansfield park

© Sacrastic conversations and organic relations

And today was a day just like any other

Uspjela sam se razboliti tjedan dana prije kraja prvog polugodišta [bravo ja!!]
Vučem se po kući kao krepala mačka po noći ne spavam ništa, ujutro se budim s pijetlovima i tako cijeli tjedan!
U većini svojih grozničavih snova, sanjam likove iz knjiga stephanie meyer
nije to ni toliko loše
mislim svi su oni jaaako zgodni =P (barem u snovima)
Baš sam pročitala predzadnji dio knjige i sad čekam [zajedno sa svojom ljube Dijanom]
zadnji dio knjige, kao i film koji izlaze tek pred kraj sljedeće godine
A sljedeće godine nema više "NAS"
Svaki put zaboravim da više neću doći u Topusko i trčeći po hodnicima škole zaletjet se u DI, da nećemo zajedno vrištati pjesme naši bendova i nećemo raspravljati tko je zgodniji pjevač/glumac/lik iz knjige
Onda se nadam da ćemo obadvije uspjeti na faks tako da se možemo viđati u Zagrebu
Ne može nitko nadomjestiti moju Di
Trebam li početi spremati svoju kutijicu uspomena
A ne da mi se
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Majka mi reče da sam Poluboem [ako takvo što uopće postoji]
Prema njoj se oblačim previše klošarski
Što ja mogu kad sve što obučem na meni izgleda klošarski, takva mi je vibra =D

(I wake up to find it's another
Four aspirin morning, and I dive in
I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday.
When did society decide that we had to change
And wash a tee shirt after every individual use:
If it's not dirty, I'm gonna wear it.
I take the stairs to the car
And there's fog on the windows.
(And I'm Fighting the words...)
I need caffeine in my blood stream,
I take caffeine in the blood stream.
I grip the wheel and all at once I realize:
(And you're getting away...)
My life has become a boring pop song
And everyone's singing along.)

KAd smo već kod vibre, ne smijem dirati prekidače za svijetlo
S čim upalim svijetlo žarulja pregori (već sam ih 5 promijenila ovaj mjesec)
Iskrica i mrak!
Ali vrhunac mog jada je bio kad sam htjela upaliti svijetlo u hodniku
Što se dogodilo?
Nestalo je svijetla u cijeloj kući
Izbacila sam osigurač
I tako imam zabranu diranja bilo čega što se pali
Stara mi je rekla: još jedanput i bit ću u mraku [nema više žarulja, ne ne]*cry
Loša karma, što ćeš!

Please come with me,
See what I see.
Touch the stars for time will not flee.
Time will not flee.
Can you see?

Još malo pa božić

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**Trenutna opsesija:
Muse, jacks mannequin & old christmas songs

Pikčr: mostly me with a little help from photobucket =)

15.12.2007. u 13:51

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