ono šta se sluša..

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Viva La Revolution

Into the Dungeon with evil men
The people have risen we're free again
Come out of the closet
Come out of the hole
Come out of the woodwork
Come into the fold
Rebels and fighters, a license to kill
Unite with the bandits down from the hills
Open your windows
Open your doors
Open your minds
To a freedom of thought

Viva la revolution X4

Raise our voices, raise our flag
Smash the symbols of the life we've had
Long live the people
Long live the scheme
Long live our hopes
Long live the dream
Dance in the streets at the carnival
Celebrate the victory now
Drink the wine from the rich man's cask
This revolution won't be the last

Viva la revolution X4

I Don't Want To Grow Up

When I'm lyin' in my bed at night
I don't wanna grow up
Nothing ever seems to turn out right
I don't wanna grow up
How do you move in a world of fog that's
always changing things
Makes wish that I could be a dog
When I see the price that you pay
I don't wanna grow up
I don't ever want to be that way
I don't wanna grow up
Seems that folks turn into things
that they never want
The only thing to live for is today...
I'm gonna put a hole in my T.V. set
I don't wanna grow up
Open up the medicine chest
I don't wanna grow up
I don't wanna have to shout it out
I don't want my hair to fall out
I don't wanna be filled with doubt
I don't wanna be a good boy scout
I don't wanna have to learn to count
I don't wanna have the biggest amount
I don't wanna grow up
Well when I see my parents fight
I don't wanna grow up
They all go out and drinkin all night
I don't wanna grow up
I'd rather stay here in my room
Nothin' out there but sad and gloom
I don't wanna live in a big old tomb on grand street
When I see the 5 oclock news
I don't wanna grow up
Comb their hair and shine their shoes
I don't wanna grow up
Stay around in my old hometown
I don't wanna put no money down
I don't wanna get a big old loan
Work them fingers to the bone
I don't wanna float on a broom
Fall in love, get married then boom
How the hell did it get here so soon
I don't wanna grow up

It's Sunday and the streets aren't clear
The traffic's screaming
but we can't hear
The sounds...the metals...
driving us mad...
The sounds...the metals...
driving us mad...
We must bleed, we must bleed,
we must bleed

The crash as the bottle breaks
Flashes it will through my veins
The pain...the colors...
making me sane...
The pain...the colors...
making me sane...
the pain...the colors...
making me sane...
We must bleed, we must bleed,
we must bleed

I'm not one I'm two, I'm not one
I'm two, I'm not one I'm two
I want out now, I want out now
I want out now now now now now
now now now...


Wearing braces, the red, white, and blue
doing what he thinks he ought to do
Used to be a punk and a mod too
Or is it just a phase he's going through

(chorus)He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead
Clockwork skinhead- got no choice
He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead
clockwork skinhead-One of the boys

Take him to the pub, buy him a beer
Tell him what he wants to hear
Wind him up like clockwork toy
wants to be a man but he's just a boy


Believes everything the papers say
What's he gonna be today
What is it hip to be
Will he be himself or will he copy me?


there she goes
swinging down the high street, yeah
hair cut short
boots and jeans

she looked at me and smiled
i know that smile's for me
she was my height my weight my size
she wore braces and blue jeans
she was my skinhead girl (x4)

i made up my mind
i'm gonna be courageous, yeah
her hand in my hand
touch her gentle

she looked at me and smiled
i know that smile's for me
she was my height my weight my size
she wore braces and blue jeans
she was my skinhead girl (x4)


03.08.2006., četvrtak

to je sve zbog vodostaja i hidroelektrane koja je na jezeru koje je povezano sa još jednim..i tako dalje..

Nula - Demokracija

Dali su nam sve osim slobode
mnoge zakone za sebe kroje
truju nas laznima obecanjima
nas je zivot samo patnja i mrznja
ti nemas svoje stavove, glasaj za mene-
ali to samo znaci zarobljenje
"zao mi je", ali kazem NE!
jer moj je zivot stvar samog mene

demokracija-igra rijeci
demokracija-ti joj neces izbjeci
demokracija-ubi stvora
demokracija- on je samo figura

dali ste ljudima ovu novu podvalu
ali glavno da su pali:"za slobodu"
mozda da su vise mislili na sebe
rekli bi vam :"ko vas jebe!"
unatoc tvom dobrom misljenju
sigurno ces zavrsiti u zatvoru
i iako nisi mislio nista lose
stvari protiv tebe stalno se mnoze

demokracija-nas spas
demokracija-za sve nas

i ako je to nas spas
svake cetvrte dati glas
onda smo mi
velike budale
vjerovat u obecanje
uoci kampanje
otvori oci
upotrijebi glavu
i guzice na nama nece skupljat slavu

baš je fora pjesma..ne znam šta još da napišem..čudne mi se stvari događaju u zadnje vrijeme..a šta ću sad..danas sam dobila 11 kn za prazne boce..baš sam sretna zbog toga..i bila sam sa starom u plodinama i baš mi je bilo zakon..ustvari je moja mama ful oke..ponekad..
eto tako..
ja sad idem..pa pozdravljeni budite od
kacaVIDE.. nut

- 14:03 - Komentari (33) - Isprintaj - #

01.08.2006., utorak

eto me opet..nisam vidjela komp 16 dana pa sam sad uživljena malo..
pa ovako..danas mi se dogodilo nešto šta me poprilično iznenadilo..prvo sam išla do grada..blabla..i tako ja zvaršila na viškovu..malo si popila..a ja kad popijem baš lijepo znam srat..bili mi u parkiću i vdim neku ekipu gore i odem ih žicat kunu za burek..i neka ušminkana treba mi kaže da odem kopat po smeću ako mi treba..pa ja njoj:ako ti kopaš ne znači da daju i svi ostali..i blabla..možda sam malo previše srala al ono..boli me kurac..i bio jedan dečko sa kojim sam se ja zakačila pred nekih 2 godine i on mi nešto počeo srat da se gubim i ne znam šta..i ja totalno popizdila..nešto sam mu malo spuštala i sve to..nakraju me ulovio za vrat i puko šakom..ja sam pala na pod i dok sam se dizala me još jednom odvalio i onda me uhvatio za vrat i počeo gušit..mislim jebote..baš čudan čovijek..i sad eto..šta da mu kažem..ne mogu mu ništa sama a glupo mi je zvat ekipu..ali baš ga ne kužim..a i ne znam baš točnokog da zovem jer ne želim tlačit ljude..a jebi ga..baš je jadan čovijek..i tako..evo slika kad sam tek napravila irokezu..(zadnji tjedan škole)..sad mi je crvena i možda malo duža ali ono..nemam slike..

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- 02:27 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

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He ain't got no future ain't got no hope
Lived life on the streets always high on dope
Told family and friends that they could all fuck off
2 fingers in the air he acted so tough

He was a punkrocker did it for the show
He was a punkrocker had to let it go

He swore it was for life until he met this girl
She moved into his flat showed him a new world
Quit drugs and got a job and then said punk goodbye
A car a 3 piece suit and now he even wears a tie

Punkrock is for life at least that's in my view
So stop pretending you're so punk
By telling us the rules

No nazis in punk

I am into unity punks and skins unite
But it always ends in trouble when boneheads want to fight
they don't come for the music, don't care about the bands
They just want to sieg heil and make their nazi stand

I really like oi-music, I love to see the bands
but there's no place for nazis it's time to take a stand
They DON'T belong in punkrock, they DON'T belong in oi
If they keep coming to the concerts our scene willl be destoyed


You're parents and the goverment say why do you need drugs
They think they know whats good for you but still they call you thugs
Your parents and the Goverment, they always think they're right
They bring you up the right way and teach you how to fight
Then they call you antisocial, you are opposed to all their ways
They think ????
They're laying in their graves
There is no real need for drugs or so its always said
Because they know the harm that's done the freedom in your head

Same old shit

Drug death suicide sky high nobody seems to ask why
no one points a finger at the system just another drug death victim cunts sittin in ivory towers wont stop arming pigs with more power it wont be them who get the mace sprayed all over their fuckin face situations a con and its fixed worlds been run by cunts and pricks wont see me cast my vote distrust negative feeling no hope humanity is just a disease and I don’t want a life on my knees
dead end job cable tv
killing the spirit rebellion in me

seek solutions face brick walls see no sense in it at all evolution is this it forever get the same old shit

there they go millennium bender build more prisons top of the agenda what will it be like when prison population will be one in ten whats up welfare witch hunts media making us feel like cunts keep saying they’ll stop the giving they still owe me a fucking living looks like we’re gonna be next powers that be cutting our dole checks there they go make more criminals the whole situation is fuckin dismal politicians got their own scam social justice fucking sham new labour tories no difference values gone sold out to big business.