...foto studio....heh

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usMy schwesterke... :o) joooj kak ih vooooolim

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usMatejica & Denkica

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usIneskica i ja na mostu...:o)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usex sin i ja...u Gardalnadu

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.uskak mi je zaakon ova slika...isto u Gardalandu..

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usEMAČI.....hah....Moja Jopica i ja.....isto u Gardalandu....

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usMi na Top-spinu..preeestrašno...

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usmoja nova zurka....sad je stara...heh

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KomeNtari ..Visish/Nevidish

by LiL BuT EviL

Opis bloga

Movie:Honey&Jesen u New Yorku
My character:brbljava,romantična,
uporna,bez dlake na jeziku i uvijek
spremna na sve
O happy day...:17.01.1993

Give Me All Your Love
When I first saw you baby
You took my breath away,
I knew your name was Trouble
But, my heart got in the way
I couldn't stop myself from reaching out,
I could not turn away

I don't even know your name
An' I can't leave you alone,
I'm running round in circles
Like a dog without a bone
I know the game you're playing
But, baby I just can't let go

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want
Just give me all of your loving tonight

I'll work hard everyday
To love and treat you right.
I'll rock you in the morning
And roll you in the night.
Any way you want
I'm gonna prove my love for you.

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight, tonight, tonight...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

I am blinded by your smile
And I'm crazy about your walk
I shiver and I shake
When I hear you baby talk
I'm a fool for your loving babe,
Give me all your loving tonight...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight

Anything you want from me...

So give me all your love tonight,
Give me all your love tonight
I'll do anything you want,
Just give me all of your loving tonight, tonight, tonight...

Judgement Day

The night is gone,
The time has come
To find a new day has begun,
An' it promises to stay
To soothe the pain of wasted years
An' kiss away the bitter tears
A love to light the way

And from the darkness
Comes a smile,
That reaches out for many miles,
Touching everyone.
No more shadows of the past,
Your spirit free to fly at last,
Shining in the sun

Like the rolling thunder,
I feel the power of love,
It's a gift from heaven
And the Lord above

We walk toward desire,
Hand and hand
Through fields of fire
With only love to light the way
On the road to Judgement Day

Take it easy, take it slow,
I'll take you anywhere you wanna go,
Places never seen before
'Cause I love you, an' I need you,
I'll do my best to please you,
My love can open any door

When you hear the thunder
In your darkest night,
I'll be there to hold you
When the lightning strikes

So don't you worry,
You can ease your mind
'Cause we'll be dancing
At the end of time

Who loves you, who needs you,
Who'll do his best to please you,
I love you, I need you
I'll get down on my knees

We walk toward desire,
Hand and hand
Through fields of fire
With only love to light the way
On the road to Judgement Day

So don't you worry, baby
On the road to Judgement Day
Who loves you, who needs you
On the road to Judgement Day

Here I Go Again
I don't know where I'm going
But, I sure know where I've been
Hanging on the promises
In songs of yesterday
An' I've made up my mind,
I ain't wasting no more time
But, here I go again
Here I go again

Tho' I keep searching for an answer,
I never seem to find what I'm looking for
Oh Lord, I pray
You give me strength to carry on,
'Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

An' here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a hobo* I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

I'm just another heart in need of rescue,
Waiting on love's sweet charity
An' I'm gonna hold on
For the rest of my days,
'Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

An' here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a hobo* I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

But, here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go...

An' I've made up my mind,
I ain't wasting no more time

An' here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a hobo I was born to walk alone
'Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

An' here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a hobo I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time...

But, here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go,
Here I go again...

Is This Love
I should have known better
Than to let you go alone,
It's times like these
I can't make it on my own
Wasted days, and sleepless nights
And I can't wait to see you again

I find I spend my time
Waiting on your call,
How can I tell you, baby
My back's against the wall
I need you by my side
To tell me it's alright,
'Cos I don't think I can take anymore

Is this love that I'm feeling,
Is this the love, that I've been searching for
Is this love or am I dreaming,
This must be love,
'Cos it's really got a hold on me,
A hold on me...

I can't stop the feeling
I've been this way before
But, with you I've found the key
To open any door
I can feel my love for you
Growing stronger day by day,
An' I can't wait to see you again
So I can hold you in my arms

Is this love that I'm feeling,
Is this the love, that I've been searching for
Is this love or am I dreaming,
This must be love,
'Cos it's really got a hold on me,
A hold on me...

Is this love that I'm feeling,
Is this the love, that I've been searching for...
Is this love or am I dreaming,
Is this the love, that I've been searching for...

i love bon Jovi...=)
living on prayer
Once upon a time
Not so long ago
Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
He's down on his luck...it's tough, so tough
Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love - for love

She says: We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot

We're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer

Tommy got his six string in hock
Now he's holding in what he used
To make it talk - so tough, it's tough
Gina dreams of running away
When she cries in the night
Tommy whispers: Baby it's okay, someday

We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot

We're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer

We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got

We're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer

HAVE A NICE DAY Why, you wanna tell me how to live my life?
Who, are you to tell me if it’s black or white?
Mama, can you hear me? Try to understand.
Is *the* innocence the difference between a boy and a man.
My daddy lived the lie, it’s just the price that he paid.
Sacrificed his life, just slavin’ away.

Ohhh, if there’s one thing I hang onto,
It gets me through the night.
I aint gonna do what I don’t want to,
Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.
When the world gets in my face,
I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day

Take a look around you, look its what he sees.
We’re living in a broken home of hopes and dreams,
Let me be the first to shake a helping hand.
Everybody, pray enough to take a stand,
I knocked on every door, on every dead end street,
Looking for forgiveness,
what’s left to believe?

Ohhh, if there’s one thing I hang onto,
It gets me through the night.
I aint gonna do what I don’t want to,
Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.
When the world gets in my face,
I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day.

Guitar Solo

Ohhh, if there’s one thing I hang onto,
It gets me through the night.
I aint gonna do what I don’t want to,
Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.
When the world gets in my face,
I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day.

When The world keeps trying, to drag me down,
Ive gotta raise my hands, gonna stand my ground.
Well I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day
Have A Nice Day

nedjelja, 24.06.2007.

Zašto cura sedi sama?? zato što je Gabor.... :o)

Jooooj…..burne li noći…..
Evo…ovako….Starci su mi otišli na more na 3 dana…i naravno,ja odmah zovem cure na spavanje…:o) u petak mi bila Mateja….bilo nam je super,jel tako…..?brbljavica moja….:o)
I SAD ono the best….Jučer bile Ivona,Lonca i Šeb….spavale kod mene…..da….spavale….:o)
Otišle mi van,ali prije toga spičile litru blackya……fujjjjjj……i take pijane otišle van…
Vani smo naravno pile samo….alkoholna pića…..he,he…:o) dobro…neki i nisu….neki….
I bile smo svagdje….koliko se sjećam…..Šebaljici i Horžićki je bilo super….A meni i Lonci…ma….bilo nam je luuuuudo….:o) došle mi doma oko….pola 1…tak nešto…
Al tu noć ću pamtit…..Curke…..ovo moramo ponovit…..:o)
Bilo je vani i nekih budala koje nije vrijedno ni spominjat,jer se igraju tuđim osjećajima….
Al šta ćeš….Prešla sam preko toga…..:o) Danas se trebam upoznat sa nekim likom….
Valjda je neki dobar…:o)…..idem na bazen,al…..ne smijem se kupat…..Šmrcc….:o(
I sad me stari zove i kaže mi da ne dolaze danas navečer,već sutra tokom dana…..:o)
Eto…..kad već nemam sreće u ljubavi…..imam u ostalim stvarima….:o)
Jedna pjesma za kraj: Zasto cura sedi sama

Zasto mala sedi sama
zato, zato sto ga voli
ona voli, on je presao

On je vetar u mojoj glavi
cas me przi, cas me hladi
neka hladi, neka przi
sve ce srce da izdrzi
jer on, on je zvezda
sto i danju sja i odgovor zna

Zasto cura sedi sama
kad joj dragi nije dosao
zasto kad je tako lepa
nema ko joj ne bi prisao

Zasto mala sedi sama
zasto kad joj nije dosao
zato, zato sto ga voli
ona voli, on je presao

On je leptir u mojoj kosi
cas odleti, cas doleti
neka ide, neka leti
vrati ce se kad se seti
jer on, on je zvezda
sto i danju sja i odgovor zna


Zasto mala sedi sama
zato, zato sto ga voli

Zasto mala sedi sama
zasto kad joj nije dosao
zato, zato sto ga voli
ona voli, on je presao

| ...L0v3 m3... (48) | ...HuRt m3... | # |

ponedjeljak, 18.06.2007.

Na pola volio si me, na pola ljubio,al' nikad dovoljno i nikad iskreno,da li si shvatio sad kad si me izgubio da tako malo je nama trebalo

ne znam zašto ovaj naslov,al dobro....stalno mi se vrti ona pjesma sa HRF-a što pjevaju
Gazde,mislim da se zove "U ljubavi sreće nemam"......he,he....:o)
pa,eto.....duuuuugo se nisam javljala.....pa,nema baš nekih novosti kod mene,osim da
sam odgovarala kemiju cijelo drugo polugodište i zaključila mi je 5...jupiiiiiiiiiiiii
u petak mi starci odoše na more,na nekih...4 dana......:o)
bit će tuluma,sam tako....:o)........joj....u subotu bilo tak shittt vani.....meni je moglo bit....:o)
al sam ja mal kasno pokopčala neke stvari,tak da sam propustila svoju priliku.....
:o( šmrccc......al....preživjet ću.....:o) jučer mi bili tam kod dvorca i u dvorcu....
Ovi tam svirali,baš nam bilo forrra......:o)
jedva čekam da završi ta glupa škola......joooooooooooooooj....ljeto!!!!!! :o)
ma....jedva čekam......samo.....nekak će mi bit prazno.....zamišljala sam da ću ovo ljeto provest sa dečkom,al pošto ga nemam.....ništa od toga....
nema veze....imam ja frendice i frendove i bit će nam zaaaaaaaaakon svima....:o)
Bili smo u subotu u Bizovačkim.....uffff....bilo je....:o)
skoro su mi oči ispale.....:o)......ma,bilo je tamo svega.....
ajdd.....ettt.....to bi bilo to......
p.s.Ineska,lijepo se provedi u Austriji.....:o)
pozzzzzzzzz svima...........al stvarno svima......od A do Ž....

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nedjelja, 10.06.2007.

jesam blesava... :o)

da...baš sam blesava...Subota je bila stvarno super....bolja od svih mojih očekivanja...
:o) kod mene nema ništa novog osim da moram odgovarat cijelo polugodište iz 3 predmeta
i to sve da bih imala 5...a,moš mislit kak ću uspjet...
bila ja u subotu vani do 23:30...dobro da nisam prije otišla,jer bi....propustila nešto stvarno
dobro...:o) eh,da...još uvijek sam nesretno zaljubljena...još uvijek u istu osobu...
Ha,šta ću...eh,da.......život je okrutan,preživi ga....
al ima jedna dobra vijest....starci su mi rekli da mogu na more vodit nekog sa sobom....
Ineska...nadam se da ćeš ić...:o) i bit će nam fenomenalno...:o)
pozzz svima....ne znam više što da pišem....još jednom....

Jos te volim

Samo jos jednom
da te vidim, zagrlim
i poljubim za kraj

Kako da zaboravim
kako da srcu sad da objasnim
da proslo je sve, proslo je sve

Zar sam to zasluzila
kada dusu sam ti pruzila
i volela te, volela te

Svaka suza biserna
pita da l' je istina
ne veruje, ne veruje

Da nestalo je ljubavi
da odneli su vetrovi
sve radosti, sve radosti

Mislila sam da cu te preboleti
a istina je drugog necu voleti
kad si s drugom ja sam s tugom
jos volim te, jos volim te

Dozvoli da te bar jos jednom zagrlim
poljubim, da srecu zazelim
od kad si s drugom, ja sam s tugom
jos volim te, jos volim te

I bogovi su nemocni
jer ne mogu mi doneti
nekog kao ti, nekog kao ti

Jedina je zelja moja
da se vrati ljubav tvoja
molim se, molim se

Ref. 2x

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četvrtak, 07.06.2007.

Ma,tko je u bedu??

Evo kako naslov kaže….Tko je u bedu??ja jesam….malo…ali ne zbog
Muških svinja….nego zbog…frendova iz razreda…jučer mi dobili majice i ja
Se rasplakala…plakala sam ko kišna godina…kad će mi svi tako jaaaaaaaako nedostajat…
:o( zašto sve što je lijepo kratko traje???al baš sve….:o( to taako nije fer….
I ipak smo odlučili raci uzet majicu…bilo nam je žao gledat ju kak ona gleda nas ,a mi svi HAPPY…:o)…..i ja onak sva uplakana ne mogu doć k sebi i onda mi još dođe Ineska i počne pjevat:
“ Hej ljepotice moje prijateljice
gdje su nasi snovi ostali
hej sve smo mi kao ptice selice
svaka svome jugu odleti…." Ja poludila…onda Horža kaže:"Iduće godine ćemo plakat
U drugom wc-u,sa drugim ljudima"…..ubile su me…..al jučer sam se stvarno naplakala…..al to nije ništa…
Kad bude bio zadnji dan…e onda ljudi…nosite kišobrane….I ett…..tak…
To bi bilo to…zasada…..Idemo danas Lončić,Šeb,Horža i neznam možda i Ineska u Pub….
Pa ćemo čavrljat sam takk….trš-trš…..:o)
Pozić svima…Ova mi je pjesma…..:o)….

Say your prayers, little one
Don't forget, my son,
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land
Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land
Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the Lord my soul to take
Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet, in your head
Exit: light
Enter: night
Grain of sand
Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

I ova... Nek te zagrli netko sretniji
Ispod jastuka miris je kasmira
za nas ce nocas svirat' tuznu pjesmu tu
umrijeti od ljubavi dok mjesec pada na nas
reci da l' bi za nas bio spas

Nema dusa snage te da bori se
ovo je za nas put bez povratka

Jer ti odlazis veceras
samo prate te suze nebeske
sa sto dugih godina
Bog me kaznio bez tvog dodira

Nek' te zagrli netko sretniji
cuvali te svi dobri andjeli
samo nekad me nadji da nam se
zvijezde sve zapale

Nema dusa snage te da bori se
ovo je za nas put bez povratka


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nedjelja, 03.06.2007.

luda subota...

eto...jučer bila subota...bilo je ludo...da ju bar mogu ponovit...
al,je*i ga...onaj zbog kojeg je bila luda,očito ne želi ponovit...
osjećam se tako jadno...kao da su i sve lađe potonule...kad i jesu...
prvo plačem zbog toga što su mi ovo zadnji dani s razredom...
drugo...već svima dobro poznat razlog...zbog dečka...kojeg nemam...a neću ni imat...
zato što sam tako glupa...Ne mogu vam opisat kako se sad grozno i jadno osjećam...
ma,de...ne mogu više pisat...jučer sam upoznala jednu super curu-Anitu....
cura je zakon,spaljena...ma,super je....:o)
ne mogu više ništa pisat...evo vam pjesma....

Opca opasnost
Srce zna
Dan i noc mi smo bili zajedno
dijelili smo snove
i ono malo sto smo imali u dzepu
ja sam bio divlji, a ti si voljela bas to
trazili smo samo
svoje mjesto ispod sunca

A gdje bi nam bio kraj
da te nisu odveli
dali su ti sve
i jos ti sve obecali

Al' srce tvoje zna da si sve izgubila
i jednom ce ti reci
noc je hladna bez njega
srce zna sto smo bili ti i ja
ja se jos borim i necu stati,
tebe su slagali, ti si se predala

Kao leptir i cvijet na dlanu jedne ljubavi
stajali smo sami bez igdje iceg
ali sretni kao malo tko
a sada ti se dive
za jedan osmijeh ti placaju
hodat' ces po zlatu
al' nikad vise neces biti sretna

Opca opasnost
U tvojim ocima

Tad si obecala
da ces uvijek biti tu
jer to je proslo
vidis li, donijelo kisu jesenju
nisam smio pustit te
jer srusilo se sve

Reci mi dal' ponekad tugujes
dok gledas more
tones u san nekada
dal' sjetis se zakletvi
nasih ludih snova
sada kad otisla si

Ljubav sto si davala
htio bih opet vratiti
sve sto smo dijelili
sada je dio proslosti
necu da zaboravim
volio sam te

Ref. 2x

U ocima, dugo te ne vide
da si sama duso
to znam samo ja
snovima htijela bi pobjeci
o znam te dobro
sada kad otisla si

Otisla si

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