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Blog o svemu i svacemu a najviše o US5 - U!
Mi smo Anna (Ana) i Tena
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Evo naša e-mail adresa: richijevemale15@net.hr i neznam zašto 15 valjd nam je došlo......e da e - mali adresa je samo za dopisivanje između fanova, u vezi us5 - a!
Mi naj više volimoooo RICHIA!


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Now We're back again for a funky ride
US5 Ain’t no stopin us cause were done it right
US5 's like dynamite
In Don’t you know we’ve got it right?

Keep it pumpin hot for the appetite
The Move your bodies up for some real delight
I like the way you work
Club Your body close to me

I wanna rock
So girl get up
Songtexte All that you want
I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyrics All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Liedertexte All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Let me to the crib with a party song
All the sexy girls just came along
Alle They're just so down with this
Got bumpin' through the night
Give Your body up in the air
See the party people just everywhere
In We like the way they work
Their bodies to the beat, oh yeah
I wanna rock
so girl get up
All that you want
Club I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Songtext All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyric All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
All my people join the party
Come on down and shake your body
Liedertext We’ve got somethin’ for the clubs
So girls

Here we go just one more time
Girls go crazy for the disco
Boys are freakin up so let's go
US5 This is how we roll the party
Let’s go:
Welcome in the club


Here we go
That's right
Let's dance
The Yeah
Can you, can you, can you handle this?
Club They work


I wanna rock
so girl get up
All that you want
Songtexte I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyrics All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh

Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Liedertexte All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Alle All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
In All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh

utorak, 19.12.2006.

Jao......jadan Mikel......

Post je kopiran s jednog bloga ali ne baš sve(baš sam zlocesta)..........i to je NOVO!!!

A sada evo novi intervioju........

BRAVO: Reci nam, što se dogodilo?
Michael: Htio sam izaći vani i o tome uvijek moramo obavijestiti naše zaštitare. Hodati po ovako velikom gradu kao što je Berlin nije baš u potpunosti bezopasno… Ali jednostavno sam ih zaboravio obavijestiti i išao sam sam u shopping u grad. Pogreška…

BRAVO: Zašto?
Michael: Kad sam ulazio u jedan dućan prošao sam pored četiri mišićava tipa sa crnim kožnim jaknama. To mi je izgledalo čudno već iz daljine. I onda su me ''uhvatili''. Nakon dobacivanja: ,,Šta radiš ovdje Nigeru?'' - ,,Šta tražiš u našoj zemlji?'' - ,,Vrati se u Afriku!''

BRAVO: Kako si reagirao?
Michael: Ostao sam cool, ignorirao ih i prošao pored njih i ušao u dućan. Prvo sam mislio da će me pratiti, ali ostali su izvan dućana. Pola sata kasnije, kad sam završio sa shoppingom i napustio dućan, još uvijek su stajali ondje…

BRAVO: I onda su te napali?
Michael: Da, jedan od njih mi je prišao, stao ispred mene i rekao:,,Već sam ti rekao da nestaneš!'' Odgovorio sam mu: ,,Meni? Ti meni ne trebaš ništa reći!''. Pridružili su mu se i ostali i okružili me. Jedan me već uhvatio za ovratnik. Neugodna situacija…

BRAVO: Kako si se izvukao?
Michael: Sa puno sreće! Drugi ljudi su nas zamijetili i gledali što se događa. Vjerojatno im je falilo hrabrosti, kao i meni. Jedan mi je zaprijetio: ,,Nismo s tobom još gotovi!'' i otišli su. Ali bilo je jako blizu!

BRAVO: Jesi li bio prestrašen?
Michael: Već sam si mislio: Sad će počet tučnjava. Četiri protiv jednoga, jako hrabro! Ali čudno je i to što me nisu prepoznali. Nisu znali da sam Michael iz Us5-a. Već sam par puta čuo kako neki ljubormorni ljudi imaju pimjedbu na moju boju kože. Ali da me netko napadne samo zato što sam tamniji od drugih ljudi, to mi je novo!

BRAVO: Što misliš zašto se ljudi tako ponašaju?
Michael: I ja bih to htio znati. To je jednostavno rasizam. To razumijem. Ali zar nije svejedno koje si boje? Još sam k tome i rođen ovdje, što bi onda trebao?! Odrastao sam u Frankfurtu! Dakle, Njemačka mi je rodna zemlja!

BRAVO: Čini se da si malo ljut…
Michael: Jesam. Mrzim nepravdu! Čovjek je čovjek! To što takvi ljudi to ne razumiju je potpuna glupost. Ne znam šta im se mota po glavi!

BRAVO: Otac ti je afro-amerikanac a majka bjelkinja. Je li ti ikad prije bilo neudobno u Njemačkoj zbog boje kože?
Michael: Iskreno, nikad! Odrastao sam u velikoj obitelji razne boje kože i s puno prijatelja. Prije u školi, primijeti sam da imam drugačiju boju kože. Ali nikad mi nisu prijatili ili imali neke glupe ispade. Uvijek sam se ovdje osjećao kao doma.

BRAVO: Nakon što ti se ovo dogodilo osjećaš li se drugačije?
Michael: Neću dopustiti da me ovo iskustvo poljulja. Ne dopuštam da mi takvi ljudi remete život. Neću im dopustiti da me bude strah!

Evo riječi s novoga US5 albuma "In Control".........


Verse 1
Girl, I never felt like this before
As soon as you walked through that door you had me going crazy for ya'
Why every time I see your face
Tell me why I feel this way
I wanna love you all night long girl

Baby do you wanna be with me
Better tell me what it's gonna be
I wanna know if you feeling me
Baby girl let's go

Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight
Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight

Verse 2
Girl, I never seen an angel smile
Until you walked into my life
I wanna love you all night long girl
Why everytime I hear your voice
It makes me wanna love you more
I wanna hold you all night long girl

Baby do you wanna be with me
Better tell me what it's gonna be
I wanna know if you feeling me
Baby girl let's go

Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight
Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight

Do you need me baby?
I know you want me baby
U gotta taste it baby - girl let's take it slow

Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight
Let me know, tell me if you wanna go
Baby we can take it slow
Show me that you wanna come with me tonight

Baby girl you gotta let me know
I could never ever let you go
Call me girl if you wanna go
Let me know
Girl don't go
Baby girl you gotta let me know
I could never ever let you go
Call me girl if you wanna go
Let me know
Girl don't go


Say you'll be my girlfriend
'cause you know you'll never ever fin a better man
Mi amore you're what i want
Just be my girlfriend
Be It's just you not any other ain't no better lover
My Come on baby be my girlfriend

See you walking there
You play your game so smoove
Girlfriend When you came through the door
My heart fell to the floor
So tell me what to do
So I can get with you
Talk to me my lady friend
Girl your love is heaven sent

Say you'll be my girlfriend
'cause you know you'll never ever fin a better man
Mi amore you're what i want
Just be my girlfriend
It's just you not any other ain't no better lover
Come on baby be my girlfriend

Get ready for Part 2
Alle Of getting down with you
You got me on a string
To me you're everything
You turn my world around
You lift me up and down
Be Girl I need you by my side
Let us two be unified
Say you'll be my girlfriend
'cause you know you'll never ever fin a better man
Girlfriend Mi amore you're what i want
Just be my girlfriend
It's just you not any other ain't no better lover
Come on baby be my girlfriend

Ah, be my girl, my girl girlfriend
Uh ah, be my girl my girl girlfriend

Yeah mi amore
I see you walking there
You play your game so smoove
I just want you to be my girl
Do you hear me
I want you to be my girlfriend

Say you'll be my girlfriend
Alle 'cause you know you'll never ever fin a better man
Mi amore you're what i want
Just be my girlfriend
Be It's just you not any other ain't no better lover
My Come on baby be my girlfriend (x2)

Ah, be my girl, my girl girlfriend
Girlfriend Uh ah, be my girl my girl girlfriend

Ima ih još........ali je puno..........neda mi se kopirati......ha - ha.....nevrijedi vam zaštita....hi - hi!!

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