simon says

utorak, 16.01.2007.

4 T (archives)

26.09.2006. 11:56:18

It takes great courage to ask this fundamental question: "What am I asking of the OTHER that I ought to be doing for myself?"
If I am expecting the Other to spare me the rigor and terror of living my own journey, then I have abdicated from the chief task and most worthy reason for my incarnation on this Earth.
26.09.2006. 10:42:08

the moment i heard my first love story
i started looking for you
not knowing how blind i was.
lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
they're in each other all along.
26.09.2006. 09:49:50

volim te.
ocajna sam kad se toga sjetim.
nemoj me vise nikad pitati kako sam!
24.09.2006. 14:28:09

i just realized.. ne planiram buducnost. ne vjerujem da se buducnost moze planirati. ali pripremam se za nju, za narednih 5,10,15 godina. prosirujem svoje polje opcija. "postavljam" neke elemente okolnosti,so to say. planiram doktorat,ulaganja, likvidaciju nekretnina. pikijevo skolovanje. putovanja.
i u toj buducnosti za koju se pripremam (jer preparation is 80% of victory) uvijek smo samo piki i ja. sami..
23.09.2006. 22:01:00

gddmnd bullies..
"ja sam divnaaaaa i volim cijeli svijeeeet osim one koje ne voliiiim jer se tako keksic razlomiooo i grah paoooo.. oni koje ja ne voliiim - e oniii mogu krepaaaat." wtf?!
dan kad pocnem lijeciti svoje frustre napadanjem slabijih od sebe je dan kad cu si prekratiti muke :(
22.09.2006. 13:06:38

speak no evil

A nineteenth-century folktale tells about a man who went about town slandering the town's wise man. One day, he went to the wise man's home and asked for forgiveness. The wise man, realizing that this man had not internalized the gravity of his transgressions, told him that he would forgive him on one condition: that he go home, take a feather pillow from his house, cut it up, and scatter the feathers to the wind. After he had done so, he should then return to the wise man's house. Though puzzled by this strange request, the man was happy to be let off with so easy a penance. He quickly cut up the pillow, scattered the feathers, and returned to the house.
"Am I now forgiven?" he asked.
"Just one more thing," the wise man said. "Go now and gather up all the feathers."
"But that's impossible. The wind has already scattered them."
"Precisely," he answered. "And though you may truly wish to correct the evil you have done, it is as impossible to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers."
Gossip is like a fired bullet. Once you hear the sound, you can't take it back. That is what the man in the above story found out in a very disappointing, shameful moment of self-discovery. And it isn't just what we say about someone to others, but what we say to that person directly as well. We've all been told that "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me." We also know that is totally untrue. While a body will typically recover from a physical injury, the harm caused by direct insults can sometimes last a lifetime, and tear the self-esteem right out of a person.
On the other hand, kind, encouraging words can build a person's self-esteem, help him or her to grow and give them the impetus they need to do great, significant things with their lives. The choice regarding how we speak about or to someone is ours. It's called "free will."
22.09.2006. 12:50:03

sve je stvar odluke.
koliko ti nesto vrijedi.
koju si cijenu spreman platiti.
koliko daleko ici. za nekog ili nesto.
20.09.2006. 15:32:43

salu nastranu na stranu, ljudi se na osobnoj i nacionalnoj (i svim ostalim razinama) preobiljno shvacaju.. relax, lighten up.
stupanj za*ebancije koja je dozvoljena indikator je stupnja tolerantnosti i otvorenosti (osobe, drustva, svejedno).. a kad se bazira na nacionalnim (ili inim) stereotipima i govori javno ono sto svi ionako mislimo (o sebi i drugima) doista ne shvacam zasto i kako se bilo tko moze osjetiti osobno prozvanim, uostalom, stereotipi nisu nastali iz vakuuma.
za*ebancija ovog tima pokazuje nam kako nas vide drugi i moze biti pozeljan korektiv, umjesto da bude razlog durenju i napuhavanju.
ali to je ipak reakcija koja zahtijeva malo zrelosti i svijesti o sebi..
19.09.2006. 19:56:12

vratih se s rucka kod srbina, iza maximirskog stadiona. uvijek ista klopa, uvijek isto drustvo. bivsi decko i trener macevanja :)
uvijek iste teme. nakon kojih trava ne raste u krugu 10 metara. i grlo boli od smijeha do kraja tjedna.. seks, dakle.
danas smo definirali gdje u seksu pocinje patologija. decki su zastupali dijametralno suprotna razmisljanja na temu. ja sam se zagrcavala od smijeha..
predobro je imat takve frendove.. dan je okrenuo na bolje..
19.09.2006. 14:31:23

nitko me nikad nece uvjeriti da nismo MOGLI biti zajedno.
nismo HTJELI platiti cijenu.
19.09.2006. 09:42:42

ne znam di sam to vidjela ili procitala, al ide ovako nekako: "kad bog zatvori jedna vrata, otvori druga, ali smo obicno toliko zauzeti blejanjem u ona prva, zatvorena, da ona druga niti ne primijetimo.."
mislim da ja blejim u zatvorena vrata. i to od kolovoza prosle godine. jasno mi je da su zatvorena ali ne mogu si pomoci.. ne zelim si pomoci. ne priznajem okolnosti koje su ih zatvorile kao nesto bitno i konacno..
koliko god stvari i ljudi u zivotu "pustim", onaj gore ne priznaje da sam naucila dok ne "pustim" ono sto daje dublji smisao tome sto disem i hodam zemljom.
18.09.2006. 12:14:21

i'm a mess :(
"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind."
(as a PS to myself: Getting caught up in fantasies of what should be can stop you from making the necessary changes in the here and now. Forcing the situation won't help. It's time to see what is, rather than what you think could be.)
18.09.2006. 11:04:01

ne znam hocu li prezivjeti taj dan.
ali necu pobjeci..
17.09.2006. 21:37:39

one in six billion..
16.09.2006. 09:59:07

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
12.09.2006. 11:16:55

sutnja je UVIJEK oruzje.
manipulacije,napada,obrane,uspjeha.. svejedno.
09.09.2006. 13:20:31

the only way
to bring a good man DOWN
is by exploiting his GOODNESS
08.09.2006. 19:09:55

oh jesus christ
do i feel
not slightly
07.09.2006. 18:23:30

najgore mi je kad ne znam kako sam..
kad me uhvati "dissatisfaction with life in general".
i nesto je off, a ja ne znam sto :(
zapravo, najcesce ne znam kako sam..
06.09.2006. 09:18:29

And if I need anything at all
I need a place that's hidden in the deep
Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep
Though all the world is broken
05.09.2006. 08:41:40

imas 3 dana
nemam nista.
ja imam pikija.
03.09.2006. 08:25:36

moram ovo "prokakati" jer cu puknuti.
Kolega na poslu jucer izjavi slijedece: "ako ce to raditi Tajitaj ja necu raditi na tom projektu, jer Tajitaj nosi crne kosulje i ustaske simbole".
I'm like: WTF?!
Sto bi bilo da ja velim "ja necu da Kolega radi na mom klijentu jer je Srbin". Ili: "Ja ne zelim tog klijenta jer mu je tata bio Udbas".
Dobila bih otkaz, eto sto!
Jer sam hrvatska nacionalistica. Razljepili bi me po Dnevniku i Vecernjaku. OSCE bi mi dosao doma i svaki dan mjerio rektalnu temperaturu dok mi 'rvatstvo ne splasne!
Bljak :(
01.09.2006. 12:02:30

16.01.2007. u 19:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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