RedBarracuda - it's a fish

četvrtak, 08.02.2007.

I took some rest from internet poker...

For the last 4 or 5 days I haven't touched internet poker. Why? Well, because it drained me both physically and monetary. A week ago I got nailed twice, as I already wrote, but during the weekend I got sucked out so many times that I finished my internet poker career for now with $10. All sorts of crazy things happened to me, and I was outdrawn in every hand that gave even a remote possibility to nail me... And I mean every hand. Whatever I had got cracked. Figuratively speaking, I think I lost like 75% or more hands due to sucking out or ridiculous outdrawing... So I decided not co come close to the internet poker for few days, and today, again I sat down and started playing in some mini steps tournament (as you win them or finish 1st or 2nd you progress to the higher step and in the last step you get to earn some money) because Djonjara suggested to me that I try them out as the 1st step costs only $3 and with my $10 I really don't have anything smarter to do... Oh, just to go back a few days when I played $5+$1 PL Freezout with 200 people..... I finished 24th and first 20 got the money. Why I finished 24th?. Well, take a lucky guess. Let's just say that i had K4 on BB and flop came 3K6 rainbow. I bet pot, guy calls. Next card is 5 which gives me additional straight draw. I bet 3/4 pot, and guy calls again, aand mind you, he didnt have more chips than me. River came 4 for my 2nd pair and I bet again, and you know what, I get a raise from a guy. I decided to call just to see what the hell was he doing all the way to the end to find out he had A2o chasing either an ace or a straight (which he in the end got). Few hands later i have A8 (dead man's hand apparently) and raise (I was on the button). Guy from the big blind calls me and flop comes 4A5. Guy checks, I bet, he calls. Turn comes another A. Now he bets straight in the head and I raise him all in. He calls with A6 and you can guess what comes on the river... exactly... 6... for him to complete the full house and for me to go home 4 places from the money after I played very good the whole tour. So, that was really the breaking point, the point where I decided to stop playing internet poker for some time. ... But, as it happens, Djonjara told me about "steps" and I decided to play them. But again I got sucked out in step 2 and have to start from step 1 again and it is taking its mental toll on me so I am again going to take a rest. As for the live game (post below mentions tournament in Casino Vega in Hotel Sheraton in Zagreb), I decided to pull a hand brake for the time being since my bankroll (I dont actually have one) doesn't allow me to go to these tournaments regularly and play cash games regularly (other than the cheap home ones in which I featured just few days ago and it was successful even though the 3 times i had KK they got cracked by a cheap ace), so I decided to play both live and online when I will have more nerves and more significantly, cash... bang

08.02.2007. u 21:24 • 2 CommentsPrint#

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