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Nest o
zovem se Tanja,
odnosno drugi me
zovu... :)
Kao što ste i mogli
vidjeti Green Day mi je ZAKON!
Volim gledati filmove...s Ashtonon
Obožavam povijest,
matematiku i
fiziku(moš' mislit!)...
I to je to...ima još,
ali se nebrem zmisliti...
sve frendice Lauru,Laru,
Tamaru... i ostale...

Ja i moja best frendica Laura...(znam da se "ja"
nebi smjela stavljati na prvo mjesto,al jebi ga
kad smo tak poredane... :D)
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Tamara i Lara....uuuh...jako senzibilna slika...:)
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Lara i ja...
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Larino uzbuđenje prestaje...:D
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Green Day


She's a rebel
she's a saint
she's the salt of the earth
and she's dangerous
she's a rebel
missing link on the brink
of destruction
from chicago
to toronto
she's the one that they
call. Old whatsername
she's the symbol
of resistance
and she's holding on my
heart like a handgrenade
is she thinking
what i'm thinking?
Is she the mother of all bombs?
Gonna detonate
is she trouble?
Like i'm trouble?
Make it a double
twist of fate
or a melody that
she sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings this liberation
that i just can't define
nothing comes to mind


I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

I pledge allegiance to the underworld
One nation under dog
There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd
Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt
Singled out
The only way I know

I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know

One light, one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud" she screamed unto me
A free for all
Fuck 'em all
You are your own sight

I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

2,000 Light Years Away

I sit alone in my bedroom
Staring at the walls
I've been up all damn night long
My pulse is speeding
My love is yearning

I hold my breath and close my eyes
And dream about her
Cause she's 2000 light years away
She holds my malakite so tight so..
Never let go
Cause she's 2000 Light years away

I sit outside and watch the sunrise
Look out as far as I can
I can't see her, but in the distance
I hear some laughter
We laugh together

Then I hold my breath and close my eyes
And dream about her
Cause she's 2000 light years away.

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....


Thought I ran into you down on the street
Then it turned out to only be a dream
I made a point to burn all of the photographs
She went away and then I took a different path
I remember the face. But I can’t recall the name
Now I wonder how whatsername has been
Seems that she disappeared without a trace
Did she marry old what’s his face
I made a point to burn all of the photographs
She went away and then I took a different path
I remember the face. But I can’t recall the name
Now I wonder how whatsername has been
Remember, whatever
It seems like forever ago
Remember, whatever
It seems like forever ago
The regrets are useless, in my mind
I must confess, the regrets are useless
She’s in my head
From so long ago and in the darkest night
If my memory serves me right
I’ll never turn back time
Forgetting you, but not the time


Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)
The shame, the ones who died without a name

Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called Faith and Misery (Hey!)
A plead, the company lost the war today

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

Hear a drum pounding out of time
Another protestor has crossed the line (Hey!)
The line, the money's on the other side

Can I get another Amen (Amen)
There's a flag wrapped around the score of men (Hey!)
A gag, A plastic bag on a monument

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

"The representative from California has the floor"

Seek out to the president gasbag
Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel tower
who criticized your government
Bang bang goes the broken glass man
Kill all the fags that don't agree
Triumph by fires, sinning buyers
Is that a way that's meant for me
Just cause
Just cause because we’re all ok

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
This is our lives on holiday


Where have all the bastards gone?
The underbelly stacks up ten high.
The dummy failed the crash test,
Now collecting unemployment checks like a flunkie along for the ride,
Where have all the riots gone as the city's motto gets pulverized?
"What's in love is now in debt" on your birth certificate,
So strike the fucking match to light this fue!
The town bishop is an extortionist and he don't even know you exist.
Standing still when it's do or die,
You better run for your fucking life.
It's not over till you're underground.
It's not over before it's too late.
This city's burning "It's not my burden".
It's not over before it's too late, there is nothing left to analyze.
Where will all the martyrs go when the virus wires itself
And where will we all go when it's too late?

You're not the Jesus of Suburbia,
The St. Jimmy is a figment of your father's rage
And your mother's love.
Made me the idiot america.
It's not over 'till you're underground.
It's not over before it's too late.
This citys burning. "It's not my burden".
It's not over before it's too late.
She said "I can't take this place, I'm leaving it behind".
She said "I can't take this town I'm leaving you tonight".



i'm the son of rage and love
the jesus of suburbia
from the bible of "none of the above"
on a steady diet of soda pop and ritalin
no one ever dies for my sins in hell
as far as i can tell
at least the ones i got away with
but there's nothing wrong with me
this is how i'm supposed to be
in the land of make believe
that don't believe in me
get my television fix sitting on my crucifix
the living room in my private womb
while the mom's and brad's are away
to fall in love and fall in debt
to alcohol and cigarettes and mary jane
to keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine

at the center of the earth
in the parking lot of the 7-11 where i was taught
the motto was just a lie
it saya "home is where your heart is"
but what a shame
'cause everyone's heart doesn't beat the same
we're beating out of time
city of the dead
at the end of another lost highway
signs misleading to nowhere - city of the damned
lost children with dirty faces today
no one really seems to care
i read the graffiti in the bathroom stall
like the holy scriptures in a shopping mall
and so it seemed to confess it didn't say much
but it only confirmed that
the center of the earth is the end of the world
and i could really care less

i dont care if you dont.
I dont care if you dont
i dont care if you dont care
everyone is so full of shit!
Born and raised by hypocrites.
Hearts recycled but never saved
from the cradle to the grave
we are the kids of war and peace
from anahem to the middle east
we are the stories and disciples of the jesus of suburbia
land of make believe
and it dont believe in me and i dont care!

dearly beloved, are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying
are we demented?
Or am i disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am i retarded?
Or am i just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and i stand accused
for lack of a better word and that's my best excuse

to live and not to breathe
is to die in tragedy
to run, to run away to find what to believe
and i leave behind this hurricane of fucking lies
i lost my faith to this, this town that don't exist
so i run, i run away
to the light of masochists
and i leave behind this hurricane of fucking lies
and i walked this line a million and one fucking times
but not this time
i don't feel any shame, i won't apologise
when there aint nowhere you can go
running away from pain when you've been victimized
tales from another broken home

Second day is always better than the first!

07.12.2005., srijeda

"I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies..."

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Nisam baš inspirirana...onak...jeste pregledali Laurin blogich?
Oooooooooke! Pozdrav!
Danas je baš dobro bilo u školi...malo jadno...ali dobro...polako sve svršava...mislim ide k kraju...jer budu brzo praznici i te stvari...joj,još moram kupiti darove za Božić...a neznam kaj kome ... pa bi zato bilo bolje da nikaj ne kupim... ne?
Od subote slušam Green day non stop...čak i v školi...baš su mi onak super cool...Jebote,opsjednuta sam s njima ! Onak! : )
Al,bude mene to baš jako brzo ali s vremenom bude...mislim ne do kraja onak,kaj bi ih uopće nej slušala,nego bude se doživljaj malo smanjio,mislim ne prema pjesmama nego prema svemu tome...kužite?Baš sam smo se danas spominale kolko ljudi ustvari tu (blizu negde) posluša Green onak usput nago onak za stvarno...kak ja..: ) možda svaki stoti...ili sto prvi...a tam negde u UK ili SAD svaki peti...ili četvrti...tam su ljudi onak bolje u njih...a kad se pitaš kolko ljudi posluša Doorse ili je svaki četvrti u našoj šžda svaki š
malo je to rasprostranjenije(zgubila sam se...) nek Green day...mislim...sramota...nej da imam kaj protiv vrata ili utrnuća(nirvana)' ono!
Malo filozofiram...ustvari,ne malo...jako!Al' dobro...ono!

"It's something unpredictable,but in the end is right,I hope you had a time of your life!"

emocionalna situacija mi se jako poboljašava,makar baš i nisam bila u nekoj lošoj jedna tema me onak nekaj tak...a to je teme osjećaja...emocija...i tih sranja...nećem se jednostavno zamarati s tim svim sranjima jer nisu baš pozitivni...odnosno ne djeluju baš dobro na mene... možda sam se zato tak zaokupila s zelenim danom,pak kaj pozabim na sve to...i,je,čekala bum...valjda bum i dočekala...

"I sit alone in my bedroom
Staring at the walls
I've been up all damn night long
My pulse is speeding
My love is yearning "

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P.S. Baš sam pročitala da je Green Day jučer na dodjeli Billboard Awards osvojio šest nagrada : Pop Group, Billboard 200 Album Group, Rock Artist of the Year, Rock Song of the Year (Boulevard of nroken dreams), Hot 100 Group, and Modern Rock Artist of the Year.
Ahaaaa! Tak se to dela!
Ajd' ...

citiram jednoga stričeka s neta: "It's official. Green Day can now be considered godfathers of punk.It is safe to say that without Green Day, there would be no Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Simple Plan or even possibly Avril Lavigne. Green Day created an attitude that sold multitudes.They've already achieved a rare feat; they've created what some are calling a rock masterpiece: music with meaning that challenges the status quo...and, best of all, it rocks."

Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa! aha! tak...

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- 20:58 - ...bullet in a bible... (4) - ...don't... - ...wai-ai-ai-ait a minute...

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Evo...imam i ja svoj blog,makar nemam baš inspiration
za pisanje...ali bude išlo nekak...Pozdrav svima,a
posebno LAURI koja mi je dala ideju za ovo...Hope
so da bude vam se sviđao moj blog...
Moja best pjesma ...

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til then I walk alone

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the borderline of the edge
And where I walk alone
Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone


Summer has come and past.
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my fathers come to pass,
Seven years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are.
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and past.
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Ring out the bells again.
Like we did when spring began.
Wake me up when September ends.

Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are.
As my memory rest,
But never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends.

Summer has come and past.
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.

Like my fathers come to pass.
Twenty years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends.[x3]



We're living in repetition
Content in the same old stick again
Now the routine's turning to contention
Like a production line going over and over and over
Roller coaster

Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice
I'm speechless and redundant
'Cause I love you's not enough
I'm lost for words

Choreographed and lack of passion
Prototypes of what we were
Went full circle 'til I'm nauseous
Taken for granted now
Now I waste it, I faked it, I ate it, now I hate it

'Cause I cannot speak, I lost my voice
I'm speechless and redundant
'Cause I love you's not enough
I'm lost for words

Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice
I'm speechless and redundant
'Cause I love you's not enough
I'm lost for words



She screams in silence
A sullen riot penetrating through her mind
Waiting for a sign to smash the silence with the brick
of self control

Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you?
Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you

She's figured out all her doubts
Were someone else's point of view
Waking up this time to smash the silence with the brick
of self control

Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you?
Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you