Dado AKA. Tip-C (High Society)
Pero AKA. J.A.J.E. (Boyz from the Hood)
Jopa AKA. J.O.J.O. (Boyz from the Hood)
Maki AKA. MC Cold (Boyz from the Hood)
Manjerovic AKA. LIZO (Boyz from the Hood)


Maki(ja) AKA. Nme
Dado AKA. Tip-C
Pero AKA. Bankrupt
Alen AKA. Gem
Marko AKA. Bullet proof
Lizo AKA. Simple L

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KoMeNtArI YeS Or No

by Ob@Jd1n

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Nije bilo kosarkaske lopte pa mi je ova bila tubular ovo je da se mozete vremenski orijentirati!!!!

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My name je Marko. Friends call me : maki, mc ledeni, NME (my aka.).....
Zivim u Karlovcu gradu - centru svijeta.Favorite movie mi je Scarface ujedno i najbolja igrica. Najdrazi artists Snoop Dogg, 2pac, Notorius B.I.G,
NWA, Public Enemy, DMX, The Game

Myspace Codes & Myspace Code

, Eminem (REPREZENTING THE WHITE GUYZ), High Society mouthwashmouthwashmouthwashmouthwash lol............
Imam curu nisam single hehe Tina kissezcerekcerekcerek. Najdraza hrana je lazanje, pinneapple pizza with haway-an sauce DAMN njaminjaminjami
Roden sam 6.5.1991. imam 15 god iako mi to nitko ne vjeruje ludludlud
Treniram kosarku vec 2-3 godine

Nizak sam 1900 mm => 190 cm => 1,9 m. deaddeaddead
Idem u SMRC (Tehnicka skola Karlovac), u 2. ct. Inace hobby mi ye basketball, hangin' out with my prijatelji & chillin.....
Slusam all kinds of music ali ponajvise rap, hip-hop, r'n'b, ali u mojoj kolekciji se mogu naci i limp bizkit, kid rock, bob marley.......

Vise manje that's all treniram u KK Sancu i clan sam L.O.T.E-a (Life on the egde). Pozz svim blogerima i posjetiteljima. I jos najbitnije nebi mogao zivjeti bez svog i-poda

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I da ovo vam je moja credit card

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And I drink that:

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Ovaj blog je posvecen svim rapperima koji su stvarno u tom elementu i koji zele nesto postici od svog potencijala. Pogotovo je posvecen karlovackim reperima!! I za sve poginule legende rapa $R.I.P. 2pac$
A ovo je diss na sve glupe fejkere:

Ne budi glupa umisljena kmica,
jer za mene si takav obicna klica,
koju uopce ne vidim,
i na cesti hladnokrvno zgazim,
jer si mal klempav i bezopasan,
a mislis da si krasan sjajan bajan,
mislis da si TI!!!!!! jet set,
ma covjece obicni si kmet!!!!!!!
I zato se sad krizam i molim Bogu,
sto mi je dao snagu da i dalje repat mogu!!!!!!!!


Najbolji ducan tamo ja kupujem robu eekeekeek
Geminni => L.O.T.E
Simple L & L.I.Z.O
Pera fuckface or $krupt
Tip-C => L.O.T.E
mala tinica smijeh
Compton girl thumbupdead
Mali Patrick mouthwash
Glumceva girl partyparty
Crazy KEKY partysmokinthumbup
Im just gonna say DAMNwinkeeknaughtynut
Bič vidaut lak deadgreedy
A ludi snaapsy mouthwashparty
She luv'z gangzta's thumbup
hana coolcool
Petra => rukometasica smijeh
Cute girl thumbup
Ok gangzta girl eek

Ovdje ce vam svaki dan biti objavljena teta dana P.S Please nemojte mi uslinit ekran deaddeaddeaddeaddeadnutnutnutnutnutnutnut

A ovdje vicevi dana roflroflroflroflroflroflrofl

srijeda, 09.08.2006.


Lizo me podsjetio da bi mogao napisat nes o nasim legama!!!!!!!!!!!

Prvi je petrovic=JUDA
o njem nemam sta puno pricat his name govori all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!burninmad

Drugi je Barac= razbijac!!!
Najjaci u klubu (KK SANAC)
Iako mu oci idu u x zujozujozujozujozujozujozujozujo
on bar nekako pogodi kos ,prije je nosio lece a sad nosi neke zakon cvikse coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool

Ruljo vidimo se!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

| CoMeNtIrAj (3) | PriNtAj | # |


Pisao sam neke rime koje su mi pale napamet koje bi mogli stavit u pjesmu!!!!!!!!!
Pisajuci te stihove shvatio sam:
Damn i luv this girl (IDA)

sad gledam tonya montanu kak mi je to zakon film!!!!!!!!

UBIJ SE KLEMPObangbangbangheadbangheadbangpuknucu

| CoMeNtIrAj (0) | PriNtAj | # |

Opet neznam sta bi radio pa dodoh usavrsiti svoj blog! Cijelo vecer mislim o 1 curi!!
Mala je odlicna!!!!!! Slatka, pametna, tamnokosa, ima stila..... sve us svemu hole package!!!!!!!!!
Joj misli mi vise ne daju da mislim na nis drugo!!!!!!!!
Damn fuck it Im going to call her and invite her for a drink!!!!!!!!!!!

| CoMeNtIrAj (1) | PriNtAj | # |


Ej ruljo svi koji danas posjetite ovaj site sam da podijelim s vama dobru vijest: POSTAO SAM BURAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

| CoMeNtIrAj (0) | PriNtAj | # |

utorak, 08.08.2006.

Lyrics Drop it like it´s hot

(Chorus-Snoop Dogg)
When the pimps in the crib, ma
Drop it like its hot
Drop it like its hot
Drop it like its hot
When the pigs try to get at ya
Park it like its hot
Park it like its hot
Park it like its hot
And if a nigga get a attitude
Pop it like its hot
Pop it like its hot
Pop it like its hot
I got the rolly on my arm and Im pouring Chandon
And I roll the best weed cause I got it going on

(Verse-Pharrell Williams)
Uh! Im a nice dude, with some nice dreams
See this ice cubes, see this Ice Creams?
Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat
Thats whiter than whats spilling down your throat
The Panthom, exterior like fish eggs
The interior like suicide wrist red
I can excercise you, this can be your Phys.Ed
Cheat on your man ma, thats how you get ahizzead
Killer with the beat, I know killers in the street
Wit the steel that´ll make you fell like Chinchilla in the heat
So dont try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit
Trying to ask me shit
When my niggaz fill ya vest they aint gon pass me shit
You should think about it, take a second
Matter fact, you should take 4 B
And think before you fuck wit lil Skateboard P

(Verse-Snoop Dogg)
Im a gangsta, but yall knew that
Da Big Bo$$ Dogg, yeah I had to do that
I keep a blue flag hanging out my backside
But only at the left side, yea thats the Crip side
Aint no other way to play the game the way I play
I cut so much you thought I was a DJ
"two!" - "one!" - "yep three!"
S-N double O-P, D-O double G
I cant fake it, just brake it, and when I take it
See I specialize in making all the girlz get naked
So bring your friends, all of yall come inside
We got a world premiere right here, now get live!
So dont change the dizzle, turn it up a little
I got a living room full of fine dime brizzles
Waiting on the Pizzle, the Dizzle and the Shizzle
Gs to the bizzack, now ladies here we gizzo

(Chorus-Snoop Dogg)

(Verse-Snoop Dogg)
Im a Bad Boy, wit a lotta hos
Drive my own cars, and wear my own clothes
I hang out tough, Im a real Bo$$
Big Snoop Dogg, yea hes so sharp
On the TV screen and in the magazines
If you play me close, youre on a red beam
Oh you gott a gun so you wanna pop back?
AK47 now nigga, stop that
Cement shoes, now Im on the move
Your family is craying, now you on the news
They cant find you, and now they miss you
Must I remind you Im only here to twist you
Pistol whip you, dip you then flip you
Then dance to this motherfuckin music we crip too
Subscribe nigga, get yo issue
Baby come close, let me see how you get loose!!!!!

(Chorus-Snoop Dogg)

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Gangzta movs

Svoj rulji koja ce posjecivat ovaj blog preporucujem da pogledaju sljedece filmove:Scarface (Al Pacino)Juice (2pac)
Hustle&Flow (Ludacris)
8mile (Eminem)Boyz n the hood (Ice Cube)
Training day (Snoop & Dre)
L.A. Crash (Ludacris)

P.S. Molim fanove da me ne zatrpavaju pismima i porukama i da se ne ljute ak ne odgovorim na sva jer kako znate poznata sam osoba i j$$$ ga!!!!!!

| CoMeNtIrAj (0) | PriNtAj | # |


Jos jedan obicni dan!!! Kisa pada ja slusam mjuzu i tipkam neka glupa slova po tipkovnici!! (hndfsibl bh bdsuv sduvbdsbds) Dado se vratio s mora hahahahahaha necu napisat zas se smijem to znamo sam nas par budala se uvalio u rusku mafiju sam cekam dan kad ce me nazvat Pero i rec Dado je mrtav ukokali ga LUDI RUSI!!!!!!!!! Pero i dalje nezna sta ce sa sobom!!!! Mila ga kara u mozak ak ga ima (ma ima ga sala (valjda) )! Peace svima koji su posjetili ovaj blog !!!!!

| CoMeNtIrAj (3) | PriNtAj | # |

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