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16.02.2009., ponedjeljak

kako opisati ocean?

"Stay like this, I want to look at you, I have looked at you so much but you were not for me, now you are for me, don't come close, please, stay as you are, we have a night to ourselves, and I want to look at you, I've never seen you in this way, your body for me, your skin, shut your eyes, stroke yourself, please, do not open your eyes if you can, and stroke yourself, your hands are so beautiful, I have dreamed of them so often, now I want to see them, I like to see them on your skin, like this, please go on doing it, don't open your eyes, I am here, nobody can see us and I am close to you, stroke yourself, my master and beloved, stroke your organ, please, slowly. It's beautiful your hand on your organ, don't stop, I love to look at it and to look at you, my master and my beloved, don't open your eyes, not yet, don't be afraid, I am beside you, do you feel me? I am here, I can brush you, this is silk, do you feel it? It's the silk of my dress, don't open your eyes and you'll have my skin, you'll have my lips, when I touch you for the first time it will be with my lips, you'll not know where, at a certain point you will feel the warmth of my lips on you, you can't know where if you do not open your eyes, don't open them, you'll feel my lips you know not where, suddenly. Perhaps it will be on your eyes, I shall press my mouth to your eyelids and brows, you'll feel the warmth course through your head, and my lips on your eyes, in them, and perhaps it will be on your organ, I shall press my lips there, and I'll part them little by little as I go down, I'll leave your organ to part my lips, penetrating between my lips, and pressing my tongue, my saliva will flow down your skin as far as your hand, my kiss and your hand, the one inside the other, on your organ. Until in the end I shall kiss you on the heart, because I want you, I shall bite the skin that throbs your heart, because I want you, and with your heart between my lips you will be mine, truly, with my mouth in your heart you will be mine, forever, if you do not believe me open your eyes, my master and my beloved, and look at me, it is I. Who will ever be able to erase this moment that is happening? And this body of mine no longer with any silk, your hands touching it, your eyes look at it, your fingers in my cleft, your tongue on my lips, you sliding beneath me, taking me by the hips, lifting me up, letting me slide onto your organ, slowly, who will be able to erase this? You inside me, moving slowly, your hands on my face, your fingers on my mouth, pleasure in your eyes, your voice, you move slowly but to the point of hurting me, my pleasure, my voice. My body is yours, your back lifting me up, your arms that will not let me go, the thrusts inside of me, it is sweet violence, I see your eyes probing mine, they want to know how far to go in hurting me, as far as you please, my master and beloved, there is no end, it will not end, don't you see? No one will be able to erase this moment that is happening, you will forever be throwing your head back, crying out, forever I shall shut my eyes, shaking off the tears from my brows, my voice inside yours, your violence in holding me tightly, there is no time left for escaping or strength for resisting, it had to be this moment, and this moment it is, believe me, my master and beloved, this moment shall continue to be, from now on it shall be, till the very end."
— Alessandro Baricco
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