Gay srbija cet - Stranica za upoznavanje

ponedjeljak , 31.12.2018.

Pričaonica Krstarice

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gay srbija cet

Pričaonica Krstarice - Uverite se i sami! Dopisivanje s bezbroj članova i razgledanje njihovih fotografija može Vam neviđeno ulepšati dan.

gay srbija cet

Homosexuality is treated as a scourge with no legitimacy, no legal protections or cultural recognition. In all of Serbia there are only two known gay bars. Compiled by Richard Ammon March 2012 The following story was taken from the Belgrade Labris Lesbian web site: Lost Hope Gay and lesbian existence in Serbia is mostly based on leading a double-life. Gays and lesbians live in complete isolation and silence. There are only few activists who are brave to speak openly in public or on television. Being an out lesbian or gay is a perilous social phenomenon in Serbia. There are people who even think that being gay or lesbian is something imported from the West, something that spoils Serbian youth. When we finally elected democratic government, we hoped that our rights would be taken into consideration. What we got after violently stopped parade was the silence of state officials. In Serbia, everything that is marked as gay or lesbian loses its value. Politicians are afraid that they would not be taken seriously if they promote LGBT rights. There is no space in which gays and lesbians could see themselves as positive persons. There is no political language that would give space for LGBT rights or civil society to reopen these questions. Therefore we work on anti-discriminative law that would secure the rights of people with different sexual orientation in one of its articles. Apart from leading double-lives gays and lesbians in Serbia do not have the benefits of marriage, are not safe at their workplace, and live in constant fear and pressure. Risky LGBT Scene Yugoslavia has two gay clubs, one in the capital Belgrade and one in Novi Sad, in the more liberal Vojvodina province. Recently, in Novi Sad, some members of Obraz ultra-nationalist group that openly promotes violence against LGBT people or skinheads you cannot tell them apart anymore have broken into the club and severely beaten up all who found themselves there. In the one in Belgrade, from time to time a group of skinheads circles around and watches who comes out of the club. One night, some gay friends of mine just went out to buy cigarettes and ended up in hospital. The police car just passed them by. The recent news is that that the president of Yugoslavia and a candidate for president of Serbia, Vojislav Kostunica has begun his campaign for the second turn of presidential elections. He was one of the homophobic hooligans who has beaten and insulted gays and lesbians on the first Belgrade gay parade on June 30 2001. Will the harassment of LGBT continue or are we to face something worse? Need for Change In general spirit and dedication to accepting the European democratic values and institutions, our society must re-define its position when it comes to LGBT rights and identities. We are facing an enormous and difficult task in the atmosphere of strong homophobia and prejudice, to work and act on affirmation and articulation of LGBT identities and facilitate its wider social expression, without discrimination and direct violence, which we all unfortunately witnessed; and every kind of support would be by all means significant for us. For that reason gay and lesbian groups were not allowed to register. Hate speech and homophobia were present in the pro-regime media. During this year nationalist and religious groups and individuals continued to publicly threaten LGBT individuals, while using hate speech in the media and giving homophobic statements. There have also been several physical attacks on LGBT people. Political parties, the government of FR Yugoslavia and of the Republic of Serbia have not taken an official stance regarding the violation of the basic human rights of LGBT people. About Labris Gay and lesbian activism in FR former Yugoslavia officially began in the early nineties when Arkadija, a gay and lesbian organization, was formed. By the mid nineties Labris, an exclusively lesbian group, established itself apart from Arkadija. Labris is a group working on the promotion of lesbian human rights since 1995. Labris has had its own space only since February of 2001 and having that space has been a tremendous help regarding the quality and realization of projects and activities. Our work is based on feminist ethical principles no hierarchy, solidarity, no discrimination, transparency, non-violent communication… photo right: Serb swim champion Velimir Stjepanovich We chiefly empower lesbians to accept their identity and leave situations of discrimination and violence. Through organizing psychological and creative workshops, trainings, seminars, and cultural and educational programs: evenings of poetry, music, film, concerts and a theatre performance, Labris is for most lesbians the only contact with their community. Our video collection contains about 50 movies and documentaries and our library contains more than 500 books and magazines in Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, English, Italian, French, and Spanish… In 2001 we had two exhibitions of lesbian paintings and photographs one of them was Lesbian Conexxions exhibition, as a part of our Pride celebration, in the Students Cultural Center which lasted five days. By means of our information center, printed materials Labris has its own newspaper, the only one which deals with lesbian issues in Serbia , we support lesbians who live outside Belgrade as well. This year our activists were in Croatia and Slovenia to support their first pride parades. The mass of about 300,000 whistled to condemn the violence that took place last year in Belgrade. What was supposed to be a celebration of diversity on the main square in Belgrade on June 30th, 2001, became a field of violence. Participants of our parade, NGO representatives, individuals and passers-by were attacked and beaten by a thousand members of nationalist or religious pro-fascistic groups. With that the parade was violently broken up and 40 civilians were injured. Most of the media in FR Yugoslavia declared this to be the most drastic example of human rights violation in the country during that year, as did Amnesty International in its yearly report on Yugoslavia. A good background report about modern Serbia can be read at: Also see:.

Bosko Obradovic (MP Serbia) on LGBT rights: Where are the rights of the majority in this country?
Ovde je osmeh zaštitni znak za svakog člana sajta. Garantujemo Vam da ćete uskoro zračiti srećom. Ne zaboravite, ulaz u chat sobe ne zahtjeva registraciju i chatanje u njima je potpuno besplatno! A one prave stvari za koje se zaista vredi boriti stavljamo u drugi plan. Tako je i s prijateljstvima. Tako ćete uspjeti nadvladati iskušenja koja će se povremeno pojavljivati. Dopisivanje s bezbroj članova i razgledanje njihovih fotografija može Vam neviđeno ulepšati dan. Nama su Nokia mobiteli nekako najdraži ali na Vama je da odaberete želite li biti pristojni na hot chatu i imati prilike za nove prijatelje ili cete trositi poruke na sms poruke preko mobitela i placati skupo istu stvar. Drugi korak već može biti viđanje uživo, nikad se ne zna… Gej Cet je mesto stvoreno za ljude poput Vas. Na ovim Web stranicama donose se i linkovi na vanjske stranice koje nisu u sastavu ovog sitea.

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