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Retrieved 3 August 2008. Seeded fifth at the , she lost to of Romania in the fourth round despite serving for the match in the third set at 5—4. Tako je s vremenom započela svome dečku prigovarati radi njegova siromaštva i postavljati čudne uvjete koje mu je bilo nemoguće ostvariti i ispuniti — željela je biti viđena u visokom i poznatom društvu, ručati i večerati po skupim restoranima, ljetovati u skupim hotelima, zimovati u poznatim inozemnim skijaškim centrima, odijevati robu prestižnih robnih kreatora te voziti skupe automobile. Bracne ponude Apartman se nalazi na sampg vleza od grada.

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Janković at the Native name 5;5=0 0=:>28[ Country sports 2000—2003 2003—2006 2006—present Residence , Born 1985-02-28 28 February 1985 age 33 , , Height 1. Jelena Janković : 5;5=0 0=:>28[, pronounced , born 28 February 1985 is a Serbian professional. Janković is a former in singles, a ranking achieved preceding her finals appearance at the. Janković's career highlights include winning the title with , the 2010 , the twice, in 2007 and 2008, and the aforementioned appearance in the finals of the 2008 US Open. She is coached by her brother Marko. Janković was born in , , as the third child of Veselin and Snežana, both economists. She has two brothers, Marko and Stefan. She is a student at the in Belgrade, studying economics. However, she has put her course of study on indefinite hold as she continues to pursue her tennis career. Janković learned her first tennis skills at the Tennis Club 'Red Star'. She was later trained at the Tennis Academy of. As a junior, she won the and reached junior no. In 2001, she started to play on the WTA Tour; she reached the second round at her first tournament at the. She was ranked for seventeen consecutive weeks until she was overtaken by on 2 February 2009. She was the year-end world no. Janković has reached the singles final of the and the singles semifinals of the Australian Open and the French Open. In 2007, she became the first Serbian player to win a Grand Slam title when she won the mixed doubles title with British partner. Three months later, Janković garnered her first top-10 win against in the first round of the. In May, Janković won her first WTA title, a Tier V event, in , defeating in the final. Following her win in Budapest, she reached no. Elsewhere in her 2004 season, she defeated top-20 players twice , , , and. Janković finished 2004 ranked no. In March, at , she advanced to the final following Serena Williams's retirement in the semifinal. Janković then lost in the final to in three sets. She made her first Tier I semifinal in , losing to. In June, she reached her first grass-court final at , but lost to. In October, Janković reached her third final of the year in , ranked no. Her ranking at the end of the season eclipsed her 2004 record at no. Janković lost in the second round of the to world no. That was the first of ten straight losses, not winning a match from late January into early May. She later said this run caused her to consider quitting tennis. Janković ended her losing streak by beating world no. At the French Open, Janković reached the third round for the first time, where she lost to world no. At , Janković defeated sixth-seeded and defending champion Venus Williams in the third round in three sets. Competing in the fourth round of a Grand Slam event for the first time, she lost to ninth-seeded. In August, Janković reached her fifth career final and first of the year at the in Los Angeles, defeating ranked world no. The saw Janković defeat world no. In the semifinals, Janković lost to world no. Janković argued with the chair umpire, when the umpire refused to offer an opinion as to whether a service call had been correct, suggesting that Janković use one of her electronic challenges. Janković then lost ten consecutive games. Janković continued her strong form in the aftermath of the US Open. Of the six tournaments she played during the remainder of the year, she reached the quarterfinals at five. This included a run to the semifinals at the in Beijing, defeating world no. Janković finished the year at a career-high ranking of world no. The following week, at the in Sydney, Janković defeated world no. Janković's strong start to the year meant that some considered her a title threat at the ; however, she was eliminated in the fourth round by the eventual champion , who was ranked 81st in the world at the time. Because of her results at these tournaments, her ranking rose to world no. Janković reached two semifinals in the Middle East in the spring, retiring against Mauresmo due to an ankle injury at the , and losing in three sets to at the in. Janković rebounded in the clay-court season, defeating on a third set tiebreak in the semifinals of the in. She went on to defeat in the final to win the first Tier I title of her career. On European red clay, after losing to world no. This results meant she entered the top 5 in the world rankings for the first time. Janković was the fourth seed at the and one of the favorites for the title. After registering her third consecutive victory over in the third round, she went on to reach the semifinals of a Grand Slam for the second time in her career, but lost there to eventual champion Henin. This improved her ranking to a new career-high of world no 3. Janković practicing at the. On grass, Janković captured the title in , beating top-seeded in the final. Sharapova led 3—0 in the third set, before Janković rallied to win the match. The next week, Janković reached the final of the in the Netherlands and became the first player since in 1974 to win 50 matches in the first half of a year. At , Janković was the third seed, but lost in the fourth round to the surprise eventual finalist. In the mixed doubles competition at Wimbledon, Janković teamed with doubles specialist to win the title in three sets by beating the fifth-seeded team, and. During the North American summer hard-court season, Janković reached the semifinals of the in , but lost there to fellow Serb , having held two match points in the final set. The following week, Janković reached the final of the Tier I in Toronto, where she lost to Henin on Henin's sixth match point. Janković had leads in the first and second sets, but was unable to maintain her lead. At the , Janković lost to in the quarterfinals. Janković's form tailed off following the US Open. At the in , Janković was upset in the quarterfinals by former , in Davenport's first singles tournament since giving birth. The following week at the in Beijing, Janković defeated Davenport, but lost in the final to Hungarian teenager , after Janković had a match point in the second set. Janković finished the year on a six-match losing streak, losing all three of her round-robin matches on her debut at the year-end in Madrid. She finished the year ranked world no. At the end of the year she had won 72 matches in a solar year, a true record of the WTA. Janković had successful nose surgery immediately after Madrid to correct a breathing problem. The surgery prevented her from practicing for three weeks. Janković lost in the semifinals of the to eventual champion in straight sets, having defeated defending champion en route. In March at the Tier I in , Janković lost in the semifinals to. The following fortnight, Janković reached her first final of the year at the , losing to Serena Williams in three sets. Janković started the clay-court season by losing in the quarterfinals of both the in and the in Berlin. Janković then successfully defended her Tier I title in Rome, after defeating in three sets in the quarterfinals, receiving a walkover from the injured Sharapova in the semifinals, and defeating French teenager in the final. This was Janković's first singles title of the year. She went into the French Open among the favorites, following the sudden retirement of four-time champion. However, she lost to compatriot and eventual champion Ivanovic after leading by a break in the third set. Janković was the only player to win a set against Ivanovic during the entire tournament. This marked Janković's fourth defeat in four career Grand Slam semifinals. She would have become the world no. However, she did reach a new career-high of world no. Janković on court at the. At , Janković injured her knee during her third-round match against. Although she won that match, it visibly hindered her during her fourth-round loss to. Janković would have become the world no. However, she lost to in the fourth round. Janković squandered two further opportunities to immediately take the world no. Janković did eventually replace Ivanovic as the world no. She was the 18th woman to have been ranked world no. Janković's reign as the world no. This meant Ivanovic reclaimed the world no. Janković was the second seed at the , where she defeated Olympic gold-medalist in the semifinals to reach her first Grand Slam final. There, she lost to fourth-seeded. Janković would have reclaimed the world no. Janković became the world no. At the , Janković defeated in two sets to win the title. The following week, Janković played in the in , Germany, where she defeated in the semifinals and in the final. In the in Moscow, Janković defeated defending champion Dementieva in the semifinals before triumphing against in the final for her third title in three weeks, the first time for a player on the WTA tour to do so since 2005. As the top seed at the year-end held in , Qatar, Janković won two of her three round-robin matches, including only the second win of her career over Ivanovic. However, she lost in the semifinals, to eventual champion and ended the year as world no. In all, Janković lost to eventual champions at six tournaments including three Grand Slam tournaments during the season. Janković was later named the ITF World Champion for her performance in 2008. She won four titles during the season, the most of anyone on the tour along with Serena Williams and Safina. The Olympic Committee of Serbia declared her the best sportswoman for the second year in a row. She lost to 16th-seeded in the fourth round. Bartoli hit 34 winners, compared to Janković's 17 and won 81 percent of her first serve points, compared to Janković's 56 percent. Janković lost her World No. Her next event was the tournament in Paris. Janković beat , and fifth-seeded but then lost to in the semifinals. Beginning her spring clay-court season at the in , Spain, Janković defeated fifth-seeded Spaniard in three sets for her first title of 2009. Janković beat in the Fed Cup play-offs against Spain to bring the Serbian team into the World Group for the first time. The previous day, Janković and had won their single matches. Janković was the defending champion at the in and in Rome, but lost in the quarterfinals. Seeded fourth at the inaugural , she advanced to the quarterfinals once again, but was defeated by. Seeded fifth at the , she lost to of Romania in the fourth round despite serving for the match in the third set at 5—4. Janković was seeded sixth at. She lost to qualifier in the third round. At the in , Janković defeated and saving four match points. In the final, Janković won her second title of the year, defeating world no. With the win, her ranking also went back to world no. Despite her good form leading up to the , Janković's inconsistency continued, as she suffered a shock second-round defeat by despite having match points in the third-set tie-break. Her ranking went down to world no. At the seeded seventh, Janković defeated in the quarterfinals and in the semifinals. She faced in the final and retired while behind 5—2 because of an arm injury. Janković received a first-round bye in. She lost her opening match to home favorite. At the Janković lost her first match to Azarenka but bounced back defeating Safina and Wozniacki to clinch the first berth in her group. In her second year-end championship semifinal she lost to in three sets. She ended the year ranked no. At the Australian Open, Janković, seeded eighth, lost to 31st seed in the third round. Next, Janković represented Serbia in the. In her first match, she rallied from 4—6, 1—4 down to defeat , then defeated reigning French Open Champion. In the deciding doubles match, she partnered with but fell to Kuznetsova and Kleybanova. Her next scheduled tournament was the where she lost to in the third round. She traveled to Indian Wells, California for the. At the tournament, she was seeded sixth and defeated to take her 12th title. Janković's next tournament was the , where she was seeded seventh. In the fourth round, she lost to , ending her eight-match winning streak. At the qualifying, Janković defeated Slovakia's in her first singles match, but fell to Hantuchová in her second. Janković and then fell to Rybáriková and Hantuchová in the deciding doubles match. Janković was the fourth seed at the. She lost against in the quarterfinals for the tenth time in a row. Janković was the seventh seed at the. In the quarterfinals she handed the heaviest loss in her career, surrendering only one game. She then beat reigning world no. She became one of the few women to defeat both Williams sisters in the same tournament and the first player who beat both sisters in less than 24 hours in one tournament. However, she lost to unseeded in the final. Nevertheless, her ranking increased to world no. Janković lost in the quarterfinals of the to eventual champion. Janković's next tournament was , where she was seeded fourth. She lost in the semifinals to. Two weeks later, her ranking increased to world no. Janković, struggling with injuries, played in the and eventually retired against eventual finalist in the fourth round. Regardless, her ranking increased to world no. Janković lost in the early rounds at both the and , despite being the top seed in each and defending champion in Cincinnati. Janković then traveled to New York to play in the , where she was seeded fourth. She was defeated by in the third round. In the she fell in the third round against fellow Serbian player. Janković's final event of the year was the , where she qualified for the fourth consecutive year, as the sixth seed. After losing her opening match to Zvonareva, Janković reportedly collapsed in the locker room, yet still came out to play Clijsters the next day and lost. She lost her third and final group match to Azerenka, bringing an end to her 2010 season. On 30 November Janković played a humanitarian match in. Revenue from tickets was intended to help elementary school in damaged by an. She began 2011 by falling in the first round to France's in three sets at the. Her poor form continued at the , losing in the second round against. Janković reached the semifinals of the , beating fourth seed but losing to in the semifinal, Wozniacki's first win in five attempts against Janković. Up next for Janković was the Qatar Ladies Open. She reached the semifinals again, losing to in three sets. The Russian had then beaten the Serb in their last five meetings. She then reached the final of the , where she was defeated by despite being up a set. She was defeated by in the fourth round. Janković's next tournament was the where she lost to in the quarterfinals. Jelena Janković at the. Janković's next tournament was in Charleston where she lost in the semifinals to world no. She then played in the against Slovakia, beating and winning an epic doubles match with against Hantuchová and , saving three match points. With this, Serbia was placed in World Group I again. At , Janković lost to world no. Her ranking dropped to no. Janković was the tenth seed at the. In the fourth round, Janković fell to fifth seed and defending champion. As a result, she dropped out of top 10 for the first time since early 2007. Janković was the 15th seed at the , but lost to in the first round, her first opening-round exit in a Grand Slam since the. Janković was seeded 13th at the , where she lost in the final to in three sets. She reached the third round at the , losing to. She reached the semifinals of the tournament, falling to. Janković began 2012 at the , losing to in the quarterfinals. She then lost in the second round of the to 3rd seed. At the Janković was defeated by in the fourth round. She played the Dubai Duty Free Open and advanced to the semifinals without dropping a set, where she was beaten by the in form. She reached the semis in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before losing to 5th seed in three sets. Janković lost her next three matches in Indian Wells, Miami, and in Charleston to Venus Williams. Janković reached the E-boks Sony Ericsson Open in Copenhagen simifinals before losing to 2nd seed Angelique Kerber. In the Fed Cup semifinals against Russia in Moscow, Janković defeated and. She then lost four of her next five matches, being defeated in the opening rounds of the , the and in Brussels before a second round loss at the to young American. Janković turned her fortunes around by reaching the finals of Aegon Classic 2012, losing to Melanie Oudin. However, she lost in the opening round of to unseeded former World No. It was the second year in a row that Janković lost in the opening round of Wimbledon. Janković lost in the opening round of the to eventual Gold Medallist. Janković reached the final of Dallas and the third round of the , but was defeated by second seed. At the , Janković lost in the third round to compatriot and former World No. In February, Janković won her first title in three years at Bogotá, defeating in straight sets. Janković made an early exit from the following week, losing to in the second round. However, she managed to reach the semi-finals at , losing to in straight sets. The run in Miami returned Janković to the world's Top 20 for the first time in almost one year. Janković then reached the final of the , losing there to defending champion and World No. At , Janković upset in the first round, before losing to in the second. Janković lost in the first round of to. She made it to the quarter-final at where she was defeated by after she missed 2 matchpoints. At the Janković made it to the quarter finals but lost to Sharapova in three sets. She also played at where she was defeated by in the semifinals. At she lost in the second round of singles to but made it to the quarter-final of doubles in pair with where they lost to eventual champions and. Janković kicked off her US hard court season in Carlsbad, where she was upset in the 2nd round by in 3 sets. She also competed in the doubles tournament with and lost in the semifinals. This propelled her to a career high in doubles, No. She then competed at Toronto, and lost to eventual finalist in the 3rd round. Janković again partnered Srebotnik in the doubles. The unseeded pair won the tournament. This marks Janković's second career doubles title, her 1st title in Birmingham in 2006. This result will further increase her doubles ranking to a career high, No. At the , Janković defeated 4 top 25 players en route to the semifinals: , , , and. She then lost to World 2 in 3 tough sets. This result means that Janković clinches the 9th seed at the , after the retirement of Marion Bartoli and withdrawal of Maria Sharapova. And as a top 10 seed at a Grand Slam for the first time since 2011 French Open, Janković made it to the round of 16 for the first time at the US Open since her run to the final in 2008 after beating , , and , all in straight sets. She was defeated in the 4th round by a peak form. As a result, Janković was back into the top 10 singles rankings for the first time since June 2011. During the Asian hard court season Janković performed well. At the in she reached the final for the first time since 2008, defeating Tokyo champion en route. Furthermore, for the first time since 2009, Janković won more than 40 matches in a year. After this result she will be World No. This strong Asian run also meant that Janković is the 7th qualifier for the Year-End Championships at Istanbul. She made the semifinals at the Year-End Championships, defeating world number 2 in straight sets along the way, finishing 2013 with a 3 set loss to eventual champion and year-end number one. Janković finished the season in the Top 10 for the first time since 2010 at no. Janković kicked off 2014 at the premier-level event as the number four seed. She beat former Roland Garros champion , , and world number 9 to reach the semifinals where she lost to world number 2 in 3 sets. This was the first time she made it to the semifinals of an Australian Open warm up tournament since 2007. Seeded fourth at the , Janković was upset in the first round by in straight sets. Her next stop was the. She defeated three Japanese players consecutively, , , and , to reach the fourth round that set up a rematch against up and coming Romanian , where Janković lost in three sets. Her next set of tournaments were during the Middle-Eastern hard court swing at Doha and Dubai. She made it to the semifinals in , beating , , and , dropping less than four games in each match. She lost to in a second set tiebreak. In , Janković defeated and , both in straight sets, before falling to in the quarterfinals. Janković played the two Premier Mandatory events during the North American hard court swing at and. At Indian Wells, she defeated , , and in straight sets to reach the quarterfinals against. In the 3rd and deciding set, Janković came back from a 0—4 deficit, leveling the match at 4—4. Despite having game points in the following two games, she lost the match, 5—7 6—2 4—6. She suffered a shocking opening round exit in Miami against , serving for the match at 5—1 in the 3rd set. She lost the match 3—6 6—2 6—7. Her clay court season started in , where she was the 2nd seed and defending finalist. She made it to the quarterfinals, defeating and. She lost to in 3 sets, continuing her 3-set misery for 2014. On the red clay at , Janković made it to the finals, where she failed to defend her title against. She lost in straight sets. At the , she reached the semifinals after recording wins over , and. She then lost to compatriot. Janković lost in the 2nd round at to. She did well at the in Rome where she reached the semifinals, losing to Errani. She defeated Pennetta and 3rd seed en route. At , Janković was seeded 6th and she reached the 4th round where she lost to Errani again. Janković had a dismal grass court season. She lost her opening matches at and to and respectively. In August, she participated in as the 7th seed. She had a first round bye and faced in her opener. She won in 3 tight sets. In the 3rd round, she lost to rising American in another tight 3-set match. At the , she was the 8th seed and received a first round bye. She defeated in the second round and then defeated for a spot in the quarterfinals. In the last eight, she lost to Serena again. Janković reached the 4th round at the where she lost to in straight sets. Janković fell out of the Top 10 after the US Open concluded. Janković then travelled to Tokyo for the. She was the 4th seed and received a first round bye. She lost to Spaniard in her opening match. At the inaugural , Janković the 10th seed defeated in the first round. In her following match, she faced Vandeweghe but retired in the first set while trailing 1—4 with a back problem. In , Janković was the defending finalist but fell in three sets to in the opening round. Her last tournament of the season was the inaugural where she was the top seed. She overcame in the first round. She then lost to. She then admitted that she had recently thought to end her career because of a back injury. Also, she added that she lost a lot of muscle mass, had not done any activity in past two months and that she needs time to get back in normal form. Bad results continued in January, including a first round loss at the to a resurging , she had never lost her opener in Melbourne prior to this. She won her first match of 2015 in , defeating in three sets. In the second round she lost to and dropped out of the Top 20 as a result. The following week in , Janković reached the second round after beating. She faced top seed for a place in the quarterfinals but retired midway due to right hip injury. Despite coming to North America with 2—4 season record, Janković made the final at the , beating reigning Australian Open semifinalist , and en route. In the final where she faced , she managed to take the first set and serve for the match, but came up short. As a result, Janković returned to the Top 20. In , Janković fell in her opening match for the second straight year when she was defeated by. In April at the , Janković made the third round, conceding a walkover to due to an injury. The following month at the , Janković overcame and to set up a third round clash with Kvitová for a place in the last eight but was defeated by the 4th seeded Czech in straight sets. Janković then played in where she reached the quarterfinals but was forced to retire against. Janković then suffered her second consecutive opening round at a Grand Slam when she fell to qualifier in straight sets at the. Jelena Janković competing in the first round of the Janković's grass court season began in where she was the second seed. She routinely advanced to the semifinals where she faced Bencic but lost in straight sets. At the , Janković defeated and to advance to the third round. She lost to eventual champion. Janković won first two matches in three-setters at the and then made the biggest upset during the tournament by taking out the defending champion and world number 2 Kvitová in the third round, having lost their two previous matches this year. She fought back from a set and a break down to prevail. Her win granted her a place in the fourth round, where she lost to. It was the first time since 2010 that Janković made the second week and won consecutive matches at Wimbledon; her performance also made 2015 the first year since 2007 that Janković won more than 5 grass court matches. After losing in the first round of the Istanbul Open to , Janković won the title in by defeating. She did not without drop a set throughout the tournament. This tournament revitalized her career and open her the path to a successful Chinese hard court season, right after the second round of the and an excellent semifinal in after beating and eight-seeded en route. Janković then suffered a shocking loss to wildcard in the first round of the. Janković completed a great Asian swing and confirmed her excellent results in China by winning her 14th career title in , her first since 2013. She saved match point in semifinals against , before losing just two games in the final against. At the , Janković defeated in the first round in three sets. She faced 6th seed in the second round but lost in three sets. Janković won her third title of season and milestone 15th career WTA title at by battling past in the semi-finals in a tight two sets win, 6—4,7—5. Janković then hung tough against world number 9 and top-seeded Janković's third top-ten win of the year , coming back from a set down to capture the title with a 3—6,7—6 4 ,6—1 victory. She then traveled to and won her 1st round match against in straight sets. However, she fell to in 2 tie-break sets in the second round despite being up 5—1 in the second set. Seeded 22nd at the , she won her 1st round match against but was upset by despite having a 1 set lead. At the , Janković lost both of her matches against higher ranked players, and. At the , Jankovic upset 5th seed in the 1st round to get her 1st top 10 win of the season. However, she lost in the second round to. At the , Jankovic was tested by qualifier in the 1st round, but managed to win in 3 sets. She exited the tournament after losing to in the 2nd round. She then went to the having to defend finalist points from the previous year. Being seeded 19th, she received a bye into the second round and won in straight sets to set up a meeting with American. Janković then dominated the whole matching by just conceding 1 game. She then lost to in the fourth round. Janković was forced to retire during the second round of the because of a right shoulder injury. Janković's clay court season didn't open so well as she was forced to withdraw from the because of the right shoulder injury she sustained in Miami. This injury would affect her at the , , and as she would lose in the first round of all three. Janković opened her grass court season at the , where she reached the last 16 before losing to. Her next tournament was the inaugural one in , where she reached the semi-finals before losing to. Janković once again reached the final at but lost 6—4, 3—6, 6—4 to. She got as far as the semi-finals in , where she was the defending champion, before losing 6-3, 6-4 to the eventual champion. In doubles, she paired with singles champion. The pair defeated and before being defeated by the No. Janković then progressed to where she suffered a tough loss to eventual finalist and No. Conveniently, Janković gave, arguably, her best performance of the year at the. She defeated 26th seed Germany's in the first round in a tough 3-setter. She then handed another German, , a defeat, this time in straight sets. This set up a highly anticipated third round encounter with longtime rival,. Eventually, Kuznetsova would outlast Janković in the third set 9—7 in what is currently the third longest main draw match in Australian Open history. She and doubles partner were dismissed in the first round by 5th seeds and. As the eighth seed at the , Janković was stunned by the always-dangerous in the first round, despite having taken the first set. Janković found herself needing to qualify for the main draw at the , and she did so, albeit in not the most straight forward of manners. She defeated in the final round to advance, where she lost to an in-form. She and doubles partner, were defeated in a match tiebreak by 4th seeds and eventual champions and. In the next week, Janković was handed a lop-sided defeat in the first round by resurgent German wildcard and recent Australian Open fourth-rounder , against whom Janković had struggled in the past. Janković and doubles partner exited the first round by way of defeat at the hands of and. Her next tournament would be , where Janković would be defending fourth round points from the year prior and where she was a former champion. She defeated American wildcard in three sets, before meeting rival. Janković raced to a one set lead in the second round encounter and appeared on trajectory to the third round when Williams began finding her range. Janković had squandered match points before losing a second set tiebreak and, eventually, the match. As a result, Janković's singles ranking dropped to 54. This loss would tie up the rivalry between Janković and the 7-time Grand Slam champion at 7 wins apiece. Janković started the second leg of the Sunshine Swing in with a first round loss in a third set tiebreak to 2016 Wimbledon quarterfinalist Kazakh. She and her doubles partner American upstart would then lose to Doubles World No. Janković next competed in where she defeated in the first round of singles and went on to lose in the second round to. At the , Janković lost to the 13th seed, , in two tight sets in an intriguing match. Janković ended her 2017 season after that loss and had back surgery in Madrid in October of 2017. She ended the year at no. She also underwent an eye surgery in May, further delaying any comeback plans. As of 28 May 2018, she has dropped out of the top 500 in the singles rankings. Main article: One of the most prominent rivalries in women's tennis is the one between Janković and fellow Fed Cup teammate and Serbian compatriot. They have met 12 times, with Ivanovic leading 9—3 overall. Seven of their eleven meetings have come at important stages of tournaments, while two have come at Grand Slam tournaments; Janković trails in both categories 1—6 and 0—2 respectively. Both players were touted as future top players following their breakthrough in and , however, both have since underperformed on the WTA Tour and dropped out of the Top 10 in contrasting circumstances. Since the end of 2008, both have struggled at the Grand Slams, with Janković only being able to reach the semi-finals of the and the quarter-finals of the and Ivanovic the quarter-finals of the and , and the semi-finals of the. Their most important meeting to date was in ; the match was one of historic proportions as it would decide which of the two would become the first Serbian player, male or female, to gain the ranking. In a match that lasted three sets and saw one player try to gain authority over the other, Ivanovic prevailed; the result saw Ivanovic claim the world No. The pair were involved in a long-running feud in early 2010, arising from Ivanovic's decision not to play in Serbia's due to her poor form at the time. They met in a controversial encounter at the tournament in May that year, in which Janković appeared to criticise and imitate Ivanovic's fist-pumping habit following a three-set victory. It was only Janković's third and most recent to date victory against Ivanovic, after previously winning in 2006 and 2008. At in 2011, Janković was the defending champion, but Ivanovic defeated her in the fourth round, ending her title defence. That would be their last meeting in a WTA Tour match until the , where Ivanovic prevailed in the third round. Their most recent meeting was in the semi-finals of the with Janković losing again in straight sets. List of all matches No. Year Tournament Surface Round Winner Score Length A. Hard i R16 Ivanovic 6—2, 6—1 0:51 1 0 2. Los Angeles Hard QF Janković 6—4, 7—6 8—6 1:37 1 1 3. Carpet i QF Ivanovic 3—6, 6—4, 6—2 1:42 2 1 5. Clay Final Ivanovic 7—5, 6—3 1:28 3 1 6. Los Angeles Hard SF Ivanovic 4—6, 6—3, 7—5 2:30 4 1 7. Hard SF Ivanovic 7—6 7—3 , 6—3 1:25 5 1 8. Clay SF Ivanovic 6—4, 3—6, 6—4 2:15 6 1 9. Hard Round Robin Janković 6—3, 6—4 1:29 6 2 10. Clay R32 Janković 4—6, 6—4, 6—1 1:50 6 3 11. Indian Wells Hard R16 Ivanovic 6—4, 6—2 1:24 7 3 12. Melbourne Hard R32 Ivanovic 7—5, 6—3 1:23 8 3 13. Stuttgart Clay SF Ivanovic 6—3, 7—5 1:28 9 3 Janković vs. Zvonareva Jelena Janković and have met 14 times with Zvonareva leading their head-to-head 8—6. Their first meeting was in with Zvonareva winning a second round match in Rome. They met six times in 2008 with Janković winning four of the six meetings, including three consecutive times in three consecutive tournaments during the fall. The third match in this streak was the final of the , which was the third consecutive title won by Janković in a stretch which also included titles in and. Janković had defeated Zvonareva on her way to the two titles which preceded the Kremlin Cup. However, Zvonareva would defeat Janković at the later that year; this would be the start of an ongoing five-match winning streak against Janković. Their only meeting at a Grand Slam tournament was at , in the tournament's fourth round. The match was important as neither player had reached the quarter-finals of the grass court Major to that point. Zvonareva won through and eventually went on to reach the final after Janković retired whilst trailing in the second set. Their most recent meeting was at the with Zvonareva winning in three sets. It was her fifth straight victory over Janković, dating back to 2008. List of all matches No. Year Tournament Surface Round Winner Score Length J. Clay R32 Zvonareva 6—4, 6—1 1 1 3. Hard F Janković 7—6 11—9 , 5—7, 6—3 2 2 5. Hard SF Janković 6—1, 6—4 3 2 6. Clay QF Zvonareva 6—2, 3—6, 6—2 3 3 7. Hard SF Janković 6—4, 2—6, 6—4 4 3 8. Hard i QF Janković 7—6 10—8 , 7—6 7—5 5 3 9. Hard F Janković 6—2, 6—4 6 3 10. Hard RR Zvonareva 2—6, 6—3, 6—4 6 4 11. Hard R16 Zvonareva 6—3, 6—2 6 5 12. Grass R16 Zvonareva 6—1, 3—0 RET 6 6 13. Hard QF Zvonareva 6—3, 6—0 6 7 14. Hard SF Zvonareva 6—1, 2—6, 6—4 6 8 Janković vs. Venus Williams Jelena Janković and have met 12 times and each player has won six times. Janković leads 4—2 on clay courts and 1—0 on grass, whilst Venus leads 4—1 on hard. Their rivalry is one of the most competitive and even in women's tennis. Only three of their matches have been decided in straight sets: their first meeting in the quarter-finals of the 2005 East of the West Bank Classic, which Venus won; the second was in the quarter-finals of the which Janković won with 6—0, 6—1; this was the worst ever defeat in Venus Williams' entire career, and their third and most recent meeting in the second round of the , which Venus won in straight sets. They have met three times in Grand Slam tournaments. Janković caused an upset at where she defeated the defending champion in the third round, winning in three sets. They met twice at the Majors in 2007, Janković winning at the , and Williams winning at the. Both matches required a third set. They have also met twice at the , both times in the semi-finals with Williams winning in three sets on both occasions. Their most recent meeting transpired in the in Indian Wells, California. Janković appeared on her way to victory in this second round meeting at 6-1 4-1 up before Williams came racing back to win a 2nd set tiebreak and force a decider, which she proceeded to win 6-1 en route to the quarterfinals. List of all matches No. Year Tournament Surface Round Winner Score Length J. Williams 6—3, 6—3 1:44 0 1 2. Williams 5—7, 6—4, 6—1 2:16 0 2 3. Grass R32 Janković 7—6 8, 4—6, 6—4 2:27 1 2 4. Clay SF Janković 3—6, 6—3, 7—6 5 2:32 2 2 5. Clay R32 Janković 6—4, 4—6, 6—1 1:53 3 2 6. Williams 4—6, 6—1, 7—6 4 2:27 3 3 7. Clay QF Janković 5—7, 6—2, 6—3 2:28 4 3 8. Hard SF Janković 6—7 10, 7—5, 6—2 2:45 5 3 9. Williams 6—2, 2—6, 6—3 2:12 5 4 10. Williams 5—7, 6—3, 6—4 2:35 5 5 11. Clay QF Janković 6—0, 6—1 1:00 6 5 12. Williams 7—5, 6—0 1:30 6 6 13. Hard SF Janković 6—4, 7—5 2:06 7 6 14. Williams 1—6 7—6 5 6—1 1:45 7 7 Janković vs. Serena Williams Janković and have met 14 times, with Serena leading 10—4 overall. Their first seven matches and the last match were on hardcourts, which Serena leads 7—3. The Eighth and tenth match were on clay and the ninth was on grass. In 2004 they played their first match in San Diego; Serena won in three sets. The Second match was at the semifinal, with Janković causing an upset Serena was world No. When Janković was leading 6—0, 4—3, Serena retired. She is one of eight players who won a 6—0 set against Serena: , , , , , and. Janković won at the in 2006 in straight sets, and Serena won at the. At the quarter-final, Janković won in two sets. At the , Miami, they met in a final for the first time. Serena won in three sets. They played again in the final, and again in USA — at the. Serena won in two sets. In the 2nd set Janković had 5—3 and 3 consecutive set points on Serena serve. Later, when she was serving for the set at 5—4, she missed one more set point. However, Serena saved all set points and won four games in a row for title. Two years later, in the semifinal of the Janković won in three sets, saving match point in doing so and coming back from 5—2 down in the final set tie-break. In the quarter-final she had defeated , becoming the only woman to defeat both of the in a 24-hour period. Their opening round match at the was their first and only match on grass. Janković wasn't seeded and Serena won in two sets before going on to win the gold medal. At the final of the , Charleston, Serena won in three sets. Again in 2013, at , they met in the final and Serena won in two sets. At Serena won their semifinal match after losing second set convincingly, 6—2. Their most recent meeting occurred in the quarterfinal of the , where Serena won in straight sets. Serena improved to 6—0 record since it was 4—4. Justine Henin Jelena Janković and met 10 times over a span of 6 years with Henin prevailing each time. They never met on carpet or grass. Five of their matches were on clay and 5 on hard courts. Six of their matches went 3 sets. The majority 7 of their matches occurred during the 2007 season. They met twice in Grand Slams 2006 U. Open semi-finals, 2007 French Open semi-finals as well as the round robin stage of the 2007 tour championships. Despite their lopsided head to head results, their matches were always highly competitive. List of all matches No. Year Tournament Surface Round Winner Score Length J. Henin 5—7, 6—4, 6—3 0 1 2. Henin 4—6, 6—4, 6—0 0 2 3. Henin 6—7 5, 6—2, 6—4 0 3 4. Henin 7—5, 2—6, 6—4 0 4 5. Henin 3—6, 6—4, 6—4 0 5 6. Henin 6—2, 6—2 0 6 7. Henin 7—6 3, 7—5 0 7 8. Henin 7—6 2, 7—5 0 8 9. Henin 6—2, 6—2 0 9 10. Henin 3—6, 7—6 2, 6—3 0 10 Jelena Janković is often regarded as a. Janković is known for being able to slide effectively on all surfaces. Janković has very consistent groundstrokes and prefers to go down the line more often than crosscourt. Her biggest weapons are her two-handed and drop shot. She also has a decent. Her net game has improved as a result of additional doubles play. Being able to hit effective drive, drop and swinging volleys. Her main weakness is her serve. She likes to spin it in on the first and second serve which can lead to her getting broken many times in matches. Her weakest surface is considered grass and her best surface is fast hard court where she can use her defense and speed to win matches. However, given the fact that six of her thirteen titles have come on clay, this could also be considered her best surface. It should be noted, though, that one of the most high-profile achievements of her career occurred on grass in the third round of the , when she defeated Petra Kvitová, who was the defending champion, a two-time Wimbledon title holder, no. Janković's ups and downs are often caused by her fragile mindset see US Open 2006 vs Henin and they have resulted in her being dubbed 'Queen Chaos. On 5 December 2007, Janković became a for , for Children's Fund. Janković is the second Serbian tennis star to have volunteered to help promote the rights of children and collect funds for UNICEF after became an ambassador in September. Janković doing a Reebok promotion Janković is currently sponsored by Italian sportswear company. Previously, Janković had endorsed and sportswear, and had her own line with them for her tournament wear. Janković also has an endorsement with : in her early career until 2007, she played with the original Prince O3 Red; from 2008 to 2010 she used the Prince O3 SpeedPort Pro White; from 2011 to 2013 Janković played with different types of racquets and in 2012 and 2013 she chose blacked out ones; since January 2014 Janković has been playing with the Prince O3 Red LS. Retrieved 15 January 2012. Archived from on 25 July 2011. Retrieved 2 May 2013. College and Junior Tennis. Retrieved 8 May 2010. College and Junior Tennis. Retrieved 8 May 2010. Archived from on 20 August 2010. Retrieved 31 August 2010. Retrieved 2 August 2008. Retrieved 2 August 2008. Retrieved 2 August 2008. Retrieved 3 August 2008. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, AP. Retrieved 3 August 2008. Retrieved 12 October 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2008. Retrieved 18 February 2009. Retrieved 16 March 2009. Archived from on 2011-06-22. Retrieved 5 July 2011. Retrieved 26 September 2015. Retrieved 19 November 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 19 May 2015. Archived from on 5 January 2011. Archived from on 3 October 2013. Retrieved 17 February 2017. Retrieved 15 February 2017. External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to.

She was ranked for seventeen consecutive weeks until she was overtaken by on 2 February 2009. On 30 November Janković played a humanitarian match in. Pa niko se ne radja kao srbin, bosnjak ili albanac nego se tokom zivota oblikuje necija licnost. However, she managed to reach the semi-finals at , losing to in straight sets. At the Australian Open, Janković, seeded eighth, lost to 31st seed in the third round. 0 =5:0 A5 C40XC, ?0 HB0. Vaše želje će početi da se ostvaruju u trenutku kad se učlanite i kontaktirate naše prelepe Ruskinje. Competing in the fourth round of a Grand Slam event for the first time, she lost to ninth-seeded. Janković then reached the final of the , losing there to defending champion and World No. Janković squandered two further opportunities to immediately take the world no.

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