alex evans

svi emači sigurno znaju za alexa evansa
evo jedan video

svi emači bi morali znati za alexa evansa
on je kao zaštitni znak emo stila
evo njegove biografije ali na engleskom je
he is a boy.
his parents called him Alexandre.
he turned 17 years old on july 30th.
he lives in Montreal, canada.
he is an independant person.
he loves to think, and to be alone.
when he has something to say, he does.
he has a photography portfolio.
writing is a passion for him.
music is something he listens to all the time.avril lavigne is his hero.
he has over 150 000 friends on myspace.
he has a 14 years old sister.
he doesn't get along with a lot of people.
he created heartbreaker clothing.
he loves to read books.
love is something he finds hard to understand.
dawson is the college he's going to..
he's always right when he says something.
he doesn't trust a lot of people.
he has a deviantart, just cause he loves arts.
people judge him, but dont know him.
he is actually writing a book.
clothes is something he shouldnt buy that much.
he doesn't download but buy music.
his ipod touch is a good friend of his.
he has a blackberry pearl.

he also could write so many random facts, but that's enough.

evo njegovih slikica
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više njegovih slikica ej u desnom boxu
on je zgodan , pametan , jednom riječju savršenzubo
ako neko nezna engleski evo samo nejvažnijih stvari o njemu
na hrvatdkom
zove se Aleksandre.
živi u Kanadi
u dobroj kao četvrti
ima 150 000 prijatelja na myspaceyu
sestra mu ima 14 godina
voli čitati knjige
on je foto model
uvjek je u pravu kada kaže nešto
evo to je to
evo još jedan video

evo to je to idem ja sad


12.03.2008. u 15:01 | 38 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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ja mali zajebant
name:EVAzovite me EWČI^^) Image and video hosting by TinyPic rođena u ČAKOVCU..emo punk metal djete...sluša sve kaj voli. a voli hello kiTTyImage and video hosting by TinyPic...punkere <33....metalce....emačeImage and video hosting by TinyPicmuziku tj. slipknot, METALLICU, bullet for my valentine , my chemical romance , billy talent.....voli i još SLATKIŠEImage and video hosting by TinyPicbombone e da gloomy beare ona hoce biti vampir Image and video hosting by TinyPicrawrrrr volja ne volja nego... ma kuzite..end... ona NE VOLI budale , skolu ... dvolične ljude.... i jos puno toga.... ona je emocionalno derište željno ljubavi i pažnje... velika ljenčina .... koja STALNO sluša muziku bez prestanka.... ne voli skolu uopce ali voli ljudeke u skoli....Image and video hosting by TinyPic druzi se vecinom s starijim pipličima.. dosta priča.. tj. PUNO priča...ivči veli da sm: good frendica ,osoba za čuvat tajne,pristojna, posebna, drugcije, emocionalna...bla bla...hehe ... ja dok se smije smijem se s razlogom... ne smijem se stalno ali se smije cesto....voljam radit gluposti [buahahaha] .... Image and video hosting by TinyPicmajn MSN : .. ako me dodate onda me dodajte s razlogom i razgovarajte se onda s menom ..hehe..jep to bi bilo to .. valjda .. lol.. pozdrafko

ivči^^)Image and video hosting by TinyPic <333
ivana <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

majn Freund:

Ivchy [x joj kak ja nju wowim Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Helena [x cura je legendaImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Iwana [x ljubeeeeeImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Maky [x super curaImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Mia [x on je zakon lolImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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my Newči^^) [x prava frendicaImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Štef on pa je stvarno legenda nea boljegaImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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incubus - love hurts

Sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive
Love sings
When it transcends to memories
I want to chime in
'Cause without love I won't survive

I'm fettered and abused
Standing naked and accused
Till' I surface, and stronger next time around
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth
I'll never lose what I had as a boy

Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder
Is it a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing

Love hurts
Sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive
Love sings
When it transcends to memories
I want to chime in
'Cause without love I won't survive
Without love I won't survive

Love hurts
Sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive
Love sings
When it transcends to memories
I want to chime in
'Cause without love I won't survive
Love hurts, oh
Love hurts
Without love I won't survive
Love hurts
Without love I won't survive

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maweni emač

ko hoce u linkove nek javiii


kako reć volim te na 60 jezika

Kako reći VOLIM TE na 60 jezika:
Albanski-te dua
Arapski(kad cura govori dečju)-Ana behibak
Arapski(kad dečko govori curi)-Ana behibek
Bjeloruski-ya tabe kahayu
Bugarski-obicham te
Češki-Miluji te
Danski-Jeg elsker dig
Engleski-I love you
Filipinski-Mahal kita
Finski-Mina rakastan sinua
Francuski-Je t'aime, je t'adore
Galski-Ta gra agam ort
Havajski-Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrejski-Ani ohev et otha(cura dečku)
Hebrejski-Ani ohev et otha(dečko curi)
Islandski-Eg elska tig
Indozemski-Saya cinta padamu
Irski-Taim i' ngra leat
Jidiš-Ikh hob dikh
Južnoafrički-Ek het jou life
Kambodžanski-Soro lahn nhee ah
Kineski-Mandarinski-Wo ai ni
Korejski-Sarang heyo
Korzikanski-Ti tengu caru
Kreolski-Mi aime jou
Latinski-Te amo
Latvijski-Es tevi miilu
Litavski-Tave myliu
Malajski-Saya cintakan mu/ aku
cinta padamu
Morokasnki-Ana maojaba bik
Nizozemski-Ik hou van jou
Njemački-Ich liebe dich
Norveški-Jeg elsker deg
Perzijski-Doo-set daaram
Poljski-kocham ciebie
Portugalski-Eu te amo
Rumunjski-Te ubesk
Ruski-Ya tebya liubliu
Slovački-Lubim ta
Slovenski-Ljubim te
Svahili-Ninapenda wewe
Švicarski-Ich lieb di
Španjolski-Te quiero/te amo
Švedski-Jag alskar dig
Tajvanski-Wa ga ei li
Tahićanski-Ua here vau ia oe
Tamilski-Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Talijanski-Ti amo
Tajlandski-Chan rak khun(cura dečku)
Tajlandski-Phom rak khun(dečko curi)
Turski-Seni seviyorum
Ukrajinski-Ya tebe kahayu
Velški-'Rwy'n dy garu
Vijetnamski-Anh yeu em(dečko curi)
Vijetnamski-Em yeu anh(cura dečku)

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