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Blogovi koje redovito čitam :)):
(Ak sam nekog zaboravila ili krivo napisala,please,recite mi...)

Black soul
Lucille & dorche
Dying Angel
...Kissich od Pepy...
~¤KaRoN ¤~
sjebani anđeo
angel of smrt
dean vertigo

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Punkići :))

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Good Charlotte ROCKS!!!

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Green Day-kjut Billie-Joe

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Simple Plan-Luđaci!!! :))

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Brandon Lee-The Crow

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Jason Becker-Najbolji gitarist svih vremena :)

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Chad Michael Murry-Hot,hot,HOT...

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Jesse McCartney-Beautiful face,beautiful soul,beautiful boy

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Colin Farrell-Trebam li komentirat?

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Benjamin Mckenzie-Hot guy from O.C. show

Oi!Oi!Oi! PunkLives4ever!

28.12.2005., srijeda

Kill me and put me out of my misery!!!!+abdejt

Upravo to što kaže...Kao što vidite danas mi nije baš neki dan...Nego vratimo se u prošlost do događaja zvan ''autom na Carlu'' :)).Skinula je longetu i sad je sve ok!Od tada se mnogo toga zbilo...Npr.onaj koncert na Trgu.Bilo mi je zakon (osim Škore-MRZIM GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!).Išle smo Ella i ja.Pokraj mene je stajao jedan užasno slatki dečko,što mi je uljepšalo koncert ;).Na kraju su bili Prljavci i ''Moj dom je Hrvatska'',a ja obožavam tu pjesmu!!!Nećemo sad u detalje,ukratko:bilo mi je fakat odlično!I kad smo se vraćali bio je jedan tak zgodan tip u kožnjaku da nisam mogla prestat buljit u njega.Onak sa raščupanom dužom,smeđom kosicom u kožnjaku...Mmmmmm...Obožavm dečke s dužom kosom,frčkavom,ravnom,tak svejedno,samo da je duža...I volim isto kad imaju dugu kosu...(smeđa ili crna)I kad su u kožnim hlaćama i u dugoj kožnoj jakni...Ubiti metalci i darkeri!Vratimo se na Trg.Na stanici sam srela moju buduću kumicu Marinu i ona mi je ispričala kak se njen buraz Karlo ljepo okupo u fontani...Kasnije su se dva dečka potukla u tramvaju i mislim da su razvalila vrata,al nisam sigurna.
ovo je za sve one koji krivo misle o gotičarima poput mojih frendova...
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Kad smo već kod toga ja totalno vućem na gotik iliti dark stil...Poćela sam slušati black metal,zapravo metal općenito-The 69 eyes,HIM,Korn...A Jyrki iz The 69 eyes mi je taaaaaako zgodan!Procjenite sami:

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I sad recite da nije zgodan!
A tu je i kraj polugodišta...Ocjene su mi KATASTROFA što govori i sam prosjek 3.71...UŽAS!!!!!A sama sam si kriva...Zadnji sam se dan sam pokupila doma s knjižicom,svi su išli kod dekača,na narodnjake...E pa ja to nemoram trpit i neću!Kad je Tara došla išle smo na Trg u neki dučan za metalce...Dučan je zakon!!!!!Kad sam ušla samo sam prošaptala:ja sam u raju!Narukvice,ogrlice,remeni,znojnici,torbe,majce,bedževi...Savršeno...
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A Božić?Nije prošo najbolje...Svi smo se posvađali za ručkom zato kaj je Tara kasnila jednu minutu,stari je nije htio čekat pa se digo da se pomoli,pa mi je stara rekla da se i ja dignem da se pomolimo,ja sam rekla da se neću pomolit bez Tare,ne na Božić,pa se stari naljutio,sjeo i počeo jest,a stara se rasplakala,pa je došla Tara i bila je jedna vrlo neugodna situacija...I tada sam shvatila da mrzim Božić.Sve to pospremanje i uređivanje i stres...Sve mora biti savršeno zato što je Božić...Sve brige moraju se sakrit i cjelo se vrijeme moraš smješkat i biti dobre volje zato što je Božić...Pa zajebi to.Čemu bi se trebala veselit?Premorenosti na Badnjak nakon pospremanja moje nimalo uredne sobe(blago rečeno) i kićanja?Neznam...Jednostavno mrzim Božić!!!
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A sad idemo na naslov...Image Hosted by ImageShack.usJučer sam shvatila da sam zaljubljena u nekog u kog stvarno nesmijem biti zaljubljena!(sjećate se posta od 01.12.2005., četvrtak)Jedna meni jako draga osoba je jako bliska s njim i ona je zaljubljena u njega,ali on to nezna...Oni su super frendovi i fakat su bliski,a ja pucam od ljubomore!Tip je fakat super i zakon i dobar i sladak i ljep i zgodan i neznam što sve ne,al je reko nešto što me povrijedilo i neznam na koji bi ja način trebala shvatit to što je reko...Znam da vjerojatno ništa ne razumijete ali nesmijem napisat ništa konkretno da neke osobe nebi shvatile o kome se radi...I fakat me boli kad ga gledam i znam da nikad neću biti bliska s njim kao ta druga osoba i kad znam da ona ima puno više šanse kod njega,jer su moje ravne nuli i kada nemogu a da ne sumljam da se i ona njemu sviđa...Srce mi se lama-doslovno-i duša me boli...Sve me to buni i rađe bi da sam sad trenutno mrtva,dva metra pod zemljom nego da živim na ovim mukama...Evo nekih sličica koje savršeno opisuju kako se osjećam i koje posvećujem samo NJEMU...
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(kliknite na slike kako bi ih vidjeli uvećane...)

Abdejt:Ovo za onog dečka kaj sam napisala...Nije to isti dečko iz onog posta u četvrtak...Samo se tako osjećam,a što se tiče onog deška...On mi je samo frend i jako mi je stalo do njega...Pa sam mislila da sam zaljubljena u njega,no istina je da nisam,nego mi je samo frend...A za ovog sada neznaju ni ove tri moje mutače ;))...Ajd ljudi LOLIM VAS i SRETNA NOVA!!!!!Iako ću vjerojatno to napisat i u sljedečem postu...Ah idem sad jest,do čitanaj!!!!!!

- 23:06 - Reci kaj imaš (66) - Bezveze troši boju,vrijeme,struju i novac - #

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Jedna igra koju morate probat...LINK

Ja sam Matea,idem u 8.a razred OŠ Antuna Mihanovića u Zagrebu.Slušam sve osim narodnjaka,njih ne podnosim no nemam ništa protiv ljudi koji ih slušaju.Trenutno preferiram punk i metal.Naj grupe su mi:Good Charlotte,Simple Plan,Green Day,Saratoga,The Rasmus,Avril Lavange,Nirvana,Bon Jovi,HIM,The Exploited,Oi!Polloi,Rancid,NOFX,Papa Roach...No slušam i Jessea McCartneya,Blue(koji se raspao),Ushera,Maria,Eminema...
Imam brata i setru koja ima psa Alfija.Mrzim povijest i Profu iz zemljopisa,a najdraži predmet mi razrednika.Prolazim s 4.,luda sam za adrenalinom,obožavam brze aute i motore (tipa oni u przim i žestokim)i sanjam da jednog dana skoćim iz aviona padobranom.Ima još puno toga o meni,ovo je ukratko!

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Neopets-ako vam je dosadno i nemate kaj radit posvojite ili kreirajte svog virtualnog ljubimca!Vrlo zabavna stranica s puno igara.ISTRAŽUJTE!!!

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We Believe

There's a woman crying out tonight
Her world has changed
She asks God why
Her only son has died
And now her daughter cries
She can't sleep at night

Another day for all the suits and ties
Another war to fight
There's no regard for life
How do they sleep at night
How can we make things right?
Just wanna make this right

We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love

We are all the same
Human in all our ways and all of pain
(So let it be)
There's a love that could fall down like rain
(Let us see)
Let forgiveness wash away the pain
(What we need)
And no one really knows what they are searching for
(We believe)
This world is crying for so much more

We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love

We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love

So this world
Is too much
For you to take
Just lay it down and follow me
I'll be everything you need
In every way

We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)

I Just Wanna Live

I need an alarm system in my house
So I know when people are
Creeping about
These people are
Freaking me out (these days)

It’s getting hectic everywhere that I go
They won’t leave me alone
There’s things they all wanna know
I'm paranoid of all the people I meet
Why are they talking to me?
And why can’t anyone see

I just wanna live
Don’t really care about the things that they say
Don’t really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live
Just wanna live [x7]

I rock a
Lawsuit when I’m going to court
A white suit when I’m gettin’ divorced
A black suit at the funeral home
And my birthday suit when I’m home alone
Talkin’ on the phone
Got an interview
With the rolling stone
They’re saying
“Now you’re rich and
Now you’re famous
And fake ass girls all know your names and
(Lifestyles) of the rich and famous
Your first hit are you ashamed?”
Of the life [x2]
Of the life we’re livin’

I just wanna live
Don’t really care about the things that they say
Don’t really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live

Stop your messin’ around boy
Better think of your future
Better make some good plans boy
Said everyone of my teachers

You better play it safe
You never know what hard times will come your way
We say
Where we’re coming from
We’ve already seen
The wealth that this life can bring

Now we’re expected everywhere that we go
All the things that they say
Yeah we already know

I just wanna live
Don’t really care about the things that they say
Don’t really care about what happens to me
Just wanna live [x3]

I just wanna live
Just wanna live [x3]

I just wanna live
Just wanna live [x3]
Don’t really care about the things that they say
Just wanna live [x3]
Don’t really care about what happens to me

I just wanna live

World is Black

Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day and
No one really knows why this is happening
But it's happening
And everywhere you go it's just a different place
You get the same dark feeling
See the same sad faces
No one really cares that this is happening

We come into this world
And we all are the same
In that moment there's no one to blame

But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say, say

Living in this place it's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing so there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in his hands
But I can only pray that God is listening
Is he listening?

We're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I say

But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say, say, say

We come into this world
And we all are the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But we're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I say

The world is black
And hearts are cold
There's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
(We can't go back)
It won't be the same
(It won't be the same)
Forever changed
(What will ever change)
By the things we say, say, say

Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening