Nashe najdrazhe pjesmice.....

Artist: From Autumn To Ashes Lyrics
Song: The After Dinner Payback Lyrics

I'm not wishing anymore
I'm not writing songs for you
I sleep better in the dark
I'm not doing this for you

This is because of you I don't believe
Tongue tied an institute of my relief
You're my, my reason to shame
(my reason to shame)

I'm not wishing anymore
I'm not writing songs for you
I sleep better in the dark
I'm not doing this for you

This is because of you I don't believe
Tongue tied an institute of my relief

One wish that this is over
You are all I waste today
(discarded worthless throw it away)

Will it tear you apart?
Will it?
Will it tear you apart?

(When I turn and walk away
abandon, its not worth the effort
When Stalling means
Too fucking scared to create
abandon, its not worth the effort
When stalling and too scared)

One wish that this is over
You are all I waste today
(discarded worthless throw it away)

Will it tear you apart?
Will it?
Will it tear you apart?

When I turn and walk away
I'm not holding onto this
I'm not wasting words on you
I sleep alone in spite of it
I'll do anything for you

This is because of you I feel relief
Tongue tied to investigate what I believe
You're my, my reason to blame (my reason to blame)

I'm not holding onto this
I'm not wasting words on you
I sleep alone in spite of it
I'll do anything for you

This is because of you I feel relief
Tongue tied to investigate what I believe
You're my, my reason to blame (my reason to blame)


From Autumn To Ashes - Autum's Monologue Lyrics
Oh why cant I be what you need

a new improved version of me

but i'm nothing so good

no i'm nothing

just bones, a lonely ghost burning down songs

of violence of love and of sorrow

i beg for just one more tomorrow

where you hold me down fold me in

deep deep deep in the heart of your sins

I break in two over you

I break in two

And each piece of me dies

And only you can give the breath of life

But you dont see me, you dont...

here i'm in between darkness and light

bleached and blinded by these nights

where im tossing and tortured til dawn

by you, visions of you then youre gone

the shock lifts the red from my face

when i hear someone's taking my place

how could love be so thoughtless, so cruel

when all, all that i did was for you

i break in two over you

i break in two

and each piece of me dies

and only you can give the breath of life

but you dont see me you dont..

i break in two over you

i break in two

and each piece of me dies

and only you can give the breath of life

but you dont see me you don't...

i break in two over you

i break in two over you, over you

i break in two

i would break in two for you

now you see me

now you don't

now you need me

now you don't

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Chloroform Perfume Lyrics
Artist:From Autumn To Ashes

The end result of so many meetings
Late night diners with no one eating
We sit in corners and sip burnt coffee
Count the tiles upon the ceiling
Skip this pretense and cut straight to dying
But don’t beg me to keep your eyes from crying

You said so much without ever parting your lips
Past 3am and im still far from sleep
This is a habit that i cant break
And my only company
Is skipping stones

And the street lights flicker like this match in my hand
The street lights flicker like this match in my hand
And the street lights flicker like this match in my hand begging to strike
Beggin to strike

And I keep repeating but this payphone tele stopped receiving
Flat out of change now, im sure you wont accept the charges
Its all the same cause by the morning ill be half way to Colorado
or some place like that

You said so much without ever parting your lips
Past 3am and im still far from sleep
This is a habit that I cant break
And my only company
Is skipping stones down this old suburban street

She keeps on asking "do you think it hurts much to die?"
Well its hurting so much more to stay alive now
Shes gonna find out how much it hurts to die

She laced her perfume up with death
Feel it in my lungs
So ill pull in the deepest breath
And drop my head

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I think I’ll just push myself aside and fake a smile through every second of this pain, yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry about me, it only hurts when I breathe !
I’m tired of trying, I’m tired of crying I know I’ve been smiling but inside I’m dying…
Maybe when you find out I’m dead, you’ll realize what you did to me.

Prepolowljena na pola
Kročim tminom
Gazim po lokvama krvi
Ostawljam krwawe otiske za sobom
Wlastite krwi
Utroba mi gori
Srce zihericama spajam.
Obliwena krwlju wrištim
Nitko me ne čuje
Zatočena sam u samoći i tami
S žiletom naslonjenim na žilu
Susrećem se s smrću
Sama kročim prema wratima za pakao
Doslowce si me zaklao
Patim , wrištim, ne čuješ me

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KomeNtari ..Visish/Nevidish

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Puffa, mi smo Adela i Stella ! Najbolje frendice od kad znamo za sebe... Nerazdvojne smo. Nadamo se da bu vam se sviđal blog, trudile bumo se. hm...... ne znamo kad da napišemo još,ali nie bed.... pa pusek!free web counter

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Cracks in concrete are just reminders that you’ll fall apart no matter how strong you are…
I’m tired of trying, I’m tired of crying I know I’ve been smiling but inside I’m dying…
I think I’ll just push myself aside and fake a smile through every second of this pain, yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry about me, it only hurts when I breathe

My Chemical Romance Lyrics

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Francika....Stellin proswjetljeni frend s prwe...super blogek....

Dora....Stellina ljubica iz Rijeke...ah duga priča,lol.....

Neyica-Stellina ljubaf Neya.... Super zhenska....

Adela i Monika- Stelline dwije weeeeelike ljubafi.... super curke... adelu znate i s owog bloga....

Yakofffff.Yakof.zabawan tip s 6.

- Stellina ljubica... hipi cwetak

Dora-Dora s 1.,Stella yu pozna prek icqa...i tako....

Tea.....Stellina ljubica s prwe...mwa.pusa

Roth... Đubre nad đubradi.....jbg

Almica- super pucka.... swi yu wollimo yaaaaaako....

Dinek- Hihihi, super tipek s 2. Stellin tata...da,da...hoda s dunjom.....

Alma i Mirna- super curke s prwe....

Belach- super curka s prwe, Stella yu pozna prek icqa i tako.hihi

Erna- super curka s prwe.... bila ye Stelli utyeha na yedan yako syebani dan...mwa

Ficho- hehe.....mali slatki
dyecharac s prwe......

ponedjeljak, 30.04.2007.

hm... tu inache pishe naslow....da,da....ali nemamo inspiraciyu yosh za to......

Ah.....waljda ste widli kae tu pisalo.....ali odluchile smo maknute tay post...yer nas samo Bano......ali jbg.... nego, sad ne znamo kay da napišemo....hehe.... ne znamo da li smo spomenuli wech prei, ali znate ljubaf poljskog cweteka i suncheka yer prestala....ah jbg, neki ljudi su yednostawno ruzhna bezosjechayna đubrad...hehe....opet nema shkole... nie nekey spešl dugo ali NEMA YE......BENĐ dobro... nama se nie dogodilo nisht posebno zanimljiwog...mislim nadogađalo se puno sitnica khm, da sitnica koje nisu dostojne da ih tu spominjemo... Stella nam ye zbedirana wech danima ali poslie kishe uwijek dolazi sunce..,,mozhda owo nie bila nayprikladnia rechenica....Sunche...suncheko... Rothowo.....oke, nebumo se sad prisječali tog gada.....lalalalaltralaala...... Imamo wijesti da. i to lijepe....hehe....napokon nekey pozitiwno.... Stella e weč htela opet hititi u emače u jebat... aha...skoro zaborawih napisati tu wijest. Nasha ljubica Monika hoda s ne nashim ljubekom Ranteshom... a ko ih ye spojil, mislim ko ye pomogel(sad tu molim nek neko lupa po bubnjewima....)- STELLA...da,da... moje malecko weličanstwo ih je spojilo(pljesak), oke nie to neka stwar wleika... ya delam s buhe slona..... ali ljubaf... hihihi..... to ye lijepo..... pogotowo Stelli yer ona nikak da najde nekog normalnog... A sad idu pozdrawi, hehe..... Welika pusa ide : hm.. ? Neyici(koya se khm, zayebala. lol), Tei (koya ye yedna od rijetkih koji su bili uz mene u khm, teshkoj situacija, yako yu wolim ), ona pusa ide Moniki...oke i njezinom Ranteshu....ali prijateljska.... onda swima s nashe 4. osnowne. swima koji se osječaju dostoynim a da prime pusu od nas...Onda swima ljudima s prwe osnowne, narawno nekima neznam imena,, ali nie bed.... E ,da pusa ide yosh yednoy Moniki malom cwijetichi , Erni i Petri.... one su bile kre mene an yedan yako khm khm zanimljiw dan... Ona samo pozdraw ide Piteši (smeeeeeeeeh), onda Franu (koyeg dugo ne widyeh yer ye na moru), mah ne znam koga da pozdrawim.... pusa i pozdraw swima koyi su ikad barem chuli za nas.... jebemu, skoro sam zaborawila wazhnu osobu pozdrawiti.... Rantesha.... mwa...pusamo was... byby... btw. oway post ye pisala Stella....mozhda se bash ne skuzhi...ali tak treba biti, hehe

I'm a fucking prinCeSS with heart of ice!!

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