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.:otkačeno do boli... ha, ha, ha:.
.:mala medicinarka:.
.:opasne bitchure zagrebačke:.
.:heavier than heaven:.
.:alkička s razlogom:.
.:come out, come out, wherever you are:.
.:dark sword dancer - dizajnovi:.
.:dark dreams of a broken mind:.
.:anja - dizajnovi:.
.:gadura - dizajnovi:.
COME TO THE DARK SIDE!!! we have cookies!!!
Školu odjebi, starce zajebi, dečka pojebi, život razjebi i bit ćeš HAPPY!!!
NE slušaj narodnjake!!! Umri prirodnom smrću!!!
Pustite mlade da žive kako hoće jer oni nisu tražili da budu rođeni!!!
This is for all people who talk shit about me. I just give a fuck about you `cause I`m something that you can never be!!!
Zapalit ćemo školu, taj luđački dom. Cijelo učiteljsko vijeće plakat će za njom, štreberi će nosit cvijeće na grob, a ja vikati: NISAM VIŠE ROB!!!
I do what the voices tell me to do!!!
Ako je život škola, onda je osmrtnica najbolja diploma!!!
NOBODY KNOWS ... I`m a serial killer!!!
Noć bez zvijezda, gradovi bez imena i moja sjećanja
Tragovi kočenja na cestama što vode do neba
A bio sam na kraju svijeta sam bez tebe korak do sna
Sam protiv svih na kraju vremena a gdje si ostala ti
Zlatne godine i duge sjene
Pomoli se za naše vrijeme
Jednu svijeću ljubavi
Zapali za mene
Hladna kiša moje noći umiva tvojim suzama
Nije život posuo sa ružama sva moja sjećanja...
Shot at 2007-07-15
Mama me rodila, ulica odgojila, igla nahranila, droga sahranila!!!
Life is fucking bitch!!!
Ako sumnjaš da mi se nešto dogodilo, ne plači od sreće!! Samo znaj da KUJA poput mene nikad NE UMIRE!!!
Poželiš li ikad naći sebe, ne gledaj u ogledalo jer ondje nema ničeg do sjene, STRANAC...
N O B O D Y dies virgin. `Cause IN THE END, life fuck us all!!!
... Pričaj nam o tajnim vojskama zla... Njihova se imena ne smiju izgovoriti glasno da ne oskvrnu usne smrtnika, jer su došle iz bezbožne tame i napale nebo no bijahu istjerane GNJEVOM ANĐELA...
So what if I like black? It doesn`t make me a bad person!!!
Biti lud ima i prednosti kojih su samo luđaci svjesni!!!
Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black...
Giving up doesn`t always
Mean you are weak;
Sometimes it means that
You are strong enough to
Let go.
Needed elsewhere
To remind us of the
Shortness of your time
Tears laid for them
Tears of love, tears of fear
Bury my dreams dig up my
Nothing`s what it seems to be,
I`m a replica, I`m a replica.
Empty shell inside of me,
I`m not myself - I`m a replica of me...
Nemaju svi mozak otporan na
deprimirajuću svakodnevicu
mračnih umova...
Help me.
Help me to find my true self
Without seeing the future.
Save me.
Save me from torturing myself even within
My dreams...
In the mist of the night you faded away.
Like a star you fell from heaven.
Gradovi su za nas previše MALI,
S naše visine ljudi postaju MRAVI
I na leđima nose one koji su PALI
Za nas su previše MALI,
Vjeruj mi sve sam već VIDIO...
Crtu života sama je urezala
Na njezinom dlanu,
Ispisala sa bojama upomoć
Po cijelome stanu.
Vatra je njena igračka,
U mraku mrzi svoje oči...
Ne bojim se pakla.... Već sam u njemu...
Stvarnost je iluzija prouzrokovana nedostatkom alkohola...
Nemoj mrziti sebe od ranog jutra - spavaj do podne!!!
Vani je cijeli svijet za osvojit. Ali neka mi ga netko, molim vas, donese u krevet...
Trying to justify to ourselves the reason to go,
should we live and let live,
forgot or forgive?!?
1) get up...
3) go back to bed...
I came from nothing to
change everything...
And I can`t explain what happend,
And I can`t erase the thing that I`ve done...
How could this happen to me,
I`ve made my mistake,
I got nowhere to run...
Life goes on as I`m fading away;
I`m sick of this life...
I believe in you
I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies,
I won`t stay long
In this world so wrong...
Farewell to you.
Now that your flesh is mine,
I`ll take your soul too...
Fear can make you prisoner...Hope can set you free!
Follow your´ dreams......`cause we all die young!
Alkohol je čovjekov najgori neprijatelj, a samo kukavica bježi od neprijatelja!!!!!!!!!!
Tek kad netko drugi poželi ono što si ti izgubio, shvatiš koliko ti je to zapravo značilo.
The painful screams of the body,
that is what you can hear...
... before you meet your own shadow.
The path of sorrow I walk upon.
Getting more sad for every step I take.
Darkness cover my eyes...
Grad bez ljubavi,
Sumrak ideja,
Loše vibracije
U mojoj glavi,
Dolje na ulici
Koraci u tami,
Mozgovne vijuge
Šeću svoje pse...
I always take a life with a pinch of salat, a slice of lemon and shot of tequila!
I`m not an alcoholic...
I`m a drunk and enjoying it!
Save water, drink votka!
I`m not a bitch,
I`m the bitch and that`s miss bitch to you!!!
There are a lot of things I wish
I would have done,
Instead of just sitting around and complaining
About having a boring life...
... I feel unsettled, now i know that I`ve done wrong
I`ve messed around with mystic things and magic for too long
I feel I`m being paid with this nightmare inside me,
The devils got a hold on my soul and he just wont let me be...
Say goodbye,
As we dance with the devil tonight
Don`t you dare look at him in the eye
As we dance with the devil tonight...
... When all that you wanted
And all that you have
Don`t seem so much...
... You tried so hard to be
That you forget who you
Just a few small tears
Between someone happy and
One sad
Just a thin line draw between
Being a genius or insane...
Why then is god still protecting me,
Even when I don`t deserve it?
Why am I mean to face this alone,
Asking the question time
And again praying to god wont keep me alive...
...When it`s hard to be
It`s not to be someone else...
So we only get one chance,
Can we take it?
And we only got one life,
Can`t exchange it...
Can we hold on to what we have, don`t replace it?
The age of innocence is fading like
An old dream...
Believing in something
Won`t keep me from
Growing up...
I refuse to bury a friend.
Please my friend, I emplore you to live...
I give to you all I have to give.
So let me be the thread that mends.
To stitch the cuts aquired today.
Please, find some way to stay...
I emplore you to live.
So dry your eyes for all is okay.
You have your friends with you and there they will stay.
Ne mogu naći put do ˝njega˝.
Pokušala sam i puzati,
Klečala sam na porezanim venama,
no krv je već sve uokvirila...
Ja sam veliki pjesnik, samo što ne pišem svoje pjesme...
Ja sam lik iz bajke s nacrtanim osmijehom...
Sa dlana Boga pala si
I anđelu si krala mir
Kao kiša rasula si kapi sve
U pehar skupljam tvoje riječi
I pogled i tvoj prah...
The roads obstacles I have met.
No light is present on my path.
The end of the road is near.
Kindness is a lie.
Sorrow is my friend.
My way is walked.
The dead life vanished into nothing
When angels sang songs of painful beauty.
You were filled with the joy from your tears.
Like an arrow from the bow
You shot yourself into the unwerse.
You stranded somewhere in the infinitely.
Happines does not exist.
Only the beauty of pain.
Your life is mine.
When two deformedly souls meet each other, the only thing that´s left are destruction and regrets...
Your looks and your feelings
Are just the remains of your past...
Ponekad ću se ispucati i psovati sve redom,
Ali opet ću doć i smiriti se i psovati sve redom.
Ima izbora, uvjek ga ima. Što se mora - teško je.
You will give me your heart.
That´s what I deserve.
Forever mine to keep.
That´s your gift to me.
It`s your own life,
But you sacrifice it.
You live for happines.
Such a thing does not exist.
Just one of your illusions.
You want forgiveness and you want it cheap.
I don´t give rewards for the weak...
Don´t knock on deaths door, ring the doorbell and run!
He hates that! :)
Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
Even when each tick of the second hand aches like
The pulse of blood behind a bruise.
It passes unevenly, and dragging lulls, but pass it does.
Even For Me.
... and no matter who you are, I will always just be me...
It's better to BE HATED
for what YOU ARE,
than BE LOVED for
what YOU'RE NOT...
We are so young...
Our lives have just began...
But already we're considering
Escape from this world...
Never take life too seriously.
Nobody gets out alive anyways.
You know: once there was a dream,
Very nice dream,
And you know, I was a part of it...
Now there is just A DEEP DARK WORLD...
You now know who I am,
And you know that I didn't forgot...
But it was fucked up...
Sick of this life... Not that you'd care...
I'm not the only one with these feelings I share...
Nobody understands, quite why we are here...
We are searchin for answers...
That never appear...
But maybe if I looked real hard I'd...
I'd see you tryin too...
To understand this life that we are all goin through...
I'm only wearing black until they make something darker...
Moj bijes je moja snaga!!!
Ja sam rođena ovakva... A koje je tvoje opravdanje?!?!?
She is so scared to get close to ANYONE
Because everyone that ever said:
I will be there, LEFT...
You asked me what was wrong
And I smiled and said: NOTHING...
Then I turned around and whispered:
Life brings tears, smiles & memories...
The tears dry, the smiles fade but
The memories last forever...
There is THREE things in life
LOVE to make her WEAK,
ALCOHOL to make her STRONG &
BEST FRIENDS when both things make her HIT THE FLOOR...
I hate you today, just as much as I did yesterday...
Maybe even a little more...
Lost in the dark of my mind,
I'm trying to put the pieces back together,
But they just won't fit...
There's a code of silence, that we don't dare speak
There's a wall between and the river's deep
We keep pretending that there's nothing wrong
But there's a code of silence, and it can't go on ...
Now run along my little nightmare
Your job is done here, you've scared them all to death
If they revive them just sit there,
Just smile dear, make them thankful for every breath...
Im not the one who broke you
Im not the one you should fear
We got to move you darlin
I thought I lost you somewhere
But you were never really ever there at all.
… I keep it all inside,
for the sake of pride,
I will not disrespect my family,
only you know what I hide…
"Pa ti si Tea, jebote, ti imaš reputaciju..."
Koja jebena reputacija??? Zakaj ja niš ne znam o toj svojoj "reputaciji"?
Možda i bolje, vjerojatno bi ubila nekog... Ma, koji kurac, oču znat!!! Oču znat!!! SAD, ODMA, TUDEJ!!!!
Ah, morem ja vikat kolko oču kad me tak i onak niko ne sluša...
Sad iz faze razbijanja, vrištanja i ubijanja sveg oko sebe prelazimo na fazu cmiždrenja...
Zakaj ja, od svih zakaj baš ja??? Okej, sad već pišem gluposti... Nije bed, kaj ne?
Jebemti, kakva reputacija?!?!? Jbg, saznala bum ja makar mi to bilo zadnje...
Ostavljam vas... Bacam se u lov za svojom "reputacijom"...
p.s. ak ju je ko spazil, molila bi da mi javi... slijedi nagrada...
Peace, love and all that shit...