Ptitchitza u niskom letu

nedjelja, 17.05.2009.

Nemreš bilivit

Izgleda da je Bandić preživio. Glasalo je otprilike trećina građana. Oni koji nisu glasali obično su najglasniji kad se treba žaliti na svakodnevicu koju nam kroje političari, a neizlazak na izbore otklanja im mnogo prava na kasniju žalidbu.

Tužno je to.

- 19:05 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 14.05.2009.

The problem with Gigli

It's exactly that it is flawless. It is perfect. It is everything people expected it NOT to be. It was expected to be the Hollywood version of the real life cmulja that was going on between two main actors, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck and it wasn't. It is funny, adventurous, brimming with intelligent dialogues, well profiled actors and great cameo appearances of Christopher Walken and especially Al Pacino.

The film is great and I love it. I caught the rerun late at night at 3 am and was enjoying it.

- 05:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Today, the Jelacic platz.

Across the tram station I see a woman on the wrong side of the 40's, welll into it. Looks like an older fifica. On the other hand, she reminds,because of her face to my first real love, Vesna.

I approach. 'You wouldn't happen to be Vesna by any chance, would you?'
'Why, yes, I am Vesna', but it turns out it's a different Vesna.

So how do we know each other, if we do? Perhaps I was into sports and training hard, she says.

Her hair is greasy, and tied in a Pipi the long hair style. Bright red skirt, and leather jacket. Bad teeth and really worn out face.

Or maybe you were visiting štajgas? 'Scuse me? That's impossible', I say.
'Well, then, maybe you should start?', she says.


- 00:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

More on TV

On the other hand, I enjoy Kevin Hill and the Boston Law every time I catch it on TV.

But the absolutely surprise is the Amore en Custodia, Otvori svoje srce, the soap that goes on the NOva TV every work day at 6:30 am. Check it out, you'll be amazed. Everything you need to know about the men-women relationships is right there, the latin style. And when it comes down to it, who knows more than the Latin people about these things, isn't that so?

- 00:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 13.05.2009.


I just caught the last hour of Gigli on Nova TV, which was out of schedule according to very often wrong listings in the Jutarnji List's Studio.

It's a great film, feel-good movie, I don't care what people say.

It's a funny thing, people hate you when you're having it all good like Jennifer Lopez and that guy had it. It's when you're down in the gutter when all the fake do-gooders come out of the wood to express their fake pity which makes them gloat from inside with perverse happiness they find towards someone who is, in their subconscience, superior to them.

- 23:36 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 10.05.2009.

Mjesto rođenja

Zašto ste rođeni u Charlestonu, pitala je novinarska sila poznatog američkog slikara.

- Želio sam biti blizu majke, odgovori ovaj govedu.

- 15:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Biti razmažen znači dozvoliti malim iritacijama da nas naljute i kvare nam raspoloženje i znači da se olako prepuštamo dosadi.

Razmaženost je ključ mojih neuroza.

- 15:08 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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    This blog has been created in times of a personal crisis. Mistaken is (s)he who thinks that only bad times define me; they do, however, provide a referential point in determining a personal span of happiness.

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  • Misliti je [sto?] znati? - I am what I is - Ne hodaj malen ispod zvijezda 1 i 2 - Adios pameti: 1, 2, 3, 4 - Miles to go before YOU sleep: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Pticja kreketanja: 1, 2, 3 - I bruise easily - Proljetna depresija - It's O'Gay! - Les femmes fatales: 1, 2, 3 - Shadow Boxing: 1

    (Ova cijela 'arhiva' nije od davnina bila azurirana & posljedicno je sadly out-of-date... a nece biti osvjezena barem jos mjesec dana. Eto.)