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Blog o dvije cure koje se svakodnevno bore sa zgodama i nezgodama ljubavi i prijateljstva...
-> 18 godina...
-> beznadno zaljubljena
-> živi u svom svijetu
-> podvojena ličnost :)
-> često neshvaćena
-> vjeruje u čuda
-> hiperaktivna
-> insomničarka
-> sluša: sve :) u to spada: hip hop, r&b, srcedrapajuce balade bilo domaće, bilo strane, rammstein :)
-> ples, ples i opet ples!
-> gleda: romantične komedije, komedije bilo koje vrste i horrore :)
-> najveća mana: lijenost
-> životna želja: bavit se profesionalno onime što voli najviše na svijetu, a to je ples.
-> najveći strah: samoća...
(nema me više, bila nekad jesam tu,...)
*La rosa negra*
* 19 godina
* introvertirana i povremeno emo raspoložena
* nepopravljiva romantičarka
* jako osjećajna, ponekad i previše
* često frustrirana svojim životom
* praznovjerna do boli
* kontrol freak
* sluša: sve i svašta, ali najviše voli latino ritmove tipa Santana, Cubismo, Aventura, prije spavanja: Nora Jones, Celine Dion, James Blunt...
* rijetko gleda tv, a kada ga gleda onda su na ekranu uvijek serije za mlade tipa Gilmoreice, Prijatelji, Tree Hill...
* strastveni je čitatelj Paola Coelha
* najveće mane: previše vjeruje ljudima, uvijek se pravi da je sve ok pa drugi imaju dojam da ju ništa ne može povrijediti
* naj način zabave: plesati cijelu noć do trenutka kad više ne možeš stajati na nogama...doslovno
* želja: jednog dana naučiti svirati gitaru...akustičnu
Uđe u vrt prepun sjena...
fallen hero
petar pan (music man)
Marko =)
rambo u tetrapaku
*We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams*
*"Imagination is more important than knowledge" ~Albert Einstein *
*Your love for yourself is only shown when you are dancing freely.*
*"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~Agnes De Mille*
*Dancers work and live from the inside. They drive themselves constantly producing a glow that lights not only themselves but audience after audience." ~M. Louis *
*Why do I dance?.....Why do I breathe?*
*"Then come the lights shining on you from above. You are a performer. You forget all you learned, the process of technique, the fear, the pain, you even forget who you are you become one with the music, the lights, indeed one with the dance." ~Shirley Maclaine*
*You know you're dancing when tears of pain and happiness blend in with your sweat.*
*"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy." ~Jaques D'ambroise*
*I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance. ~Friedrich Nietzsche*
*I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine*
*And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche*
*I do not know what the spirit of a philosopher could more wish to be than a good dancer. For the dance is his ideal. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche*
*Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful. But the path to paradise of the achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries, even in its sleep. There are times of complete frustration, there are daily small deaths. *Martha Graham*
*If you want to dance seriously, do. You must think about it day and night, dream about it,--desire it. *Christa Justus*
*To touch to move to inspire- this is the true gift of dance. *Aubrey Lynch*
*When I dance, I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole, that is why I dance.-Hans Bos*
*Wherever a dancer stands is holy ground.-Martha Graham *
*A day I don't dance is a day I don't live.*
*Without dance I can not feel my soul, hear my heart, or see my dreams.*
I have performed for thousands when they found me exotic, the vogue, daring, but I have danced, at any given time, for about ten people.... They were the ones that left the theater forever different from the way they were when they came in. All of my long, long life, I have danced for those ten.
--Ruth St. Denis
°°Ako nemaš za što umrijeti, nemaš ni za što živjeti.°°
~Najveća je utjeha reči sve što misliš.~
*Ako sam ono što imam, a ako se to što imam izgubi, tko sam onda?*
°°Učini ili ne učini. Pokušaja nema.°°
~Ne dopusti da strah određuje odluke koje donosiš.~
*Pobijediti znači ustati svaki put kad padneš.*
°°To što jesi govori mi tako glasno da ne čujem to što pričaš.°°
~U umjetnosti i životu sve je moguće ako dopire iz ljubavi.~
*Nikad ne sjedi mirno i nikad ti neće biti dosadno.*
°°Svaki dan u sebi nosi vječnost.°°
~Samo zbog jedne stvari san postaje nemoguć: zbog straha od neuspjeha!~
*Treba vjerovati u luckasta čuda!*
There are only 4 important questions in life: What is sacred? What is the spirit made of? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for?The answer to all four is the same: only love."
Don Juan de Marco
"If I won’t be myself, who will"
"The man who has no imagination, has no wings"
Muhammad Ali
"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are."
E.E. Cummings
It's a dangerous business...going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
J.R.R. Tolkien
"Čuvaj me u malom kutku svog srca. Neka ti moje misli ne remete ni jedan tren života, a voli me tek toliko da znam da postojim..."
"Anđele, sklopi okice svoje i u tami noći nađi svjetlo mjesečine da ti obasja snove i u njih dovede one zbog kojih se vrijedi sutra buditi."
Ono što čovjeku treba da bi išao naprijed jest moćan neprijatelj.
Anoniman autor
Dok pružamo ruke u težnji da nađemo osobu s kojom ćemo podijeliti život, može se dogoditi da bezglavo uletimo u vezu i izravno se suočimo s usamljenosti koju nikad nismo upoznali dok smo bili sami.
Muškarac koji mijenja žene narcisoidna je osoba, s dubokom sumnjom u vlastitu muškost, nedozreli adolescent s trajnom potrebom za divljenjem i ljubavlju tako da žena koja ispunjava te potrebe mu dosadi nakon što ju je osvojio. On treba nove dokaze za svoju privlačnost i zato traži ženu koja ga u to mora uvjeriti. U stvari on je ovisan o ženama, on ih se boji. Zato svaka poduža prisutnost rađa u njemu osjećaj zatočenja i okovanosti. On sumnja u samog sebe.
Tko malo želi, sve ima.
Tko ništa ne želi, taj je slobodan,
tko nema i ne želi, čovjek je,
jednak bogovima.
Fernando Pessoa
Neprijateljima treba neprekidno opraštati, jer je upravo to ono što ih najviše ljuti.
Albert Einstein
Prava ljubav
počinje tamo
gdje se više
ne očekuje
uzvraćanje ljubavi.
A. de Saint-Exupery
Voljeti nekog
vidjeti ga
kakvim ga je
stvorio Bog.
F.M. Dostojevski
Divno je biti čovjek i živjeti.
Biti običan čovjek.
Gledati u zrak, motriti sunce,
promatrati cvijeće
i zvijezde u noći.
....smijati se..., sanjati,
maštati, biti zadovoljan:
svečanost svaki dan.
Čovjek je nesretan zato što ne zna da je sretan, samo zato. To je sve, sve. Tko to sazna postat će sretan odmah sada, ovoga trena.
F.M. Dostojevski
"Muškarci, nakon svih ekshibicija koje u mladosti prođu, nakon ludiranja i provoda, traže Jennifer Lopez iz romantične komedije. Žele da je pomalo zbunjena i da ga gleda očima srne. Ona to tako dobro radi, zato se i uda na kraju svakog filma."
M. Vlaović
Nemojte uzalud žaliti, već spoznajte da ništa nije stalno i shvatite odatle ispraznost ljudskog života. Ne gajite bezvrijednu nadu da ono što je promjenjivo, može postati nepromjenjivo.
Kad su oči žene zamagljene suzama, muškarac je taj koji jasno ne vidi.
Ponekad netko mora doći i povrijediti nas da bi shvatili koliko nam je lijepo bilo.
Nesavršenstvo nije negacija savršenosti, konačnost ne poriče beskonačnost. To se samo cjelina iskazuje u dijelovima, to se beskraj otkriva u granicama.
To nije ljubav, to je zaljubljivanje.
To nije ljubav, to je požuda.
To nije ljubav, to je sreća.
To nije ljubav, to je usamljenost.
To nije ljubav, to je sažaljenje.
To nije ljubav, to je nesigurnost.
To nije ljubav, to je strast.
To nije ljubav, to je prijateljstvo.
To nije ljubav, to je laž.
To nije ljubav, to je velikodušnost.
Srce te boli i sve se u tebi lomi kada je on tužan?
Privlače te drugi, ali ipak ostaješ s njim bez trunke kajanja?
Prihvačaš njegove mane jer su i one dio njega?
S njim si zbog te neshvatljive mješavine boli, sreće i uživanja?
Dala bi život za njega?
-> You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.
- David Levesque -
-> Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters.
- William Curry -
-> A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,
I'll be there."
True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;
I'll be there."
- Jimi Hollemans -
-> Real love is feeling like being a part of that person's
life almost isn't enough. It's more like a feeling that
you would live in the same skin with them if you could
and share every thought, heart beat, and emotion as one.
-> Love is when you look into someone's eyes
and see their heart.
-> If you have it [love],
you don't need to have anything else.
If you don't have it,
it doesn't matter much what else you do have.
-> The best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true love really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will love be perfected in pain.
-> Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear. If you do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt, then your not really in love at all.
-> To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you can't do this.
-> I've loved you all my life. Even before there was you there was the promise of you, and now that we've met, I'll never be the same!
-> Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
-> If you are willing to trust in a person when all others tell you to go against it, if you are willing to risk getting your heart broken because you believe in that other person, Then that is true love.
-> To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive.
-> If you love me, let me know, If you don't, let me go.
-> I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else.
-> Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself.
-> It's a horrible thing to see your lost love walk past you with another girl, and it's the worst thing to know that you made a mistake in letting him go.
-> was finally getting over you and actually believing I didn't need you. I was finally accepting you had another girl. Then you smiled at me and ruined it all.
-> Don't ever give up if you still want to try, don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry. Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go.
-> I'm not saying there wasn't anything wrong, I just didn't think you'd ever get tired of me. I'm not saying we ever had the right to hold on, I just didn't wanna let it get away from me.
-> Don't say we're not right for each other. The way I see it, we're not meant for anyone else.
-> I thought I would die if I couldn't have you. Now that I know I can't have you, death seems inferior.
-> If you're not the one for me, and I still think you're perfect, think of how amazing it will be to find the one who is.
-> Some people say the worst way to miss someone is when they are right next to you and you know you can't have them, but it's worse when you thought you didn't want them anymore and then all of a sudden you realize you can't live without them.
-> Love is letting go of the one you love, hoping that they will come back to you when they realize what they have lost.
-> We cannot beg someone to stay if they want to leave and be with someone else. We have to admit that love doesn't give us the license to own a person. This is what love means...sacrifice.
-> The saddest thing in life is loving someone who used to love you.
-> Don't make my mistake. Don't let yourself be so angry that you stop loving. Because one day you'll wake up from that anger, and the person you love will be gone.
-> The saddest love is to love someone, to know that they still want you, but the circumstances don't let you have them.
-> It's like my mind knows what's right but my heart is being retarded and still cares.
-> First love, the love that clings to your heart forever, no matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, first love will never leave my soul.
-> My biggerst fear is that one day we will pass each other on the streets and have an artifical conversation.
-> Somewhere out there is the man you're supposed to marry and if you don't get him first, somebody else will...and then, you'll have to spend the rest of your life thinking that somebody else is married to your husband.
-> Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...
-> I believe the saddest thing in life, is caring so much for someone and then one day you look into their eyes and listen to them talk and realize that they are gone. All you see in front of you is a stranger with just a known name.
-> She's got him falling head over heals for her and I can't even get him to stumble...
-> I want you to be happy, you're my best friend. But it's so hard to let you go now with all that could have been. I'll always have the memories. She'll always have you. Fate has a way of changing just when you don't want it to. Throw away the chains, let love fly away. Till love comes again, I'll be okay.
-> Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with that someone, because sometimes Fate plays a fool on us and we are not meant to be together. But still, there is love between us.
-> I understand why you had to leave but I don't understand why you're not coming back.
-> She cried when I left her, now, I cry to forget her. Oh, how foolish I was to ever want to leave because nobody in his right mind would have left her ... even my heart was smart enough to stay behind.
-> I thought I lost a lover, but instead I gained a friend.
-> I may regret the way we ended, but I will never regret what we had.
-> My biggest fear is never loving anyone again the way I loved you.
-> Jealous of the one who's arms are around you and she's keeping you satisfied. She's a very, very lucky girl, and you know, I'd fight a good fight if I thought I'd change your mind, but if she makes you happy then I'll leave the dream behind. But, she'd better treat you right and give you everything, because the moment that she doesn't, I'll be waiting in the end ....
-> The best way to lose love is to hold it tightly.
-> I'm surprised, I thought Love would turn its back on me, but never the less, it was I who turned my back on love.
-> Who says time heals?! You don't get OVER the pain, you just learn to get ALONG with the pain, in time.
-> Today I will cry like never after, but tomorrow my laughter will be heard like never before.
-> Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I'm ready for war.
-> I know the door to your heart belongs to another, but I think I can slip in through the window.
-> To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three part dead.
Tuga me razapinjala, a suze su bile nepresušne.
Misli su lutale, a duša boljela.
Dok nisam prestala osjećati...
Stigao je on. Visok i plav.
Pun razumijevanja, slatkih rijeći i šarma...
Htio je mene.
Predala sam mu se...
Otkrila mu svoje tijelo i svoje želje.
Po prvi puta u životu, dala sam sve.
I vatre su gorjele...
U njegovim očima sam tražila zelenu boju...
Priželjkivala sam da mu je kosa crna...
Htjela sam čuti ljubav u njegovim rijećima...
Ali on nije ti.
Dala sam mu tijelo što tebi nikad nisam...
Ali nije dobio moje srce... moju dušu...
Taj dio mene još uvijek je tvoj.
Zauvijek samo tvoj...
možeš imat moje tijelo, ali dušu ne...