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Mala škola životaSve sto trebate znat o životu, koliko vode stane u vodokotlić, kojom brzinom se kreće bumbar i koliko mu je dug...hmm...ovaj...piton...
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KeksicKuki je isto zakon...jako jako smijesno:)
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MorganaWow...cooooool blog...jako iskren i stvaran...
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MuhicaOna leti...weeee....
StevenDefining, confining, controlling, and we're sinking deeper...

Prozac Nation

04.10.2004. , ponedjeljak

Rock is dead

Brandon Boyd ArtWork
n.p. Incubus - Make Yourself

"...If I hadn't made me,
I would've been made somehow.
If I hadn't assembled myself,
I'dve fallen apart by now..."

Prva misao koja mi pada na pamet. Savršena vrsta muzike koja je izrodila nebrojeno mnogo smjerova u muzici izgleda da polako umire. Kada malo bolje razmislim što je stvarno rock, i kada pogledam što je postao, shvaćam da za njega više nema budućnosti. Ne samo da većina današnjih mladih ljudi sluša elektronsku muziku (koju ja btw. ne klasificiram kao muziku, nego više kao skup neartikuliranih nasumice izabranih umjetnih zvukova) nego i sama strast se polako gubi. Krenimo od jednog meni omiljenog benda : Metallice. Smatram da je tužno što se ekipa tako požidovila da im smeta što ljudi share-aju njihovu muziku preko neta. Pa zar im stvarno fali novca? Ili je pitanje principa? Kojih principa pitam se ja!?!? Zar nije bit muzike da ljude odvede na neko drugo mjesto, da ih potakne i da izazove emocije koje niti jedna druga umjetnost ne može? Zar se to treba platit? Zar postoji taj novac koji može platit ljepotu muzike? Za mene ne...Krenimo dalje. Osvrt na današnje new-neo-nju-metal bendove. Bendovi tipa: Slipknot, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, i sl. Jos Linkin Park i ima neku melodičnost pa se lako uvuče u uho, iako je kvaliteta pjesama očajna. Dok bendovi (kao npr. gore navedeni) koriste nekakvu brutalnost ili agresivnost kao glavnu inspiraciju gube smjer i muzika gubi na posebnosti.

n.p. Incubus - Just A Phase

"...Who are you?
When will you be through?
Yea it's just a phase...
it will be over soon
Yea it's just a phase.
And I'm waiting for it to be over too..."

Npr. Danas upoće nije problem uzet gitaru (bilo koji drugi instrument) i svirat nešto od današnje muzike. Lagano je, jednostavno, bezosjećajno...Vjerujte mi, nije problem uzet gitaru u ruke i ispilit je svirajući Slipknot. Meni su takvi bendovi smijesni. Kada pogledam malo nekve takve bendove i usporedim sa recimo Incubusima ja odvalim od smijeha. Incubusi koji uopće ne sviraju nešto posebno "brutalno" (tipa Slipknot) meni zvuče puno kompleksnije i žešće. Uostalnom ima malo bendova sa izrazito dobrim vokalima danas. Mislim da bi trebalo vise bit bendova tipa : Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Ramones, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, i tako dalje...znate na što mislim. Treba bit više ROCK-a, više strasti, više energije, prave muzike, nego ovoga što ima danas...umjetnih wannabe bendova i fejkera koji sviraju u njima. Mislim koja je svrha bit u rock bendu ako ti to ništa ne znači i samo želiš postat slavan, upecat brdo trebi i bit pun daj...Na stage-u su opasni, oblače se u kožu, imaju crne gitare, dugu kosu, majice na Iron Maiden, loše sviraju i još gore zvuče, a doma u tajnosti slušaju Christinu Aguileru i Britney Spears...baaahahahah...koja kvalitetna muzika...:die!: Nego vratimo se mi na Metallicu. Volim srat po njima jer ipak su mi se zgadili u zadnjih 5 godina...Jasno je da bend (grupa...kako god) sazrijeva i da ne može uvijek biti na istoj razini, evoluira (jer ako ne onda su debili i pripadaju svima gore navedenima). To je u redu. Ali pobogu čemu ovako jedno smeće tipa St.Anger! Mislim tko može nazvat album Sejnt Engr!!?!?O_o...What were they thinking!! Dude!!?? A onda kada ga jedan "fan" ubaci u liniju (uzmimo u obzir da metallici treba skoro pa desetljeće za novi album!?!?!) i umre bolnom smrću. Mislim oke, dečki su izgubili inspiraciju, pišu sranja, nema ideje, ali zašto se bar mrvicu ne potrude i neka bar cd-e bude fino,pristojno,uredno produciran...a ne ovako neš ti je kao kada nisi sobu pospremio/počistio godinu dana i sve se spljesnivilo i stara se dere na tebe..totalni kaos...jea...metallica rulz....not...ah, at least not anymore.

n.p. Incubus - Under my Umbrella

"...These eyes are not your eyes
And these eyes are not the color that
Your arid eyes might be
No, I was not around
When those eyes of yours decided so
I refuse to kneel before the sights you choose to see...

...If this is right, I'd rather be wrong
If this is sight, I'd rather be BLIND..."

Idemo dalje. Sere mi se od običnih seljaka koji umjesto motike/vila/lopate/grablja drže u ruci gitaru i "sviraju" "rock" umjesto da kopaju polja/sade kukuruz/muzu krave/ili jednostavno umru. To su ljudi tipa Thompson! Jea...woohoo...slogan mu je: "pušku u ruku" daj idi orat njive ili krepaj...ili ljudi tipa njegovog štićenika Tihe Orlića...baahaahhaha, zbog takvih ljudi me sram što sviram gitaru. Majstor se oblači u crno,totalni je fraj, dotični Thompson mu piše pjesme, želi bit pošput Metallice, svira o kukuruzu i ustašama, o ratu i poljodjelstvu...Do world a favour an FUCKIN' DIE!!!! Ljudi, instrumente u ruke, radite muziku od srca. Ne zbog para/slave/cura(ili dečkiju...ako ste cura...ili ako ste jednostavno friki!!jea) nego zbog ljepote muzike i svega što osjećate. Let music come form the heart...

n.p. Incubus - When it comes

"...It's comin' around again
They're letting it out again
It's comin' around again
They're letting it out again
When it comes, it comes abrupt
And it feels, it feels like trading brains with an imbecile
For real
Yes, I feel emphatic about not being static
And not buying philosophies that are sold to me, at a steal

Just when you thought it was safe to think
In comes mental piracy!
What I'm looking for cannot be sold to me
I wish they all would stop trying
Cause' what I want and what I need
Is and will always be free

It's comin' around again
They're letting it out again
It's comin' around again
They're letting it out again
When it comes, it comes unannounced
And it feels like a matador is taunting me
With his reddest red cloth
And I am the bull
Yes, I feel emphatic about not being static
And not eating the bullshit that's being fed to me no more
Cause' now I'm full..."

- 14:24 - ...Let the whole world look in... (11) - ...Take me to the end... - Dig in

<< Arhiva >>


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Words Of Wisdom
- It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything

- Recycling and speed limits are bullshit, they're like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed.

- If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?

- You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile.

- When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep, and you're never really awake.

- Don't eat yellow snow!:)
Music Boxxx
Jackson Guitars
ESP Guitars
Lyrics Database
MxTabs - Tablature Database
GuitarPro Files

Must see :

A Perfect Circle
Pigmy Love Circus
Lost Prophets
Blink 182
Foo Fighters
Green Day


"Catch me, heal me, lift me back up to the sun,
Help me survive the bottom
Calm these hands before they,
Snare another pill and drive another nail down another meaty hole,
Please release me
I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown,
Catch me, heal me, lift me back up to the sun,
I choose to live, I choose to live..."
A Perfect Circle - Gravity

"Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
Learn to swim..."
Tool - AEnema

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
He promised I would find a little solace
And some piece of mind
Whatever just as long as I don't feel so
Desperate and Ravenous
I'm so weak and powerless over you..."
A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless

"I see your picture
I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine
You have only been gone ten days
But already I'm wasting away
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon
But I need you to know that I care
And I miss you..."
Incubus - I Miss You

"I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy
I wish you were here..."
Incubus - Wish You Were Here

"Here I lay
Still and breathless
Just like always
Still I want some more
Mirrors sideways
Who cares what's behind
Just like always
Still your passenger...
Roll the windows down
This cool night air is curious
Let the whole world look in
Who cares who sees what tonight
Roll these misty windows down
To catch my breath again
And then go and go and go just drive me
Home then back again..."
Deftones feat. Maynard - Passenger