PROdo's world... or something ^^


Daklem... nije me dugo bilo... imao sam puno idaja za blogove... npr svadje u vezi... poljupci... pjesme priće... no danas me ova tema potakla da pisem...
naime osjecam se ko trudnica... ujutro se probudim happy... predvećer sam u depri... i onda sam malo čitao o depri...
naime... ono što sam od prije znao... Depresija... ali PRAVA depresija ne ove povremene lose volje koje mi imamo... je bolest. Bolesti kao takve se trebaju liječit i tu nema ali ili i možda...
Ja sam još daleko od depresije. Ono što meni fali u životu je jednosatvno ljubav... nakon što to sredim ja ću opet bit onaj stari kojeg ste znali od prije... kad izlazim iz lifta prvo puštam starije ^^
ako ne čak i bolji... al ne pričam sad o vezama, pokušajima, igrama... baš mislim da se pravilno i iskreno zacopam i da mi ta ljubav bude uzvraćena... e onda idem u penziju ^^
Al depresija kao depresija je teša stvar... kože čak, u rijetkim slučajevima, bit uzrokovana unutarnjim faktorima tjela i ne mora bit psiholočke naravi. Evo kratki copy/paste simptoma...
ako se ubrajate u slučajeve... molimo obratite se psihijatru ili meni :D


* depressed mood remorseful by feeling sad, low, blue, hopeless, helpless, useless, guilty, ashamed, remorseful
* loss of interest in work
* loss of feelings for family or friends
* anxiety, fears, worries
* worthlessness, undeserving even of help
* pessimism
* loss of interest in sex
* inability to experience pleasure, have fun


* slowed thinking, difficulty in concentrating, in making decisions, mixed-up thoughts
* preoccupation with failures, loss of self-esteem, obsession with certain thoughts that one cannot seem to turn off
* loss of touch with reality, hearing voices (hallucinations) or having strange ideas (delusions)
* thoughts of suicide, of homicide (Approximately 15% of untreated or inadequately treated patients with an affective illness commit suicide, often just as the depression is lifting and more energy and activity is experienced.)


* changes in appetite and weight (70% lose weight, others gain); sometimes a craving for sweets and carbohydrates develops
* sleep problems: although insomnia is most frequently reported, about 15 to 30 percent feel the need to sleep excessively and never feel rested in spite of 12 to 14 hours of sleep
* loss of energy, fatigue, lethargy
* bodily complaints e.g. headaches, muscle aches
* sour taste in mouth, blurred vision, indigestion
* agitation or restlessness


* slowed talking, moving
* withdrawal from social contacts
* crying easily or not at all even though one might like to
* excessive use of alcohol and/or non- drugs

Našvrljano u subota, dana 14.01.2006. u 18:42

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