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Daj jakomu slobodu da postane još jači
i bogatomu da postane još bogatiji,
pa će slabi i siromašni dobivati sve veće mrvice.

Tražiš li sreću, nikad je nećeš naći. Sreću ti hvale kao krasna leptira koji, eto, nema što nego samo doletjeti k tebi i spustiti se kraj tebe. Ali nije tako. Kažem ti: ne traži sreću, i ona će doći sama po sebi.

Sreća je kao sjena koja te prati i kad ne misliš na nju.
Sreća će te obuzeti kao divan osjećaj kad budeš zaboravio na sebe a živio za druge. Pokušaj zaboraviti sebe, svoje vlastito zadovoljstvo i breme. Razveseli drugoga, misli na svoju obitelj, utješi nekog bolesnika, pomozi siromahu, posjeti nekog starca - i jednog ćeš dana odjednom osjetiti kako si sretan. Ta se sreća ne može kupiti! Ona je kao jeka. Uzvraća ti jedino ako razdaješ samoga sebe.
A davati samoga sebe znači ljubiti!

See the devil on the doorstep now
My oh my
Telling everybody,oh just how to live their lives
Sliding down the information highway
Buying in just like a bunch of fools
Time is ticking and we can't go back
My oh my

What about the world today
What about the place that we call home
We've never been so many
And we've never been …
So Alone

Keep watching from your picket fence
You keep talking but it makes no sence
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
You wash your hands
You come out clean
But fail to recognize the enemy's within
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
We are

One step forward, making two steps back
My oh my
Riding piggy on the bad boys back
For life
Lining up for the grand illusion
No answers for no questions asked
Lining up for the execution
Without knowing why

Keep watching from your picket fence…

It's all about power, 'bout taking control
Breaking the will, and raping the soul
They suck us dry 'til there's nothing left
My oh my My oh my

What about the world today
What about the place that we call home
We've never been so many
And we've never been …
So Alone

It's all about power, 'bout taking control

Post je objavljen 15.09.2004. u 10:43 sati.