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<3I LoVe FiReMeN<3

So yeah I met a very hot, very sweet fireman last night!

His name is Joe. I met him through my friend Tony AKA Coco. Joe is 19 and built like no other! He has Dark hair, dark mysterious eyes, and a sweet innocent smile that just melts me to the core. He is very nice and we sat outside last night at a bonfire watching the stars and talking.

He is a smoker too, so he doesn't mind that I do. And he told me that he is going to come out with us when we go to Garnsey's tonight. OMG if I had a picture I would let you guys see his hotness for all its glory, lol but alas I don't have one ::tears:: but it's okay I will get one soon enough!


So yeah nothing else very interesting has happened in the Life of Mallory. But when I go out tonight and see JOE I'm betting you something exciting definately will. HELL YEAH!!!

He can PUT OUT MY FIRE any day!!

Post je objavljen 24.05.2005. u 19:11 sati.