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Omiljen DJ dvojac, kako meni, tako i mnogim drugim ljudima, pionirima i omladincima :))). Siroj publici su poznati po Tyrant vecerima koje organiziraju u legendarnom Fabricu. Svaki put kad "izbace" neki mix, on postaje omiljena tema rasprave gomile ljudi po raznim forumima elekronske glazbe zbog predobre glazbe i jednako dobrom mixanju. a ekipa se natjece ko ce prepoznat vise stvari koje su odsvirali.

evo par recenica o njima na engleskom (prevoditelj mi je isa brati masline u Murter :))) )

"I was born in 1966 in Bournemouth. I grew up in a small village in the New Forest with my Mother, Father and Sister. I went to a Catholic grammar school run by De La Salle Brothers; the education I received was formal, academic and uncreative. I left school with little qualifications.
For the next few years I slipped in and out of employment. I was a Rockabilly barber and played records at parties, though I saw myself as neither a hairdresser nor a DJ.
In 1986 I studied at Bournemouth Art school and in 1987 I moved to London to study at St.Martinšs School of Art. In 1990 I spent two further years of study at the Royal College of Art.
After leaving college I accepted various design, photography and painting commissions but found working commercially to be incredibly restrictive.
In 1993, somewhat disillusioned with life after art school I began organising one off parties in interesting spaces and then subsequently promoting specific nights in existing nightclubs.
Nowadays, I play records for a living and make visual art in my spare time."

Before Lee Burridge became one of England's more acknowledged house DJs in the early 2000s thanks to his Tyrant residency at Fabric alongside Craig Richards, he spent the majority of the '90s in Hong Kong, where he honed his skills. Burridge left for Hong Kong in 1991 after realizing that his chances for success in England as a DJ were slim. During the '90s he spun at most of Hong Kong's premier clubs and also made contacts with visiting DJs such as Sasha and Craig Richards. In addition, he would often spin at a number of Thailand's famous full moon parties in Ko Pha Ngan. By the end of the '90s, Burridge had moved back to England and was ready to establish himself as a premier DJ. This didn't take long once Burridge and Richards set up their Tyrant residency at Fabric, one of London's leading clubs. He garnered special attention with his unexpected mix of house and breakbeats, two often juxtaposing styles of dance music that he would carefully balance during his sets. Lee Burridge is currently ranked # 30 in the DJ Mag top 100 list for 2003.

a sad za najupornije >> na slijedecem linku mozete downloadati pre*ebenih 5 mixeva ovih genijalaca >>
a za jos upornije od ovih najupornijih >> ovdje mozete sudjelovat u gore navedenom "prepoznavanju" odsviranih skladbi >>

ili jednostavno prepisat stvari i tako kompletirat vasih nekoliko buducih omiljenih cd-ova.

vjerujte, mixevi su ZAKON...
a kome cete vjerovat ako meni necete > fogseller


ps: na ovog gore stranici cete osim ovih, naici i na jos nekoliko mixeva tipa Ritchie Hawtin, Kruder&Dorfmeister i slicno...

Post je objavljen 30.06.2004. u 12:59 sati.