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Franjo Turek, director of POA, said the journalists were used to spread false information about Ante Gotovina

International Press Institute (IPI) u svom godišnjem izvještaju o napadima na novinare diljem svijeta 2004-e, u dijelu posvećenom Hrvatskoj, navodi primjer nekolicine novinara koje je difamirala POA-a.

2004 World Press Freedom Review


In March, six journalists, from Novi list, Globus, Feral Tribune, Vjesnik and Jutarnji list, were accused by the POA (the Croatian Counter Intelligence Agency - one of three national secret agencies) of collaborating with foreign secret services. Franjo Turek, director of POA, said the journalists were used to spread false information about Ante Gotovina, a Croatian general under suspicion by the Hague War Crimes Tribunal; they reported that he is hiding in Croatia.

The journalists accused the POA of tapping their phones, listening to their phone conversations and following them. Turek resigned from his position as director of POA. The Council for Civilian Supervision of National Security Agencies denied eavesdropping. The whole scandal appeared in the media in February and March. At the beginning of March, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic publicly confirmed the POA was following and photographing the journalists, thus dismantling the POA's case.

By South East Europe Media Organisation

O tome je za Glas Amerike Lada Stipić-Niseteo izvijestila na sljedeći način:

Sukobi vlasti s medijima u Hrvatskoj prošle godine

Protuobavještajna agencija optužila je šest novinara za suradnju sa stranim službama. Franjo Turek je priču dosolio konstatacijom da su novinari upotrijebljeni kako bi širili dezinformacije o generalu – bjeguncu pred Haagom.

Post je objavljen 11.04.2005. u 14:43 sati.