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Neki mladi filmas u Sarajevu napravio ljubavnu pricu s gay parom i sad je, kaze BBC, nastradao.

Gay war film stirs Bosnian anger

Po meni, ovo je glup komentar:

It is not, by western standards, an explicit film. But in a society where religion, whether it be Islam, Serbian Orthodox or Catholicism, plays such a powerful role, the film has run into a storm of criticism.

Nisam sigurna da vjera igra bas tako veliku ulogu... Patrijarhalni tradicionalizam, to da.

E, ovo je neka hrabra cura:

Svetlana Djurkovic runs the "Q Association", the first lesbian and gay pressure group in Sarajevo.

"Homosexuality is something that has always been hidden in this society. So people don't know how to react when it comes to the surface. They feel threatened.

"We're fully behind the film and think the director has a lot of courage to go through with it," she says.

Post je objavljen 21.03.2005. u 22:10 sati.