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Fallin' in Love

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"Baš šteta što živi daleko od mene... i što ga ne mogu gledati svaki dan. Ne mogu opisati osjećaj kako mi nedostaje... pogotovo kad se ne vidimo više od tjedan dana... kao da fali pola mene... kao da sam potpuno sam. Svaki slobodni trenutak iskoristim da mislim na njega i pitam se što sad on radi. Svu snagu elektronske komunikacije možeš otposlati vragu... to jednostavno nikad neće nadoknaditi onaj trenutak kad vidiš osobu oči u oči, i kad je možeš zagrliti i poljubiti." Baš su me dirnule ove riječi iz prijateljskog bloga.

Zašto ja ne mogu napisati nešto tako lijepo i dirljivo? Možda zato što nema prikladne riječi da se opiše razdaljina između mene i Micka. U takvoj situaciji je svaki chat, svaki telefonski poziv, svaka instant poruka dragocjena. Jer to je sve što imamo...

Ima li to smisla pitam se po tko zna koji put. I čvrsto odlučujem da ćemo to saznati za točno 45 dana…

Falling in Love

Baby Baby fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love again
Everyday I love you more and more

I could never see
What fate had planned for me
And then you came
And made a dream
My reality
Maybe you can't see
All the things you've lead to me
Well my simple fate is at the gate
And boy you've got the key

Baby Baby fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love again
Everyday I love you more and more

It seems like yesterday
you and I first loved this way
But now I know
How love can grow
With each and every day
As we lay at midnight hour
And feel loves hidden power
So strong and bold as life
Unfolds the mystery to me

Baby Baby fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love again
Everyday I love you more and more

I never dream
That my summertime
Flame could show me
How much pleasure
The winter can bring
Hooked up by the fireplace
Time I don't waste
As I love you slow
Then increase the pace
Your natural body perfume
Brightens up any room
One whiff and my spirits taken up lift
It feels good
When your woman is your best friend
But it's better
When you fall in love again

Baby Baby fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love again
Everyday I love you more and more

Post je objavljen 18.03.2005. u 23:42 sati.