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I found a really good song to listen to. Thanx to Suicide Girl for letting me know Good Charlotte exist.

Beautiful songs, or I should say compositions, are like diamonds sparkling among pebbles. Songs are more than pleasant sounds – they are emotions in the air. Once, I read a saying

The one thing that real life needs is background music

And I completely agree. Some things just demand background music.
When you’re down and alone, you just need music to your match mood. When you’re happy and on the top of the world, you need music too. Angry moods, unhappy moods, doped-up moods … they all have their expression in music, more than in any other form of art we have created.

Music is what I remember most.
I don’t have a very good memory for events, I forget half the things that happened to me in the past, or even a few weeks ago, but I don’t forget music.
From the first nursery rime I have learned to the latest hit, I remember all the music I ever heard. Well, most of it anyway :).

What food is for some people, for me it’s music. It brings back the memories of happy and sad times, of events long gone and lovers lost.
I still cannot hear some songs because there are memories I don’t wish to recall associated with them.
Who cares about food, music is the food of life.

Better yet, music is life. When you look at what music really is, just vibrations and frequencies, you can say that music exists in the heart of the universe. Not that we can hear it, but it’s there. In the hearts of the stars, in the depths of space, from supernovas to dark matter, everything has its frequency, its vibration … its music. Music is integrated in our very beings. Can you say which color an atom is? No. But can you say what music it plays? Yes.

(LOL, then you can really say life does have background music – only we can’t hear it and it’s not appropriate :) )

I’ve found an interesting article, small but cute, on the music within and around us, called Exploring Micro/Macrocosmic Music; read it if you have time. It’s fascinating.

Honeybunny and I are going to Istria for the weekend again. So, if I don’t write soon, have a good weekend y’all :).

Love from


Post je objavljen 11.03.2005. u 12:45 sati.