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Zrno Peska

"Ljudi su stoka" kaze jedan moj drug i u pravu je. Izgleda da ljudi zele da su svi isti kao sto su zrnca peska ista. Samo sto ljudi ne shvataju da je svako zrno peska jedinstveno i drugacije od ostalih. Nijedno nije 100% isto kao to zrno do njega, mozda se na milion zrna mogu naci deset istih srazmera ali opet i ona se razlikuju po drugim stvarima.
Jebem li ga zasto se ljudi plase onoga sto je drukcije?
Izgleda da bi mnogima najvise odgovaralo da je Matrix zaista stvaran i da mi zivimo u idealnom svetu u jednoj harmoniji i skupljamo cvece.
Stvarno ako nesto ne mogu da shvatim je kada ljudi izdvajaju i napadaju druge zato jer su razliciti, evo jos se secam osnovne skole (vreme dizelasa i slicnih) i toga kako su me svi pickali zato jer nisam slusao turbo folk i slicna sranja i jedini sam govorio da je rok bolji. OK slazem se i ja sam vijao djavola kada sam tako na sav glas pricao kako su turbo folk i narodnjaci sranje al opet...
To je samo jedan mali primer, gledam ljude uopsteno ako mnogi se ponasaju da ako od 10 njih 8 skoci sa mosta jedna osoba ce samo stajati dok ce druga se derati na sav glas derati da nece da skoci. Nece se stideti sto nije skocila, nece se stideti sto je drugacija.
E sada kako ce ostali reagovati... obicno ce ih vuci da budu kao oni ili ce ih prebiti sto nisu.
A ako nesto ne podnosim to su rasisti i slicni... pa sta ako je neko druge vere, druge boje koze, drugacijih ubedjenja ili bolestan. On nije zbog toga drugaciji, i dalje je to ljudsko bice... bas kao ti koji sada citas ovo... i ti si ljudsko bice.
Jeste da je svako od nas jedinstven na svoj nacin, ali imamo i slicnosti a ako se te slicnosti ne vide odmah ljudi reaguju, na zalost obicno u negativnom smislu :(
Mislim da sam vec pisao o ovome ali mi tema ne izlazi iz glave... sustinski iz glave mi ne izlazi kljucno pitanje "Zasto ljudi umeju biti tako pokvarena stoka?" I zato mi je drago sto mi kazu nekad da nisam normalan, tada se osetim zivim, pravom osobom a ne ko da sam neka kukavica.


Every day I walked to the market.
I walked through the park.
Just because I wanted so.
Just because I liked it a lot.
I liked to feel the sunrays on me.

One day I decided that I don`t want to go on the market.
One day I decided that I wanna feel the sun.
I simply layed down on the ground.
It felt nice so I kept laying there.
While sunrays shined on me.
I gave them my mind.
I gave them my heartbeat.

Day passed, night came.
But still I liked laying there.
I ignored couples that went into the bushes.
So they could have their share of sex.
I Ignored junkies that went into the bushes.
So they could have their dose there.

People started looking at me more and more.
Somebody touched me and said "there is no pulse".
And suddenly flashing lights and people around me.
I can feel their fingers on me.
I can feel them pressing me.
I can feel electricity going through me.
Trying to take my heartbeat.
Trying to take my mind.

They all are angry
Only because I gave my heartbeat to the sun.
Only because I gave my mind to the sun.
And I dont want to give it to them.
It is just for the sun and nobody else.

They can shock me.
They can hit me.
They can blow in me.
But they can`t have it.
My heartbeat is just for the sun.
My mind is just for the sun.

They all look disapointed as I lay there not giving them anything.
I see one guy getting a dark bag.
I stand up as they all are shocked.
impossible I hear them say.
But how there is no heartbeat they all ask me.

They start touching me suddenly.
All they say it is impossible.
I simply pushed them all away.
If you all want to give away your heartbeat and mind go ahead.
But I will give it only who I want.

And be what I want.
Cause that is what I want.
And there is no way that any of you will convince me diffrent.
I told them clearly
They all starred at me stunned as I showed them the finger.
They all starred at me stunned as I walked away from them.
And only letting morning sun to feel my heartbeat.
Letting it to feel my mind.

by Mad Zec

Post je objavljen 02.03.2005. u 18:39 sati.