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Pascal Bruckner; Bijeda blagostanja (tržišna religija i njeni neprijatelji). 59 kuna. Kupio sam je ne bi li mi stvari bile malo jasnije. Pa i nisu baš. Jasno mi je da antiglobalisti i nemaju neku alternativu ekonomiji. I da većina njih napada kapitalizam čisto iz nekih navika vječititih opozicionara. I da ih kapitalizam s lakoćom konzumira i plasira na tržište u vidu majica sa onim nesretnim Che Guevarom. I jasno mi je da slobodno tržište ne garantira demokraciju, ali da joj je preduvjet. I da pojedinac generira sve groteskne scenarije svoje sudbine prihvaćanjem medijski nametnutih obrazaca ponašanja. I da sam u konačnici JA taj koji je kriv za svu nepravdu svijeta. Jer JA bih uvijek JOŠ. A zbog tog JOŠ godišnje gine 5000 kineskih rudara; njihovi životi su ona energija kojom se kuju proizvodi tipa: Sve po 12 kuna. I što ću ja sad?
Nekako mi svi ti revolti protiv silnih nepravdi djeluju jalovo. Osim jednog. Monty Python. Oni su jedna mala revolucionarna klika koja je onako kroz potpuno novi vid zajebancije, pretjerivanjem dovela do apsurda sve što se dalo dovesti do apsurda. I tako uvela jasnu demarkaciju između pristojnog i nepristojnog. Jer imam dojam da je nemoguće prikazati apsurdnim poštenog čovjeka u poštenom društvu. Tako da treba iz sve snage, redom udariti po svemu. Nema većeg poraza za nešto što pretendira biti važno ili se nameće kao trenutno "must have" ili "in" od svrstavanja toga u kategoriju: "ridiculous".
Nema više manevarskog prostora za svjetske revolucije ili globalne prevrate, lokalno više uopće ne postoji; WTO pravila su iznad svih Ustava. Imamo samo ove sive kubike u glavama. I sreću da nam ih neće otkinuti ako pokažemo srednji prst nekome ko polako vozi svoj Ferrari, izbjegavajući rupe na cesti koje nisu zakrpljene jer je ovaj s Ferrarijem svoj biznis registrirao na Kajmanskim otocima.
Bijeda blagostanja - tržišna religija i njeni neprijatelji. Karl Popper je napisao Bijedu historicizma. I Otvoreno društvo i njegovi neprijatelji. Popper je imao druge neprijatelje na tapetu: Marxa, Platona i Hegela; ideje da probrani mudraci trebaju upravljati savršenom državom i/ili da su demokratske vrijednosti proizvod modernih vremena i da su povijesno uvjetovane. Pa evo dva citata iz Otvorenog društva koja zvuče kao da ih je izrekao Olaf Palme, prije nego što je pošao u kino bez pratnje tjelohranitelja.

Not out of fear but out of a feeling of what is right should we abstain from doing wrong (...) Virtue is based, most of all, upon respecting the other man (...) Every man is a little world of his own (...) We ought to do our utmost to help those who have suffered injustice (...) To be good means to do no wrong; and also, not to want to do wrong (...) It is good deeds, not words, that count (...) The poverty of a democrcy is better than the prosperity which allegedly goes with aristocracy and monarchy, just as liberty is better than slavery (...) The wise man belongs to all countries, for the home of the great soul is the whole world.

Democritus 460 – 370 BC

Our political system does not compete with with institutions which are elsewhere in force. We do not copy our neighbours, but try to be an example. Our administration favours the many instead of the few: this is why it is called a democracy. The laws afford equal justice to all alike in their private disputes, but we do not ignore the claims of exellence. When a citizen distinguishes himself, then he will be called to serve the state, in preference to others, not as a matter of privilage, but as a reward of merit; and poverty is no bar (...) The freedom we enjoy extends also to ordinary life; we are not suspicious of one another, and do not nag our neighbours if he chooses to go his own way (...) But this freedom does not make us lawless. We are taught to respect the magistrates and the laws, and never to forget that we must protect the injured. And we are also taught to observe those unwritten laws whose sanction lies only in the universal feeling of what is right (...) Our city is thrown open to the world; we never expel a foreigner (...) We are free to live exactly as we please, and yet we are always ready to face any danger (...) To admit one's poverty is no disgrace with us; but we consider it disgraceful not to make an effort to avoid it. An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when attending to his private business (...) We consider a man who takes no intrest in the state not as harmless, but as useless; and although only a few may originate a policy, we are all able to judge it. We do not look upon a discussion as a stumbling-block in the way of political action, but as an indispensable preliminary to acting wisely (...) We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom and freedom that of valour, and we do not shrink from the dangers of war (...) To sum up, I claim the Athens is the School of Hellas, and that individual Athenian grows up to develop a happy versatility, a readiness for emergencies, and self-reliance.

Pericles 495 – 429 BC

Post je objavljen 26.02.2005. u 05:41 sati.