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Warren Russell Leonard and James Joseph Skelly were married yesterday at the Crowne Pointe Inn in Provincetown, Mass. Rachel E. Peters, a justice of the peace, officiated.

Mr. Leonard (above, left) is 46. He is the manager of operations for the board of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in New York and the director of development for the ASME Foundation. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University.

Mr. Skelly, 54, is the manager of care coordination at the Columbia University Medical Center, part of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. He has a diploma in nursing from the Memorial Hospital School of Nursing in Worcester, Mass., and graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston.


Britanska kraljevska mornarica pocinje kampanju aktivnog regrutiranja homoseksualaca.

New Course by Royal Navy: A Campaign to Recruit Gays

Pet godina nakon dizanja zabrane homoseksualnosti u vojsci, kraljevska mornarica je zapocela aktivno ohrabrivati pristup gayeva i obavezala se da im olaksa zivot u njoj.

U ponedjeljak mornarica je objavila da je zamolila Stonewall, grupu koja lobira za gay prava, da joj pomogne osmisliti strategiju regrutiranja i zadrzavanja gayeva i lezbijki. Takodjer su objavili da bi jedan pristup ukljucio oglasavanje u gay casopisima. [...]

Gayevi u Britaniji beneficirali su nizom novih zakona, ukljucujuci onaj kojim se zabranjuje diskriminacija na osnovu seksualne orijentacije na poslu.

Prosle godine parlament je prihvatio mjeru o gradjanskom partnerstvu koji daje prava slicna bracnim registriranim gay parovima. Cijela vojska podlijeze ovom zakonu i od jeseni registrirani homoseksualni parovi u vojsci moci ce zatraziti stanove u cetvrtima prethodno rezerviranim za vjencane parove.

Beginning in 2000, the military said gays would no longer be prohibited from serving. It also stopped monitoring its recruits' sex lives, saying that sexuality, as long as it did not intrude into the workplace, should not be an issue one way or another.

Recently, gay men and women in the British services have lived and fought in Iraq alongside heterosexuals without problems, according to military officials.

"I would say that before the European court ruling, it was difficult to see this policy happening or working," said Lt. Cmdr. Craig Jones, a gay naval officer who often speaks publicly, with the navy's approval, on gay rights issues.

"People were quite hot under the collar about it; the admirals, generals and air marshals were really concerned," he added. "I'm quite sure that these folks look now and think, 'What was all that fuss about?' "

Most European countries, including France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Denmark, have lifted their bans on gays in the military. But Britain, and particularly the navy, has gone further, said Aaron Belkin, director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


Post je objavljen 23.02.2005. u 16:50 sati.