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The Long-Standing Advantages of Wholesale Seed Suppliers in Australia

Wholesale seed suppliers in Australia

Not all of us have the time and space needed to be a dog or cat owner. Do you have a busy work schedule, and because of this, you don't have the free time required to walk your pup and give him the physical activity he needs for proper bodily and mental development? Is your apartment small for Aussie standards, and do you think a cat could claw your furniture, clothing, and your grandma's favourite carpet? In that case, the only pets you should consider are birds.

Being affectionate and social, birds are fantastic pets for apartment living and can develop a strong and long-standing connection with the rest of your family. They are intelligent and entertaining animals, with an intellect similar to that of four-year-olds, that produce fewer allergens than other pets and that need fewer material resources to develop predictably. To be happy, birds need a companion, a well-constructed and spacious cage, a couple of ledges and toys, plus ample seeds, water, and cage bedding. It may sound like a lot, but on average, birds are 30 to 50% cheaper to own than more popular pets like cats or dogs.

What Should You Know Before Buying Bird Seeds?

Australia is home to more than 3.7 million pet birds, which is one of the highest concentrations of such companions on the planet. We Aussies love our colourful and feathered friends and place a particular emphasis on both their mental and nutritional well-being. Want your birdie to stay healthy and be part of your family for a whole generation? In that case, you will have to do your homework and purchase quality bird seeds that correspond to the objective nutritional values of your beloved friend. What should you know?

Above all else, not all birds have the same nutritional regiments, and not all seed mixes on the market are similar. The formulation for a parrot can be different from the one sold for finches. Likewise, the seeds for budgies will almost certainly contain differences from the ones destined for cockatiel consumption. Secondly, you should look for a seed mix that offers a well-rounded diet without using artificial additives and colouring agents. A good idea would be to look for seed mixes that are supplemented with vitamins and minerals. However, even in this case, you will have to pay attention to the composition.

Some pet birds, like cockatiels, typically need more calcium in their diet, while others, like African grey parrots or canaries, might require extra protein. The size of the seeds will also differ depending on the bird. For large pet birds like parrots, sunflower and pumpkin seeds typically make up the majority of the mix composition. However, for smaller ones, like budgies, the main ingredient will be millet. Ultimately, it's essential to pay attention to the preferences of your pet bird and select a mix sold by wholesale seed suppliers in Australia.

What Are the Practical Advantages of Buying Seeds in Bulk?

The services of wholesale seed suppliers are convenient, as they will mean less frequent trips to your store. Are you located in a somewhat remote location outside of major transportation hubs, and for this reason, you don't have a pet shop nearby? When you order products online, do they typically arrive late? If that's happening, a solution to consider would be to buy seeds for your birds in bulk. Wholesale shopping reduces the frequency of reordering and ensures that your feathered friend will always have seeds available.

The services of wholesale seed suppliers are cost-effective and can be especially practical if you have the space to store a large quantity of seeds purchased in bulk. Due to economies of scale, products purchased in large quantities are more financially advantageous, as they are likely to be eligible for significant discounts. Plus, their transportation is mostly free, and you will save up on the shipping charges associated with multiple online purchases. Buying in bulk means less package waste; it can be an intelligent way by which to stay prepared for emergencies, and it's a way to stock up on seeds that might not be market available for much longer.

What Other Accessories Should You Invest In?

Birds need less attention than dogs, are surprisingly long-living, and are less demanding than cats. However, this doesn't mean their ownership comes without costs. Do you want your birdie to grow up safe and live a long and happy life with your family members? If so, the first thing you must do is purchase a sturdy and ample-sized bird-cag. Secondly, you will have to invest in perches, feeding bowls, and water bottles. Birds, especially in Australia, are susceptible to dehydration, and therefore, you'll need to be mindful of them having easy access to fresh water.

Not least, you'll need to invest in interactive toys, bathing accessories, and high-quality cleaning supplies. Birds are clean animals that regularly groom themselves. However, the same cannot be said about their cage, which will need to be cleaned periodically. Plus, they are susceptible to boredom. Perches, swings, and bells can be accessories to distract the attention of your feathered friend and make him forget for a few hours that he is not in his natural environment. However, like with the majority of pets, the most important thing is to spend personal time with your bird and provide him with a mate with whom to share his time.

Wholesale seed suppliers in Australia 2

A Financially-Intelligent Move

Pet birds provide a great teaching experience to your children, can adapt successfully to living in large families, can learn tricks, and tolerate other animal companions. Birds are fantastic animals, and their popularity in Aussie homes is steadily increasing. Therefore, most online pet shops now keep in stock bird seeds that can be purchased in bulk. Do you want to save up on cash? To make your life easier and avoid frequent trips to your local pet stores? Are you on the lookout for an excellent deal? In such a case, looking at the offers of wholesale seed suppliers in Australia could be an action worth your time.

Birds are some of our country’s most popular pets, and for good reason. They are funny, intelligent, loyal, adaptable and social. So, they can be an ideal companion for families with small children or people living in small apartments. On top of that, birds are cheaper to own than other types of pets, and their nutritional requirements are easy to fulfil. Buying bird seeds in bulk is easy and could be a solution if you are living in an area with poor courier coverage. Furthermore, the pet shop industry in our country is in a continuous process of development. So, the options available to you in terms of wholesale bird seeds will only continue to grow.

Post je objavljen 29.08.2024. u 10:55 sati.