R I S H I - ( 7? )
" R I S H A " -
Female anme Indian origin.
Derived from: ‘rishi’
" R I S H I " -
(Sanskrit: 7?, romanized: [ci)
Sage or a spiritual saint who has spent his life meditating and given his life in the service of god, to achieve the unknowable and mysterious truth, the truth of life.
After one reaches a level of spiritual depth, he is called a ‘rishi’.
An accomplished and enlightened person. They find mentions in various Vedic texts.
Rishis are believed to have composed hymns of the Vedas.
The Post-Vedic tradition of Hinduism regards the rishis as "great yogis" or "sages" who after intense meditation (tapas) realized the supreme truth and eternal knowledge, which they composed into hymns.
The term appears in Pali literature as Ishi and in Buddhism, they can be either Buddhas, Paccekabuddhas, Arahats or a monk of high rank.
The Anau seal is a stamp seal with an incised design that was recovered from excavations at Anau south, Turkmenistan in 2000. The seal is a combination of multiple designs in an architectural context dated to Bronze Age in Central Asia. The seal has been described as having “a series of symbols that are not yet deciphered”
slucajno otkrila:
sanskrit: &G50 m. devara - husband's younger brother
hrvatski: djever - mužev brat
Ova boginja koja sjedi na labudu je
Boginja Sarasvati
Smatra se da od nje dolazi pleme Harahvati - Hrvati
No, it’s not wrong. The Croats are a Slavic nation that originated from northwestern Iran and spoke a language related to Iranian. However, when they arrived among the Slavs at the waste lands north of Carpathians, they gradually Slavicized.
Post je objavljen 08.08.2023. u 22:41 sati.