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How to use CGDI CG100 to do mileage repair for Volvo S80L

This post will show you how to use the CGDI CG100 tool to do mileage repair for Volvo S80L.
Note: This tutorial was created by CGDI Technical Support and this is a share from a customer.

1. Check the car information (car type and car year).

Got the car information from VIN-- Volvo S80L.

2. Check the current mileage.

Better take a picture to record, we can see the current mileage is 160886 KM.

3. Remove the dashboard and check the chip number.
The kilometers are stored in chip: 9S12H256

4. Connect CG100 software --> Programmer --> 9S12H256

5. Connect the wires according to the diagram.

6. Read the data (check the km if the same as shown).

7. Write your target mileage of 100910 KM and wait for the software to change.

8. Put the dashboard back in the car and everything is ok.

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Post je objavljen 29.06.2023. u 11:15 sati.