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Dating Advice for Boys (Added a new part about "Personalization")


I'm adding this first part after I wrote the entire article, and I can't believe that I didn't start it originally with it.

BEFORE ANYTHING, you should develop aware Masculinity, the real one, the Patriarchal one: strength, self reliance, leadership, responsibility, the ability to take charge, and to be the only real cause of your actions, instead of needing any validation.
You must become complete as a self activated force of action, and not a boy needy for emotional support.
You are the support, the rock a woman and your couple and family lean on.
You don't search for a mommy to support you and validate you. You are the leader and the strenght, a force by yourself.

Watch this video. Very instructive:
There's Only One Rule To Remember To Attract A Woman
The number of confused morons in the comments section, who misunderstood the author is amazing...

Although I do not exactly agree that a complete Man needs to be "needed", because it is still of form of good doggie external validation, which is psychological dependence.
A Man does what is needed, and wants surrender of a woman to his masculinity and its attributes. And if she disrespects that masculinity and his efforts, then good bye...

As for women needing to be "wanted", it doesn't mean just sexually, but wanting her as whole.
But to want a woman, she should have quality femininity, human femininity.
Wanting love with her, which is not a mere emotion but a deep union of lives into one.

OK, now:

"Flirting" is not about pleasing a woman and making her feel good, so that she "likes" you. It is about establishing a fundamental Man-Woman relationship.
The content of flirting (or should I say "non-flirting") is what is exchanged between them:
masculinity as leadership and femininity about accepting that leadership and accepting to participate and contribute in the life shaped by Masculinity.

It is about taking over the woman, making her accept the Male dominance as positive life leadership, and her to surrender to his masculinity.

You DON'T CHASE A WOMAN, you establish the Male-Female energy dynamics!

That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be benevolent, fun and playful - it definitely should (and with the message that you are amusing yourself, not trying to entertain her - you are not her entertainer), it can and should also be warm, if it is the right type of girl, but the goal is not to be in the good graces of a woman or pleasing her, but to take her over with masculine energy and making her accept that takeover - to lead and make her accept that lead by taking her over in the interaction with her.
The warmness is the message that this takeover is done with good intentions by a potentially protective male force, if she accepts benevolent masculine leadership.

(Being fun, being playful, teasing, doing fun things comes completely naturallly when you are not trying to be liked or impress. You are just playing and having fun yourself, not trying to provide fun for her per se, so that she likes you. She participates in your fun, the fun you lead.)

By "making her" I don't mean any coercion or pressure, but simply the natural imposition of male energy, by its mere leading presence, activity and through interacting with her.

If you flirt to please a woman, hoping she will like you, you are defining yourself as a friend and servant, not the male force she wants (yes, wants) to submit to (as leadership, not as slave master), and contribute with her femininity.

I partially watched a video where a female dating coach was giving advice to men how to date. I didn't finish it because it was wrong, because focusing on creating a pleasant dynamics, which is not necessarily wrong in itself, but was missing the essential point I stated above.

The best date is to not have a "date" in the classical sense, that is often a job interview, where the guy is trying to impress the girl with his qualities and by what a good guy he is, and trying to establish "meaningful communication".

The point of that interaction isn't that, it is to establish the natural male-female relationship. The point is establishing the natural exchange between Masculinity and Femininity, and not being pleasant and being "liked".

It doesn't necessary exclude being pleasant or likeable, but that's not the goal one should have in mind.

Sometimes these things can even start during a conflict about... anything, when a woman feels your calm benevolent masculine control and dominance over the situation. She might be angry at that moment, but ask for your favor a little later, or the next day.

For example, I once very sharply reprimanded a college girl who was smoking in a place where it was forbidden. I was not trying to convince, but had very severe words for her (nothing vulgar or insulting) with a totally dominant unquestionable tone and attitude. She was livid with rage and left the area.
About a year later, she saw me on the street and almost run to me with a big smile. She asked me if I remembered her (I didn't), and started to recount the event, as if it was a fond memory of her...

But back to my main point.
Generally speaking, by being masculine, and by leading in the interaction and allowing a woman to participate in the world of a Man, and contribute to it, her feminine nature will be satisfied.

It is not about being allowed into her world, but allowing her into yours and to participate in it, the world of your leadership, and enriching it with her femininity - creating a mutual enriching situation and interaction, based on the roles of masculinity and femininity.

Of course it is not about talking about you, but establishing a communication where the implicit content is masculinity and femininity, where both sides make their offer, so to speak, you of masculinity (by demonstrating it), her of femininity. But you are leading and determining if you want her into your world. You are offering the value of masculinity, imposing its presence and activity, and she offers her femininity, her participation in the reality you create, and then participates and enriches that creation.

You offer her the opportunity to enter that world that you lead, and show her femininity in her interaction with you.
Depending how it goes, the deal is sealed or not (implicitly and mostly subconsciously for her).

Friendship (not the "friend-zone" type, but a spiritual one) and love come as a result of all this, not as a cause.
It comes after the correct exchange between masculinity and femininity has been established.

I'm sure I could have written this far more succinctly, but it's the morning and I feel chewed up, and needed something to activate my mind a bit.

It is impossible to detail all the practical implications and variations of this in a short post, this is just the core idea one must start with.

It can be quite subtle actually, For example you can open her world and make it yours... integrate it into yours.

You can let her be part of your world, the one you create, yes, but your core, no, it must always remain a mystery to her.

Generally speaking, your masculine core must always be out of reach for her, untouchable, unfathomable, always leading in the right direction, always ready for benevolence, but not as a servant, but as the untouchable king.

I will let you chew on that.


ABOVE ALL, Select, Select, Select!

With your intelligence, of course!

A high quality girl, with a true human core, not just a female reactive animal.
One who is capable of understanding that common life task a man and a woman must participate in, under the leadership of a man, and understand love, not as affirmation and validation of her ego, but as union and deep bond in that task. Those things were explained elsewhere in this post and this blog.
You will have to talk with her about that at some point.
Not in those abstract words, of course.
You can also use more subtle tactics to make her tell you who she really is, without her understanding that you are selecting.
Never neglect your intuition, because you are impressed by her looks. And don't be impressed by her looks!

And don't accept any crap from her, do not be conciliatory, don't be accommodant don't be a puppy, don't close your eyes, test her instead, enter in conflict to see how it turns out (not out of childish emotional motives, but on purpose, if she enters in conflict with you. Engage in the conflict. but as a Man, with a purpose and a completely cold head, to figure out who she is and if you should stay with her or not, and not because you would be emotionally triggered like a child.
Never be assuaging, never be appeasing, but see where it leads you. And if you conclude she's no good, dump her.


Very Important Warning !!!

If you pass your time in a state of sexual energy, you will want to have sex with any girl, even the low quality ones.

You shouldn't.

This is important because once you enter a sexual dynamic, all the talk about selection can easily go out of the window, and you might end up with a very low quality woman, or enter a period of drama that you definitely don't need, and that could leave scars on your psyche.

The solution is to be constantly in a state of aware life, of causal life, and search for a girl who can fit inside that frame an be the other side of aware life.
Only then can you enter sexual energy with her, but even then, it is not the usual animal one, but one that has been "spiritualized" by its integration in aware causal life, and which is not animal reactivity anymore.

All the sexualization I'm talking about here, must be done from the point of view of aware causal life, not animal reactivity, with the goal of establishing an energy bond with a person who can be part of that common aware life.
(To understand what I mean about "spirituality" - aware, non reactive life - you might want to read some other posts in this Blog)

Now, back to the subject:

It is about the necessary sexualization in "flirting", and what it actually means.

I will not detail any "techniques", because if you understand the point explained in the following post, you should be able to intuitively understand what to do, once you mentally enter the Masculine mindset. Until then, you will ask yourself all kinds of unnecessary questions and search for recipes from others, when in fact you got to understand what it means to be a Man, and then that Man will know what to do.

OK, sexualization in flirting means that the approach to a woman, consisting in wondering what you could talk about with her to keep her interested and impress her into believing that you are a good guy worthy of her attention... is the completely wrong approach.
It is wrong because it is basically a search for approval where you put yourself in a subservient position, and there is a good chance that she will not be impressed, unless she looks for a subservient provider.
This is the classical "date" approach", and these days, I definitely don't recommend it.

What one should do instead is to express a male energy representing the complete physical takeover of a woman.
It doesn't ask for approval, the energy already takes her, even before anything happened.
When a woman is surrounded, absorbed by such energy, when she is taken over by it, then she will really react to you.

That doesn't mean that you have to say anything sexual, or suggest anything of the kind. The "energy" does the work.
You can talk about whatever you want, it is not important, although verbal messages are important in the sense that they reflect that takeover energy.

If you have it, if you express it, with words or otherwise, it can even attract women you had absolutely no intention in attracting.
For example, the other day I watched a YouTube video by an attractive woman, in which there was a scene of a blonde in a bubble bath drinking Champaign (nothing to do with the real subject of the video), and it was not entirely clear if that was her because she looked younger and the author of the video is a brunette.

So, being myself, instead of praising her video and saying how great she is, like all the boys in the comments section, I just posted the comment: "are you the (fake) blonde in the bubble bath?", and an hour later I received a reply in a hidden comment visible only to myself in the notifications.

The way this worked, and that was absolutely not my intention, just the way I sometimes communicate, was that I appropriated her physicality by indirectly suggesting that I wanted her physically, but the word "fake" (blonde) put me in a position above being subordinated to her beauty, but defining it and teasingly controlling it instead.

I didn't contact her, because it was absolutely not my intention to have anything with her, but this is an example of what works, even unintentionally.

Most women define themselves by their look, and the key is to appropriate their physicality, not to have an interesting conversation, although you can make that appropriation using conversation, but the conversation is not the goal, appropriation is.
You can have all kinds of interesting conversations, after this physical energy appropriation,

And this is not a technique to get women into bed, although it can be misused for that, and in fact it is not a technique at all, it is just male energy expressing itself in whatever one does or says.

Also, this doesn't mean that you are even interested by (animal) sex, it is just the way to approach a woman you are interested in, by taking possession of her at the level of physical energy first, and then move to deeper communication. But this should come first.

Let's be precise, this male energy is not, or should not be mere animal male energy, but human masculine energy, manifesting patriarchal benevolence.

If a woman is taken over physically by such energy that is also benevolent and signifies that it doesn't just want her for sex, but is also protective and ready to lead into something meaningful, then she will tend to surrender at much deeper levels, and then you could actually go somewhere worthwhile with her.

But for that you should really like her first at that deeper level, so that you are appropriating her and taking responsibility for her already at that deeper level of her energy.

But it doesn't mean "friendliness" in the sense of showing that you are "friendly", searching approval, to be liked. A woman should always fear a man a bit (not physically, but his decisions), and benevolence and friendliness come as a reward and reassurance, not as a means to be liked by her.

Ideally, the establishment of a relationship between masculinity and femininity should be made implicitly. It's like saying who you are and who she is, and then INSIDE that frame one can move to establish a deeper bond of liking each other, but not by trying to impress her with what a good guy you are. You are not searching for approval, not trying to impress, just to know each other, and THEN you have to make some leadership moves, taking the initiative and leadership for something of an active nature. It can be a physical contact, but inside the frame of that benevolent dominant masculine energy.
Basically,you become her world and you lead in it and you determine if she can become part of your world and can and will contribute in it, and you take her over physically.


The problem is that sexual energy is impersonal. If it is activated it can lead to indiscriminate sex with various women and if you activate it in a woman, she can also perceive it impersonally, and not link it to you exclusively.

Therefore, it must be PERSONALIZED first. It must be clear to her that it is YOU she wants, not just a male with male sexual energy, and that her surrender to your energy must be totally personal.
It must be clear that it is not just male energy, but YOUR energy - YOU.

One of the best ways to achieve that is for her to be a virgin, but even in that case it is not fail proof, and a deep personal connection should be made, conditioning the sexual energy.

If you cannot establish that personal connection, that spiritual connection, as two aware lives together, you have a problem.

You must be that unique individual, YOU, conditioning the sexual energy, not allowing her to have it, if she hasn't surrendered to YOU, not to an impersonal sexual energy.
And if you do that, you too will not perceive her as "just one of the", to have sex with.

If sexual energy is personalized, deeply connected to the person and not just an impersonal energy, then impersonal sex becomes repulsive and disgusting.

It is tricky to explain how to personalize the sexual energy of a woman and link it to you exclusively, because it depends on the type of woman.
It mostly has to do with your power of limiting it, conditioning it, not giving your male energy unconditionally, but clearly conditioning it by her surrender to You personally and individually, not just to impersonal male energy.

All this should be natural and spontaneous in a perfect World, but in this World, even a quality girl, can fall into the impersonal animal mode, and that's why you must make sure that you personalize her sexual energy.

It is also connected to LOVE, when the energy of the heart is united with the sexual energy, and they become one.

You must become aware of the energy of the heart, distinguish it from your male sexual energy, and unite them. Then, even the wildest sex becomes something deeply individual and personal, and the animal one becomes repulsive.

But Love, not as an emotion, and not even just as an emotional connection, but as a deep aware personal union of lives.
Sex must be potentiated as something unique and deeply personal and individual, not as just sex.

You must activate her heart energy, her Love as something completely individualized and personal.
Here it is also about conditioning things, and and making her understand implicitly or explicitly if necessary, that you will not accept anything else other than complete indivudual dedication and surrender.

Love is not this pinkish romantic thing from chick-lit: candles and roses and all that stuff, (although it can sometimes be used as a reward, and NOT as a way to endear yourself to her, where you try to gain her favors), it is a union of lives under your masculine leadership.

I did the rose thing (just one rose) with great success with a girl who was already sexualized and personalized and submitted to my leadership. That was the message that I really meant it, and it completely bounded her emotionally to me.

Roses and stuff are not to get the favors of a girl, but to give her a favor when she is already surrendering or is surrendered to you, and never like those birds of paradise males who prepared some special nest and expect approval from a female bird (look what I did for you, love me please).
They are your approval of her, your reward for her, done from a position of masculine leadership and dominance.
Later in marriage, it is a sign of appreciation for what she does in the life union with you under your leadership. It is also a reward, not a search for approval, and a celebration of your union that exists under your masculine leadership.

Also, even if you just sexualized a girl, connecting the energy of the heart with your male sexual energy, you should hint, suggest a perspective about where it all leads to: a union of aware lives in the creation of life together, so that sex becomes that togetherness too.

You must give sex a meaning that is far more than just fucking. But for that sexualization must be personalized, spiritualized (aware life) and humanized (part of a human order).

When you do everything from your individuality and nothing from impersonal sexual energy, it will sort of "magnetize" the girl into a similar individualized mode where sex becomes love.

BUT, to achieve that result, you must have total masculine and male authority, an authority that says: "if you don't completely personalize your sexual energy, I will throw you away quicker than you can think of it". Of course, you don't say that verbally, but your entire attitude must condition your takeover of her, by her personalizing her sexual energy to you. You must take her over, activate her energy, and then condition it before you give it to her.
The other part of the message is that if she does that you will give her security and protection.

Of course, selection is also an important factor in all this, as this will not work as well for all types of women. Some are naturally inclined to this personalization and individualization, some far less.

A girl really aware of herself as an individual, not just a reactive ego, will tend to search for a man who is also individualized, who is aware individualized life.

The best is to find a girl who equally wants something deeply personal as you do, and is not confused by all the impersonality of sexual energy circulating inside the modern culture.

Actually, "Personalization" is not the right word. "Soulization would be, if it existed: a connection of the souls, but always with the spiritual leadership of the masculine soul. A Man does not beg for that connection, he demands it and assesses if the girl is ready to give herself into it.


One of the most important things you have to learn about how to deal with women are boundaries.

You are not the good doggie who strives to please his mistress, you are the Patriarch, the leader of life who establishes the frame for life, relationship and potential marriage.

You establish that frame, its purpose, goals, perspectives and also boundaries in which all happens, and make it clear that outside those bounds there will be nothing for you two.

Of course you have to do it wisely and not out of childish egoism and caprice, but out of the understanding that life together is a common act of creation, a common effort under your enlightened patriarchal leadership, and also common satisfaction and happiness in that creation, and yes... playfulness in that process, but always in the frame set by your patriarchal leadership.

This is what love is, that joining together in the creation of life, and your role as a Man is to lead it.

Responsibility is the key for those boundaries and that frame, not your egoistic immature desires.

A woman who reacts positively to that is potentially the right one.
The ones who don't...

And don't misunderstand me here. Establishing the frame for life and boundaries is not stiffness, stubbornness and lack of flexibility.
On the contrary, communication is key, and also the feedback you get from that communication.

This is not a dictatorship, but a benevolent leadership inside a full partnership and love.

However, you should be intransigent with yourself and not ignore even the little things, the little signs that tell you that something is wrong. Never put anything under the carpet and let it develop into something really bad. It doesn't mean that you should lose control and lose it, on the contrary. It's time to show your full leadership and control of the situation.
This is done from a higher vantage point of meaning of the whole situation, a higher frame.

BUT!!! To go to that vantage point you must also reassess yourself and what you do. Is what you do coming from that higher vantage point or from some petty weaknesses of yours.

It doesn't mean that you should then accept the unacceptable, even in its budding state, with excuses like "I am too harsh", "it's nothing" etc. which is cowardly and is NOT the reassessment of yourself I am talking about. I am talking about you rising to the "big picture", and see if your boundaries come from there, or from some petty egoism of yours. If it comes from the big picture, aware life and your positive holistic leadership of it, do not make any compromises.

On the practical side, you don't have to be confrontational or aggressive, this is weakness, but think how to solve the problem intelligently, but not shy away from the possibility that the problem cannot be solved, because you made an initial bad choice of partner.
Don't sulk like a child, you are the leader, first of yourself, so make sure that you are coming from the right place when you set boundaries, and then figure out the practical aspects, never letting thing develop into something catastrophic by ignoring "insignificant" things, ignoring your gut feelings.

Boundaries are not mere interdictions, not merely or principally or at all some set of negative rules.
Boundaries come from the positive understanding of aware life and from you leading it, and if something starts to go in the wrong direction, don't ignore it out of cowardliness, but remedy to it immediately before it becomes hard to correct or is too late.
Reset life in the right direction from the vantage point of its big picture and transmit that to your partner.

If it can't be done, if she's to entangled in her on egoism, leave her! You should never have chosen her in the first place.

(I will progressively improve this part, and also the whole post. This is a work in progress.)


This is something on another level.

When you have established an initial Masculinity-Femininity rapport, taking over a woman's energy can and should ideally be done on a spiritual level, to establish if she is a spiritual being, capable of creating life together, and more importantly if she is fundamentally oriented towards that, instead of being oriented towards animal sexual and sensual reactivity and energy.

Does she exist only on the level of animal energy, or is she a true human wanting primarily to create life at a fully aware human level, aware life. Is she an aware life, or a reactive sensual animal.

Of course, if you are not a spiritual being yourself, you don't know what I am talking about, and this part is incomprehensible to you.
You might imagine that spirituality is about religion. It is not in itself. What it is, is aware integrated life, coming from the aware core of life, the awareness integrating life in one - life aware and complete, and not reactive sensual energies - a sensual energy automaton.

Making a worthy woman's energy yours, means to raise it to a spiritual level, an aware spiritual level under your guidance and spiritual leadership. This obviously means sharing your masculine spiritual energy, both spiritual energies becoming one.

But for that, you got to become a causal, aware, spiritual human being first.

And... don't be impressed by her angelic look. Many boys think that if a girl looks like an angel, she has to be a spiritual being.
Nope, sorry, it doesn't mean a thing (or it can mean it if you know how to look, but you probably don't, and this is excessively difficult to explain).
You got to figure out if she is a spiritual being much more directly, and a spiritual woman will not resent you for that, because that is what she wants too.


Aware Masculine energy is a Spiritual energy.
If a girl has been imprinted by it from a young age by the example of a truly Masculine father or sometimes by the example of someone else, uncle, maybe a woman imprinted by it and transmitting it, or even her readings or some other experiences in life, she will seek it.

Otherwise she might fall on the level of life energy constantly searching for external stimulation, constantly picking and choosing external stimulation that create this or that emotion in her. She will stay on the level of sensual-emotional body energy and constantly seeking new stimulation when the energy of the old one runs out. She will constantly be searching for "fun", which is a level of life energy without an inner core, dependent on external stimuli.

A MAN, with his aware Masculine energy of life, is the referential reality, a reality that creates reality through his leadership and action. He is not just another stimulus among other external stimuli, he is erasing that level of being, and puts emotions and sensoricity at their correct subordinated place putting the Aware creation of life together at the center, and leading it.

True Masculinity erases wrong animal sensual-animal reactive patterns of life, and ELEVATES life at its true human level, its spiritual level of aware life, activated and created from inside from one's core.

Very rare are the girls these days that have been imprinted an elevated like that by true masculinity.
This is actually not new, but previous forms of patriarchy kept in check female reactivity ans stimulation dependency by force, while I suggest an INNER FORCE that imprints, erases animal patterns and ELEVATES to spirituality.

This is btw. a way for a spiritual Man to defeat animals, by presenting a higher level of life to girls/women, and putting it in direct comparison to the lower patterns animal men represent.

That Masculine Spiritual force erases the emotional signifcance of the physicality of animal men and elevates a girl to a higher level of awareness.

Of course, if the girl has been compromised, don't bother, BUT keep beaming that energy always, not just for a specific girl, because it is simply yourself, and by doing that you elevate the whole spiritual atmosphere around you and increase the chances to find the right girl.


The difficulties both sexes have with each other in these degenerate times is due to a lack of humanization. The societies existing in the past were not really human, they relied on fixed patterns that worked, but that will not work anymore.
Men complain that feminism made women evil, or that they are evil by nature, and that now that they have power in society, that evil just comes out.

Evil comes out from all people who are not humanized, who don't know what it means, and who are reduced to animal patterns of sex and power.
This is the civilization we are in, right now, and the duty of Men is to rehumanize it, by establishing fully aware and human masculinity, and also offer and demand humanization from women.

Men must demand humanization from themselves and from women.

I talked about aware masculinity in some topics below, but it won't work without aware humanity, without humanization on an aware level. And in the frame of that humanization, the roles of Men and Women must be established.

The socioeconomic patterns and resulting cultural patterns sustaining stable relationships, marriage and family of the past are gone, awareness must replace those patterns. Men must lead in that direction, but also aware women.

Humanization is an order in life, a moral and spiritual order, a structure in life, but coming from inside, from aware life Masculine and Feminine, not as a set of external rules, and it is the duty of a Man to establish and sustain that order.

(To be continued.)


If you are in a relationship, you should never buy the crap about showing her your vulnerabilities etc. This is the sure path for being dumped. You must be her rock and everyone else's in the family, and never whine how you have it hard and expect respect. DO NOT do that!
You are the LEADER! Leaders don't whine!

However, if your girlfriend or wife is not appreciative - grateful for everything you bring to her and your couple, dump her pronto!

That doesn't mean that you cannot show your emotions about something, anything, deep emotions about things that move you. Perhaps compassion or generally speaking, how you feel about many things. You don't want to be one of those idiots without emotions, or you will never build emotional connection, and the best way to do that is to actually have emotions and not be afraid to show them.

This is not whining, this is not weakness, it is strength. Showing that you have deep emotions about things in life, but never from a position of weakness.

For example, you can even talk about certain traumatic events that happened in your past, but not whining about them, but showing how you are overcoming them or have overcomed them.
This shows emotional competence in life instead of helplessness. It shows strenght.

You can feel deeply, but you are not beaten by those emotions, you are showing how you are getting better and stronger out of them.
By doing so, you will make a girl want to participate in your further betterment, if she understands that you are not the guy who will be beaten by adversity, but who is capable to stand up by himself and strengthen and improve himself..


I said no whining about how you have it hard, and no "sharing of vulnerabilities", BUT this doesn't mean no communication!
Communication is key, and a deep one.
You can actually talk about everything, even your emotions (the non whining ones), IF you keep your masculine frame of leadership in life at all times.

One girl once told me that one thing she really liked about me was that we could talk about absolutely anything, there were no taboos.
But you can bet that at all moments I kept my masculine frame in those communications.

Communication is key to develop a deep understanding and deep closeness with each other.

Through communication you always get feedback about your relationship, and show that you care and respect her as human being (but always in a very masculine way).

Now, what is that communication all about?
It is about life.

I already said elsewhere that the union of a Man and Woman is a union of life, in the creation of life, and communication is about that life.
Not philosophically and theoretically but through the myriad of dimensions and facets of life, all its major issues, but mostly about the "little" things, through which that playful, creative and increasingly deep union of life takes place, and the two understand each other and bond.

And don't be afraid to show your emotions about all those facets of life, but again, as someone who is not beaten by them, but who feels and acts.

This part will be expanded later, particularly in relation to friendship (not the "friend zone" type), and deep bonding in the creation of a team working together to overcome the challenges of life, and enjoying each other in and through that process, which is love.
Love is not an emotion of the ego searching for its validation, it is this enjoyment and mutual validation as true human beings in the common creation of life. If that dynamic is established, love cannot vane, because it is not just an emotion of the ego feeling validated, but that principle of life from which one derives deep satisfaction.


Lots to say about that, but just a few words for now .

One message your Masculine being must be sending is the one of potential friendship, of benevolence, of the strong potential for caring you have.

BUT not like a good doggie. When you indicate that it is your nature to be caring and to be a friend to her, it must be clear that it must be inside the frame of your masculinity, your leadership, your responsibility and that it is conditioned by her surrendering to your caring leadership and Masculinity.
Your friendship is not to be a servant, but the benevolent leader and ruler and... her true friend.

If you both realize your natural respective masculine and feminine roles, then a natural deep friendship can develop, which is a joy of the soul and is in fact love, which is that deep union of lives and the will for that union and to walk together in life, a deep partnership, that becomes a full spiritual union (in the sense I defined spirituality in various places).


Watch this video, and look for some others on the same channel.

What Do Good Men Deserve | How To Keep A Good Man

The only thing I have to add to this video is what I wrote in a post below: Men must demand virginity from women!

Here's another good one: What Is The Role of Women

The French have this expression for a (good) woman: "Le repos du guerrier" - "The rest of the warrior". Of course a woman is more than that, and must enrich the world created together under a Man's leadership, and this is also part of it.

Or: Women's Unrealistic Expectations And Why They Have Them

Or: Are You Giving Your Wife Too Much? | Make Your Demands

Jennifer Moleski's YouTube Channel

Jennifer Moleski's chronological list of YouTube videos.

Jennifer Moleski supports Patriarchy.
(Don't get stuck with the "height" thing. It is true that women tend to like tall men, but even a short man who is very masculine in all of the dimensions of masculinity and is very individualized, can often overshadow tall men who only have their physical attractiveness, and not much more.)


Post je objavljen 23.07.2022. u 06:00 sati.