BERNADETTE: So that's what the trade wind looks like? I thought it was just an ordinary air current.
WATCHMAKER: Excuse me, but who are you?
LUCIO: Well, we...
BERNADETTE: Ah, I'm really taken aback!
WATCHMAKER: And what will you do here in the center for issuing orders? (he looks at them with amazement)
LUCIO: Well, Miss Princess has come to find an answer to her question...
PREDEMI: Lucio! (she tried to shut him up)
LUCIO: Where can she find a suitable husband! You see, Watchmaker, can I call you that? Or maybe it's better to ring that gong! I should tell you that the thing with the ball and Duke Xelir didn't work out at all, so we came here to look for...
BERNADETTE: We are looking for four brothers from the winds. I mean the Magic Fairy said to find a brother from the south Antarctic winds because he is the least belligerent.
WATCHMAKER: (He stares at her) Magical Fairy?
LUCIO: From the Blue Lake! You should definitely visit Blue Lake, where you can fish or sunbathe. Yes, I can already see you need some paint. It's no wonder when you just sit next to that clock and grab a hammer whenever you think of it.
PREDEMI: Lucio, sometimes you have a really long tongue!
LUCIO: Sorry if I offended you!
WATCHMAKER: So you, princess, came here to look for a husband? (he looks at her questioningly)
BERNADETTE: No, no! I came here to look for that brother from the winds from the south or the north and find a solution to my problem!
WATCHMAKER: Quite unusual, but I wouldn't get into those polemics. (he presses a button) Now the brother of the winds from the south will come, so agree with him on everything you have regarding that problem of yours, into which I would not like to stick my nose.
(a little later, that beautiful transparent ghost-man that they saw on the banner at the entrance appears in front of them)
BROTHER FROM THE WIND FROM THE SOUTH: Ah yes! Watchmaker, that's them... I've seen them before..
(he looks at them, his hair is still blowing a little in the air)