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Hiring Independent High Class Escorts vs. Escorting Agencies

The escorting industry has bloomed over the years, since more and more men prefer to hire girls for companions, and they love that there is no commitment and no strings attached. In the same time, they appreciate discretion, and the fact that the high class escorts will not reveal their clients’ identities under no circumstances. However, there are two main types of services, the ones provided by agencies and the ones offered by independent escorts.

It is up to every client to decide, but the main idea is that obtaining the best treatment possible is the key. Men expect to be seduced, pampered, and their fantasies to come true. Also, they want the high end escorts to look amazing, stand out from the rest, and be convinced to return for more. Knowing what types of services to choose in the end is the key, to avoid disappointments and waste money.

What An Independent Escort Provides

Independent high class escorts work for themselves. They are not hired by agencies, and the money they make is all for themselves. However, this means they need to take care of the entire activity. They post adds online, discuss with clients, manage bookings, keep in touch with clients, answer all questions, and such. They have to work a lot more, and there is less security involved, because no one else is behind them to have their backs.

Clients need to go to diverse websites to find their services, look through photos and descriptions, and eventually get in touch. In some cases, even clients are reticent because they don’t know what to expect. They don’t have any guarantee that the girl looks like that in real life, and that she will not disappoint. However, they can take some precaution measures, and contact the girl to find more information about the types of services offered, if they are suitable for what men have in mind.

In terms of rates, independent escorts charge less than agencies, especially because they control the costs, and they make the prices. If they know their value and if they are very experienced in the field, they can charge more, without any doubt. Some of them provide in-call services, in which case they invite clients to their location, so they can spend time there. This way, they don’t have to go across town to meet with a client.

High end Escorts that Work for Agencies

On the other hand, some high end escorts work for agencies. In this case, they benefit from protection, but they have to agree on accepting the clients that agencies book. They need to share their income, but at least they don’t manage the booking process, and they have more time at their disposal. All questions are answered by agencies, and girls interact with clients only when they meet them.

In this case, most agencies offer outcall services, which means that girls go to the client’s location. Usually, this is a hotel room or a private residency. If they need to prepare in any way, the agency will point this aspect out, especially if clients have special requests regarding clothing, behavior, kinks, or if the girls need to attend a social event. In such a situation, they have to be more professional, dress elegant, and impress everyone there.

Intimate Experiences

High class escorts provide all sorts of services, and among the most popular ones are intimate experiences. This means that clients spend the time with them in the hotel room, they express their need for companionship, and allow the girls to pamper them in many ways. This is the best time to mention if you have some preferences or fantasies, because the girls will make them happen.

No matter if you have only a couple of hours with high class escorts, the girls will make you feel out of this world. They know how to treat their clients, and how to make them want even more. they are seductive, sensual, romantic, or outgoing and dominant. It depends on your preferences and what turns you on the most. They can role play very well.

Enjoying the City

If you are looking for excitement, no one says that you need to stay inside with high end escorts, on the contrary. You can go out and enjoy what the city has to offer. Explore the best restaurants, bars, clubs, go to private parties and events, cultural sights, and more. It is a shame to be in such an exciting city, such as New York, and not taste what it has to offer.

Travelling alone is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you reach your destination, get in touch with the agency and make the necessary arrangements. Even better, you can plan ahead, because the best high end escorts are always booked, and you might not find many available. Booking is very easy, as the agency stands at your disposal, takes your contact information, and make sure the girl will arrive at the given address.

Choosing among High end Escorts

When you deal with an escorting agency, you have the possibility to choose from so many high class escorts. Their profiles appear on the website, and you can go through each, scroll through photos, and read descriptions, to decide which one is best fitted for your needs and for your plans of spending the time together.

However, if you have trouble deciding between high class escorts, then count on the agency to guide you through the process. Representatives will ask a series of questions to figure out exactly what you expect from the girls, how you want to spend time, what you like in a girl, and you will receive the best recommendations.

Booking in advance is required when you deal with agencies, but also with independent girls, because they need to make the arrangements and plan the girls’ time. They cannot be in multiple places at once, and thus, it is best to guarantee their companionship. Afterwards, you just enjoy the time together.

Post je objavljen 18.04.2022. u 11:57 sati.