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Prošle godine šogorica i ja ljetovali smo u malom mjestu na samom kraju podvelebitskog kanala. Od svih prelijepih dana u uspomeni mi je ostao i jedan neugodan događaj. Dogovorile smo se da jedan dan kuham ja, a drugi šogorica. No, kako smo bile dugo na moru, vrući dani, kupanje, šetnje, ugodna druženja na plaži razlog su da sam pobrkala dane kuhanja. Pripremila je objed, najela se i ostavila meni za jelo u pećnici. Kad se šogorica vratila s kupanja i ona je skuhala objed, jer nije pogledala u pećnicu, a ja sam da ju ne povrijedim objedovala još jednom i s njom. Kako se obično događa kada su oči veće od želuca posljedice su počele za kratko vrijeme. Najprije lagana omaglica i drhtavica praćena hladnim znojem i željom za povraćanjem, te kolikama. To me u Zagrebu možda i ne bi toliko zabrinjavalo kao u mjestancu udaljenom trideset kilometara od najbliže liječničke pomoći, naročito ako ste bez prijevoznog sredstva i ako nemate nikakvih lijekova.

Šogorica je imala jedino magnetsko srce kod sebe. Sjetilo sam se da je ono pomoglo i mojoj prijateljici u sličnoj situaciji. Leglo sam na ležaljku i stavio magnetsko srce 15 minuta na želudac i 15 minuta na crijeva. Za tridesetak minuta moji bolovi su nestali. Cirkulacija se uspostavila i ja sam se odlično osjećao.Nikakvih naknadnih posljedica nisam imao. Magnetsko srce mi nije spasilo život, ali me je poštedjelo puta do bolnice, mogućih dijagnostičkih zahvata i nepotrebnih lijekova.

Napominjem da je ta moja prijateljica liječnica i da je sama iznenađena djelovanjem tog malog magnetskog srca. Od tog dana moje magnetsko srce je uvijek sa mnom u torbici. Pa sam zato odlučio kupiti i nekoliko narukvica!!

Magnetni nakit uljepšava ne samo osobu nego i njen život!

I stvarno, dogodilo se čudo; svi bolovi su nestali. Sada svaki dan nosim magnetni nakit i osjećam se puno zdravije i ljepše, gotovo poletno.

Magnetni nakit sasvim sigurno smanjuje bolove, depresiju i poboljšava cirkulaciju, a samim tim ulijeva jednu novu energiju te se osjećate poletno i sretno. Okitite se što više, jer će te izgledati sve ljepše i bit ćete veseliji.

Pridružite se, uljepšajte život sebi i drugima.
     Free Shipping Healthy Magnetic therapy Bracelet for men & women— $20.99 (Save 43%!)
Free Shipping Healthy Magnetic therapy Bracelet for men & women
Type: Gold Magnet Men Bracelet
Material: Stainless Steel
Color: Gold, Steel Color
Length: About 18-25cm(Adjustable)
Width: About: 1.2cm
Weight: About 30g
1. Anti-fatigue, anti-radiation
2. Enhanced energy
3. Health care
Package Includes:...

Free Shipping Healthy Magnetic therapy Bracelet for men & women
Type: Gold Magnet Men Bracelet
Material: Stainless Steel
Color: Gold, Steel Color
Length: About 18-25cm(Adjustable)
Width: About: 1.2cm
Weight: About 30g
1. Anti-fatigue, anti-radiation
2. Enhanced energy
3. Health care
Package Includes:
1xPower Bracelet with Gift Box
1.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Please consider this before the purchase.
2.Please allow slight deviation for the measurement data.
Who should wear This product:
* If you have to use a computer or a cell phone for a long period of time
* If you have to keep focused on your work for a long period of time
* If your job requires you to stand or do laborious work for a long time and if you are a person who
always has cold hands and cold feet
* If you have problems such as tense nerves, poor blood circulation, or stiffness and shoulder and neck
* If you are weakly resistant to illnesses and catch colds easily.
* If you have a stressful life style and want to relax and regain your energy.
* If you have an irregular life style and are often sleepless.
* If you are fond of sports and want to develop your sport fitness.
Thermography Tests
As can be seen from the thermography tests below - Vital-ion negative ion necklaces and bracelets significantly enhance the wearer's circulation. This increase in circulation may assist with the body’s ability to recover from injury and may assist those who suffer from poor circulation. Of course, anyone wearing a Vital-ion necklace or bracelet may also enjoy the benefits from an improved circulation and a speedier recovery.
* Reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility - Injury prevention
* Reduce fatigue and tension and thus enhance the ability to perform at optimum level
* Improve blood circulation


     pure copper magnetic bracelet for arthritis men women— $20.99 (save 47%!)
pure copper magnetic bracelet for arthritis men women
1. simple design and easy wear
2. it is a magnetic health bracelet
3. can relief arthritis muscle pain in your daily life easily
magnets have been used in chinese medicine for thousands of years and are still used today as a first line treatment for many common...

pure copper magnetic bracelet for arthritis men women
1. simple design and easy wear
2. it is a magnetic health bracelet
3. can relief arthritis muscle pain in your daily life easily
magnets have been used in chinese medicine for thousands of years and are still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints by practitioners of traditional chinese medicine.
for over 100 years magnets have been used in europe for therapy and many people claim significant pain relief through the use of magnets for healing.
copper has also been used for many years to help with relief from symptoms of arthritis, bursitis, gout, and many other complaints. so the combination of copper and magnets is consider to be the most effective form of bracelet for arthritis.
pure copper bracelet with 6 high strength magnets
stylish plain band
strong but flexible, our bracelets can be bent to suit the shape of your wrist
many people report copper bracelets and magnets ease joint pain
we offer a no quibbles money-back guarantee if you are not completely happy
for both men and women use
item type:magnetic therapy bangle
material:rose gold plated copper alloy
color:rose gold
size:as the picture shown
weight:app 23g
package included:
1 x magnetic therapy bangle


black stainless steel stretch arthritis therapy bracelet— $20.99 (save 30%!)
black stainless steel elastic arthritis magnetic therapy bracelet
this bracelet has 3 rows with germanium tourmaline stones
type: black germanium magnetic men/women bracelet
material: stainless steel
color: black color
length: about 18-25cm(adjustable)
width: about: 13 mm
weight: about 32g
1. anti-fatigue,...

black stainless steel elastic arthritis magnetic therapy bracelet
this bracelet has 3 rows with germanium tourmaline stones
type: black germanium magnetic men/women bracelet
material: stainless steel
color: black color
length: about 18-25cm(adjustable)
width: about: 13 mm
weight: about 32g
1. anti-fatigue, anti-radiation
2. enhanced energy
3. health care
package includes:
1xpower bracelet
1.due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. please consider this before the purchase.
2.please allow slight deviation for the measurement data.
who should wear this product:
* if you have to use a computer or a cell phone for a long period of time
* if you have to keep focused on your work for a long period of time
* if your job requires you to stand or do laborious work for a long time and if you are a person who
always has cold hands and cold feet
* if you have problems such as tense nerves, poor blood circulation, or stiffness and shoulder and neck
* if you are weakly resistant to illnesses and catch colds easily.
* if you have a stressful life style and want to relax and regain your energy.
* if you have an irregular life style and are often sleepless.
* if you are fond of sports and want to develop your sport fitness.

blue stainless steel elastic arthritis magnetic therapy bracelet— $20.99 (save 30%!)
blue stainless steel elastic arthritis magnetic therapy bracelet
this bracelet has 3 rows with germanium tourmaline stones
type: blue germanium magnetic men/women bracelet
material: stainless steel
color: blue color
length: about 18-25cm(adjustable)
width: about: 13 mm
weight: about 32g
1. anti-fatigue,...

blue stainless steel elastic arthritis magnetic therapy bracelet
this bracelet has 3 rows with germanium tourmaline stones
type: blue germanium magnetic men/women bracelet
material: stainless steel
color: blue color
length: about 18-25cm(adjustable)
width: about: 13 mm
weight: about 32g
1. anti-fatigue, anti-radiation
2. enhanced energy
3. health care
package includes:
1xpower bracelet
1.due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. please consider this before the purchase.
2.please allow slight deviation for the measurement data.
who should wear this product:
* if you have to use a computer or a cell phone for a long period of time
* if you have to keep focused on your work for a long period of time
* if your job requires you to stand or do laborious work for a long time and if you are a person who
always has cold hands and cold feet
* if you have problems such as tense nerves, poor blood circulation, or stiffness and shoulder and neck
* if you are weakly resistant to illnesses and catch colds easily.
* if you have a stressful life style and want to relax and regain your energy.
* if you have an irregular life style and are often sleepless.
* if you are fond of sports and want to develop your sport fitness.


Post je objavljen 29.05.2021. u 16:49 sati.