Što se tiče budizma, ima san u planu objavit još jedan post. Prvo, jedna impresija, sluša san budiste u dokazivanju toga da u nama ne postoji jedno trajno "ja" i svatija san da je uistinu tako. I moran van reć da se promine percepcija kad svatiš to i nekako postaneš spontaniji i manje ozbiljno gledaš stvari. Toliko o tome, ovde neću iznosit budističku argumentaciju zašto čovik nema trajnog sebe. A sad ću van postat ono što san tija. Postavija san jedno pitanje na forumu u kursu i mentorica mi je odgovorila. Evo pitanja i odgovora:
Pitanje: I've been on this course for weeks now and I really enjoy it, I also discovered that there is a lot of truth about our nature in this course. But I have one very intimate question to ask. Now, few years ago, I have had an experience in which I saw and felt Love as an essence of everything, including ourselves as human beings. I felt a complete bliss, I was looking the sight in front of me and was thinking: What can give birth to such a wonderful and beautiful world? I also saw that Love is deeper than death. It was like I was completelly empty inside me and because of that I could feel the fullness. And that fullness is in fact Love. How could you blend this experience into buddhist thought and buddhism in general?
Odgovor: It is already there. Here is a quote by my Buddhist teacher:
"The entirety of the Buddhist training is a training in love. It is designed to teach us what love is, not just intellectually, but to really show us what love is by encouraging us to develop our own capacity to love. Learning to love not just the things we like but also the things we do not like and,ultimately, to realise this most wonderful all-encompassing transcendent love. The entire path really is a path of love."
Paul Harris
Sad, ovo što je mentorica napisala, koliko ja znam, nije baš naglašeno u budizmu općenito, budizam ne pridaje toliki značaj ljubavi, barem ovo što ja poznajem. Ali eto, možda je individualna interpretacija njenog učitelja. Kako god, meni je drago da je moje iskustvo Ljubavi kompatibilno sa budizmon. Ovde također možemo povuć paralelu Ljubavi u budizmu, sa Isusovin učenjen Ljubavi u kršćanstvu i sa Rumijen u islamu. Zanimljivo je gledat sve te paralele. Ja san izvuka ovo, jer je meni Ljubav bitna, neko drugi će možda izvuć nešto drugo. Nadan se da van je ovaj post bija koristan. Pozdrav. :)
Post je objavljen 12.04.2021. u 16:25 sati.