PAYDAY 2: Update 90
So they decided to release it now and promised to add the missing content with an update down the line. And yes, of course people want more games portable. I think that you're going to see more and more people gravitate towards pure gaming, which Switch along with mobile provide. No more entitlement then you wanting games nonportable!
You can also play locally on the same network with friends, should you have any on hand. If that makes you sick then you better go buy a lifetime supply of Alka-Seltzer because you're in for a rough ride. You will recieve 2 of ever item that the game considers 'lost' Barrel Exts, Sights, Masks, etc every time you load the game.
PAYDAY 2: Update 90 - Much like the armed robbers of its heist-happy world, rarely strays from the blueprint of its criminal lifestyle. Your favorite Heisters are all back: Chains, Wolf, Dallas, and Hoxton but is it the real Hoxton, conspiracies!