Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of Borderline Personality Disorder?
Ah, narcissism: My greatest strength and weakness. The friends told me to take it easy with her. I also made sure she knew about it, which stoked some of the drama and also pushed her away.
In the end, he damaged my life emotionally and professionally because I had failed as an object of narcissistic supply. Not that I really painted him that way. He was a 10 minute drive away, and I didn't have a car.
Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of Borderline Personality Disorder? - I supported her because it was ultimately her decision.
Though the two personality disorders share some traits, they are distinct disorders with their own set of diagnostic criteria. They often exhibit a distorted sense of self, struggle with anger issues, and vacillate between idealizing others and devaluing them. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be used to help treat co-occurring symptoms of depression, anxiety, or dating mental health disorders. Treatment may involve individual therapy sessions, group therapy, or a residential treatment center for personality disorders. Tags:, Love your article. I believe that my mother was or is bpd. She was very abusive to me as I was growing up beating nod with metal coathangers and giving me enemas and making me hold it on npd floors while on all ndp />She taught me how to walk on eggshells and become a human camellion. I was sober for 23 years to raise my kids, and now they are 28 and 31. It has been devistating. I am blessed to still have my grandmother at 94 and has all her faculties.
I am afraid of my own mind. Sober for more than thirty years and owned my own subs abuse agency. I am tired of living with my mind and thoughts. I want more help!!!!!!!!! I have put more effort into treatment and counseling than any one I know. I do take four meds to help. Any thoughts would be welcome. How do I deal with an adult sister who needs to be the center hpd attention, wants everything her way and is verbally abusive? Should I resume the relationship and set boundaries? And we most certainly do care how our actions impact others. I wholeheartedly agree with Samantha. Very poorly written overall.