Općenito o snovima Spavanje se sastoji od dvije velike faze — non-REM i REM faze spavanja. Freudova majka Amalie bila je žena vedra duha, ujedno druga supruga svoga muža koja je uz to bila 20 godina mlađa od njega.
Frojd ističe da u izvesnim slučajevima sadržaj sna ne proizlazi samo iz misli sna, već da neka psihička funkcija, putem okolišanja naše svesne misli, naših fantazama, može da oboji san nekim drugim elementima. Frojdov je doprinos što je kod čoveka Zapada ponovo doveo u centar interesovanja snove sa periferije... Poučen iskustvima zajedničikih istraživanja Freud zastupa stajalište da je uzrok histerije seksualne prirode i tada razvija dio onog što će kasnije postati poznato kao psihoanalitička teorija.
Sanjarica - tumačenje snova - Ako ste u stranoj kući-mogući znaci nelagode duha.
Dreams are forms of wish-fulfillment—attempts by the unconscious to resolve conflicts, whether recent or from the past Beyond the Pleasure Principle discusses dreams which don't appear to be such. Because the information in the unconscious is in an unruly, often disturbing form, a preconscious censor won't allow it to pass unaltered to consciousness. While still attentive, the censor is more lax in sleep than in waking hours. Thus the unconscious must distort the meaning of its information to make it past the censor. Freud makes his argument by 1st reviewing previous work on dream analysis, found to be interesting but inadequate. He then describes dreams which illustrate his theory. Others come from case studies. Many of his sources for analysis are literary. The book is as much a self-conscious attempt at literary analysis as it's a psychological study. He also 1st discusses what would later become the Oedipus complex theory. It took years to sell the 1st 600 copies. Freud revised the book at least eight times. The 3rd edition added a section which treated dream symbolism literally, following Wilhelm Stekel's influence. Later psychoanalysts have been frustrated with this section, as it encouraged the notion that dream interpretation was a straightforward hunt for symbols of sex.